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Romanesque period
a style of art emerging in Italy 9th Century and lasting until the advent of Gothic architecture in the 12C. The reason behind the name of this period is because the observers thought it looked closer to Rome than to Gothic
Age of faith
the church re-established itself as a strong unifying and stabilizing force
Monasteries became the center of education
Charlemagne's kingdom was parceled out among his grandsons
knights were young sons of noble families who attached themselves for military purposes
a series of religious expeditionary wars blessed by the pope and the Catholic church, with the stated goal of restoring Christians access to the hay places in near Jerusalem
economic system based upon limited land ownership and forced labor (serfs)
containers of relics (body parts or possessions of saints)
Pilgrimage arts
relics and images that were the attraction for pilgrimage
Bayeux Tapestry
a unique embroided narrative, probably executed by a group of women
central support of Medieval doorwards
lunette above the door was ornamented with complex iconography
the western facade decorated with flanking
Blind arcading
A distinct form of decoration aimed at relieving otherwise blank walls.
Succession of receding arches.
A forecourt surrounded by porticoes
A portico before the nave for the penitents.
Principal or central part of the church extending from the narthex to the choir.
Any of the longitudinal divisions separated from the nave.
Double Bema
Raised platform transverse open space separating the nave and the apse.
As wide as the nave, forming a square at the crossing, consisting of the choir and apse.
A table upon which the Eucharist is celebrated.
A semi-circular or polygonal often vaulted recess; termination of the sanctuary.
A canopy placed over an altar.
East end of the church comprising of the choir, ambulatory and apse.
Houses a room reserved for prayer and domestic quarters for monks and nuns.
denotes the building, or complex of buildings, that houses a room reserved for prayer (e.g. an oratory) as well as the domestic quarters and workplaces of monastics
Cathedra of Pisa
an architectural landmark by an unknown architect famous for its leaning tower
Santiago de compostela (spain)
a pilgrimage destination for paul's pilgrims
Durham Cathedral (england)
The greatest most ambitious Romanesque church built in England.
First to use pointed arches. Features a wheel window.
Tower of London
a royal place of her majesty in London
Romanesque period
in the roman manner
semi-circular arch
is an arch with an intrados (inner surface) shaped like a semicircle
an arch struck from one or more centers below springing line
an arch resting on an imposts treated as downward continuations of an archivolt