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multiple sclerosis (MS)
(Myelin Sheath, Multiple Scars, Muscle Spasms)
chronic, progressive degenerative disorder of the CNS
characterized by disseminated demyelination of nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord
onset at 20-40 years of age, usually women
can be genetic and triggered by a viral infection
marked by chronic inflammation, demyelination, and gliosis
manifestations of multiple sclerosis (MS)
vision changes: blurred, nystagmus, color distortion, double vision
extremity muscle weakness
problems with balance and coordination
numbness and tingling
Lhermitte’s sign - shock down the spine when you flex the neck
pain and spasms in lower back and abdomen
“____ hug”
speech problems
constipation and spastic bladder = urgency and frequency
ED and decreased libido
extreme fatigue
relapsing-remitting vs. progressive-relapsing patterns of multiple sclerosis (MS)
clearly defined attacks of worsening neurologic function (relapses) with partial or complete recovery (remission)
Progressive disease from onset with clear, acute relapses with or without full recovery. Periods between relapses are characterized by continuing progression
primary-progressive vs. secondary-progressive patterns of multiple sclerosis (MS)
Steadily, worsening neurologic function from the beginning with minor improvements, but no distinct relapses or remissions
A relapsing-remitting initial course, followed by progression with or without occasional relapses, minor remissions, and plateaus
diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS)
CSF analysis
check for increased IgG = inflammation
MRI with contrast of brain and spinal cord
shows plaques, atrophy, tissue destruction
must have:
evidence of 2 or more inflammatory demyelinating lesions in 2 different locations in the CNS
2 or more attacks occurring 1+ month apart
all other diagnoses ruled out
what can multiple sclerosis (MS) mimic?
disc problems or stroke
how can a patient manage their multiple sclerosis (MS) symptoms?
especially water exercises
do not overdue it, balance with rest
drug therapy (corticosteroids)
PT/OT/speech therapy (helps with swallowing)
support groups to help cope
injury prevention
bladder control (KEGELS)
avoid triggers (4Ss: sun, stress, sickness, smoking)
(mellow and stay cool)
myasthenia gravis (dryasthenia gravity)
an autoimmune disease of the neuromuscular junction marked by fluctuating weakness of certain skeletal muscles
antibodies attack and destroy the ACh receptors
first sign of myasthenia gravis
ptosis (eye drooping) and double vision
which muscles are affected the most by myasthenia gravis?
muscles engaged in repetitive movements like the eyes, mouth, and respiratory muscles
results in difficulty chewing, swallowing, speaking, seeing, and breathing sometimes
symptoms move with gravity, start at the top and moves down
myasthenic crisis
acute worsening of muscle weakness triggered by respiratory infection, surgery, pregnancy, stress, or certain drugs (4Ss: stress, sun, sickness/sepsis, smoking)
can result in aspiration and respiratory insufficiency → BiPAP or ventilator
electromyography (EMG)
used to diagnose myasthenia gravis
shows decreased response to repeated stimulation of the hand muscles that shows muscle fatigue
edrophonium test
used to diagnose myasthenia gravis
an antiACh agent is given IV → prevents breakdown of ACh → should rapidly improve muscle strength of someone with MG
can diagnosis of myasthenia gravis be done based on H&P?
yes; other diagnostic tests like the EMG and edrophonium test are used for confirmation
“peek” sign
during sustained forced eyelid closure, patient with myasthenia gravis is unable to keeps lids fully closed
manifestation of myasthenia gravis
muscle weakness later in the day
strong muscles in the morning
decrease in potassium
weakness that increases with activity
drooping of the eye
respiratory distress if severe due to weakened diaphragm
drug therapy for myasthenia gravis
enhances transmission at neuromuscular junction
suppresses immune response
what surgeries and therapies can someone with myasthenia gravis get?
IV IgG before surgeries or crisis
removes circulating ACh receptor antibodies, filters plasma, and returns it to patient
nursing interventions and education in a myasthenic crisis
plan activities to be early in the day
time medication to hit its peak during mealtime
give semisolid foods NOT thin liquids
plan activities that match the patient’s interest
intubation at bedside
Guillian Barre Syndrome (tip: ground up barre)
an autoimmune disorder affecting the PNS; causes injury to the myelin sheath and nerve axons → edema and inflammation → slows down/stops transmission of nerve impulses
occurs a few days or weeks after viral or bacterial infection of GI or respiratory
ex. CMV, Hep. A,B, or E, Zika, Hib, Epstein Barr
can be associated with vaccines
manifestations of Guillian-Barre
acute, ascending, rapid weakness of the limbs
can progress to paralysis
hypotonia (reduced muscle tone)
orthostatic hypotension
bowel and bladder dysfunction
flushing and diaphoresis
facial weakness
decreased/absent DTR
worse at night
decreased appetite and interferes with sleep
severe: respiratory failure - kills them
inability to cough or lift head is early sign
how is Guillian-Barre diagnosed?
mainly H&P - has progressive weakness of more than 1 limb and decreased/absent reflexes
can also use EMG, CSF, and nerve conduction studies to rule out other causes
what can be a serious complication of Guillian-Barre and what are our nursing interventions?
respiratory failure
assess respiration rate and depth → if it drops and becomes shallow → ventilation or intubation
care for Guillian-Barre
ventilatory support in acute phase
plasmapheresis or IV IgG
most effective first 2 weeks of symptom onset
evaluate sensory and motor function (gag reflex, paralysis, reflexes, cornea)
monitor ABGs, BP, and cardiac rhythm
could have dysrhythmias, orthostatic hypotension, etc.
note drooling = could have impaired gag reflex
may need enteral feeding
refer to OT/PT/ speech
may have incontinence
The nurse is teaching a female client with multiple sclerosis. When teaching the client how to reduce fatigue, the nurse should tell the client to:
a. take a hot bath
b. rest in an air-conditioned room
c. increase the dose of muscle relaxants
d. avoid naps during the day
rest in an air-conditioned room
can someone with myasthenia gravis build up tolerance by exercising?
causes of dementia
neurodegenerative disorders ex. Down Syndrome, Parkinsons, ALS
vascular diseases
infections ex. AIDS, meningitis
immunologic ex. lupus, MS
medications ex. cocaine, heroin
alcohol use
hyper and hypothyroidism
head injury
brain tumors
some of these may be reversible
disorder characterized by a decline from a previous level of function in 1 or more cognitive domains:
executive function
learning and memory
perceptual motor
social cognition
NOT a normal part of aging
what is the most common form of dementia?
Alzheimer’s disease
risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
#1 is age (65 years+)
family history of dementia
smoking, diabetes, HTN, obesity, high cholesterol increase risk of CVD → less blood supply to brain
head trauma ex. football players and military
early warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
memory loss that affects job skills
problems with abstract thought (can’t recognize numbers, or do calculations)
difficulty doing familiar tasks ex. cook
poor or decreased judgement (wear bathrobe to a store)
problems with language
misplacing things
changes in mood
changes in personality (easygoing → aggressive)
loss of interest
diagnostic tests for Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
psych eval,
Neuropsychologic testing: Mini-Cog (draw a clock or repeat 3 words), Mini-Mental State eval
CT, MRI, PET of brain
CBC, LFTs, thyroid function tests
scoring in Mini Cog test
give 1 point to each word recalled after the clock drawing test
if they got 1-2 words after the clock drawing test, use the clock test to determine score (score 2 if drawn correctly, 0 if not
0-2 is positive screen for dementia
3-5 is negative screen for dementia
sundowning and its symptoms
when a patient becomes more confused and agitated in the late afternoon or evening
can be due to a disruption in the circadian rhythm
resistance to redirection
increased verbal activity like yelling
can be due to pain, hunger, environment, noise, medications, reduced lighting, or fragmented sleep
how to manage someone who is sundowning?
create a quiet, calm environment
maximize exposure to daylight
limit naps and caffeine
avoid confrontation
consult with HCP about drug therapy
education necessary for a caregiver of someone with Alzheimer’s disease (AD)
establish a routine
safety: no throw rugs, install handrails, door locks
label drawers and faucets
encourage family and visitors
provide protective wear for incontinence
state of confusion that develops over days to hours due to drugs, hypoxia, excess dopamine or ACh deficiency
patient has decreased ability to direct, focus, sustain, and shift attention and awareness
can have deficits in memory, orientation, language, and perception
can have emotional problems like fear, euphoria, depression
tends to fluctuate throughout the day
risk factors for delirium
65 years + and male
Hx of dementia, depression, cognitive impairment
dehydration or malnutrition
alcohol or drug use
sleep deprivation
electrolyte imbalance or CKD
Hx of stroke
sensory overload
ortho or cardiac surgery
mnemonic for causes of delirium
Dementia, dehydration
Electrolyte imbalances, emotional stress
Lung, liver, heart, kidney, brain
Infection, ICU
Rx drug
Injury, immobility
Untreated pain, unfamiliar environment
Metabolic disorders
key difference between delirium and dementia
a patient who has sudden cognitive impairment, disorientation, or clouded sensorium is most likely to have delirium
manifestations of delirium
decreased ability to direct, focus, sustain, and shift attention and awareness
hypoactive, lethargic to hyperactivity, agitation, and restlessness
develops over hours to days
impaired memory, judgement, and orientation
rapid speech, rambling, incoherent
disorganized thinking
loss of appetite
can delirium be irreversible
yes but most cases are reversible
diagnostic tests for delirium
careful medical, psychologic history, and physical assessment
OTC and prescriptions
Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)
labs: CBC, LFTs, CMP, Cr, BUN, O2 sat
lumbar puncture if meningitis suspected
CT or MRI if head injury suspected
Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)
reliable tool for assessing delirium
4 features:
evidence of an acute change in mental status from baseline and did behavior fluctuate
problems with focusing attention?
squeeze my hand when I say the letter A
disorganized thinking? (rambling, irrelevant conversation)
ask simple questions like does a stone float on water
LOC (lethargic, vigilant, stupor)
RASS (richmond agitation sedation scale): -4 = deep sedation, 0 = calm, 4 = combative
interventions for delirium
responsible for prevention, early recognition, and treatment
if caused by drugs → discontinue
if caused by electrolyte imbalance or nutritional deficiency → correct it
if caused by infection → antibiotics
reduce environment stimuli
have calendars, clocks, and family photos
remove unnecessary lines
safe environment
closer to the nurses station
address pain and incontinence
considerations when using drug therapy to treat delirium
drug therapy is reserved for patients with severe agitation, especially when it interferes with needed medical treatments since it can put them at risk for falls and injury
drugs to manage agitation should only be used if nonpharmacologic interventions has FAILED because many of the drugs have psychoactive properties
seizure vs epilepsy
a sudden, abnormal, excessive electrical discharge of neurons in the brain → involuntary movements, sensory phenomena, emotional expression, and unusual behaviors
group of diseases marked by recurring seizures
what are some causes of a seizure?
for most people it is unknown
brain tumors
neurodevelopmental disorders ex. Autism
low or high glucose levels
abnormal electrolytes
lack of sleep
alcohol withdrawal
heart, lung, liver, and kidney diseases
lupus and MS (autoimmune disorders)
generalized onset seizure
starts over wide areas of both sides of the brain and are characterized by bilateral, synchronous neural discharges
patient has impaired consciousness for a few seconds to several minutes
subtype include tonic-clonic
tonic-clonic seizure
most common generalized onset motor seizure
lose consciousness and fall to the ground
the body will stiffen for 10-20 seconds and then extremities will jerk
can have cyanosis, excessive salivation, tongue or cheek biting, and incontinence
prodromal phase vs aural phase
sensation or behavior changes that precede a seizure by hours or days
sensory warning that is similar each time a seizure occurs and is a part of the seizure
ictal phase vs. postictal phase
1st symptoms to the end of the seizure activity
recovery period after the seizure
focal onset seizures
begin in 1 hemisphere of the brain in a localized region of the cortex
can cause sensory, motor, cognitive, or emotional manifestations
they will not remember what they did during the seizure
can have unexplained feelings of joy, anger, sadness; can walk into traffic or remove clothes
how are seizures diagnosed
most useful tool is an accurate, comprehensive description of seizures and the pt. health history
Electroencephalogram (EEG) can help determine the type of seizure and pinpoint the seizure’s focus; should be done within 24 hours of suspected seizure
get CBC, LFTs, BUN, Cr, urinalysis
priority nursing interventions during a seizure
ensure patient airway
protect from injury
do not restrain
pad side rails
remove sharp objects and glasses
NEVER force anything between teeth
remove/loosen tight clothing
establish IV access
stay with patient until it has passed
anticipate giving phenytoin or benzos
suction as needed
monitor VS, O2 sat, LOC, GCS
reassure and reorient patient
maintain NPO status until awake with gag reflex
give dextrose for hypoglycemia
if antiepileptic drug levels are below the therapeutic range, what will happen?
continuous seizure activity
when should EMS be called if someone is having a seizure?
seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes
person is injured, pregnant, or cannot breathe
another seizure immediately follows the first
it is unknown if this was their first seizure
client and caregiver education for seizures
take medications and teach the complications if you miss a dose
seizure diary
note aura, nature of seizure activity, how long is lasts
guide them to safety when seizure starts
wear medical alert bracelet
eat regular meals and rest
surgical therapy for those with defined site of seizure origin
resection, laser ablation, radiosurgery, or vagal nerve stimulator
Parkinson disease (PD)
chronic, progressive, neurodegenerative disorder characterized by slowness in the initiation and execution of movement (bradykinesia), increased muscle tone (rigidity), tremor at rest, and gait changes (postural instability)
as PD progresses, what other assessment findings may be present
dysphagia → malnutrition and aspiration
speech problems
orthostatic hypotension
immobility due to weakness
loss of postural reflexes → falls and injury
depression and hallucination
how is PD diagnosed?
has 2/4 main manifestations (tremors, rigidity, postural instability, or bradykinesia)
positive response to antiparkisonian drugs
education for PD
encourage exercise to avoid contractures, constipation, and muscle atrophy
physical therapy for personalized exercise program
OT for dressing and eating
speech therapy for speaking and swallowing
remove rugs and unnecessary furniture
use slip on shoes or velcro and zippers (not buttons)
use elevated toilet seat to get on and off easier
well balanced diet
limit protein intake
6 small meals a day rather than 3 large meals
cut food into bite sized pieces
deep brain stimulation (DBS)
most common surgical treatment for parkinsons
places a small electrode in the thalamus or other part of the brain and connects it to a generator in the upper chest
programmed to deliver a specific current to the targeted brain location to reduce increased neuronal activity and dyskinesia
ablation surgery
involves finding, targeting, and destroying an area of the brain affected by PD
goal is to destroy tissue that produces abnormal chemical or electrical impulses leading to tremors and other symptoms