Opposed capitalism and believed in socialism based around peasant communes.
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Who did the Populists become? (AII)
'The Peoples Will', who used terrorist violence to achieve their aims, and 'The Black Partition', who were peaceful within their aims.
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Why did the Populists split into two groups? (AII)
They were arrested in the Trial of the 50, and the Trial of the 193.
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How did Alexander II die? (AII)
He was assassinated by 'The Peoples Will', and 5 of them were executed for this.
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Who were the SRP? (AIII)
Socialist Revolutionary Party, who had tried to assassinate AII but failed, and they wanted the peasants to resort to violence. they demonstrated terror attacks on Russian officials.
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Who were the SDLP? (AIII)
Russian Social Democratic Party, who were an Marxist group and had worker support, and didn't believe in terrorism.
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Who were the Kadets? (AIII)
They looked to the West, wanting a Constitutional Monarchy.
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Who were the Bolsheviks? (AIII)
They were a Marxist group who wanted a full overthrow and reform of Russia. they argued over what a revolutionary party should be, Trotsky wanted a mass party, Lenin wanted a small dedicated party: the majority (bol) sided with Lenin, minority (men) agreed with Trotsky.
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Who were the 3 main groups who opposed NII? (NII)
The Liberals, the Social Revolutionaries and the Social Democrats.
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Who were the Liberals? (NII)
They believed in reform over violence, and were made up of the middle class intelligencia, and wanted more power to the zemstvo but not to remove the Tsar, but just limit his power.
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Who were the Social Revolutionaries? (NII)
They believed in widespread revolution which would unite all people suffering under the Tsar, violent revolution led by the peasants who would receive land following the overthrow of the tsar, supported by the peasantry and some urban proletariat. they assassinated govt. officials and wanted socialism based on the peasant communes.
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Who were the Social Democrats? (NII)
they were influenced by an interpretation of marx, it emphasised the need to encourage working-class consciousness, and eventually split into two, bolsheviks and mensheviks.
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How did the 1905 Revolution oppose NII? (NII)
The 1905 revolution started peacefully but people began to truly revolt due to Bloody Sunday, which we don't know whether AII ordered. NII has to make the October manifesto to appease the people and keep his throne.
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How did the dumas oppose NII? (NII)
The dumas were dominated by liberal and socialist opposition groups, so NII began to just dissolve the dumas whenever he pleased
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How did the February Revolution oppose NII? (NII)
He had to abdicate after so many of the Russian people opposed him and revolted due to the war and famine.
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How did the Petrograd Soviet oppose and threaten the PG? (PG)
They also had a lot of power, and the PG had to share which was dangerous as the soviets were very socialist.
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How were the Bolsheviks the biggest opposition for the PG? (PG)
The Bolsheviks proved a big threat to the PG - Lenin returned with the April thesis, calling for a worldwide socialist revolution, an end to WW1, no more PG, power to the soviets + land to the peasants.
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How did the PGs opposition eventually take over? (PG)
They seized control in October by first seizing control in October by taking the bridges, phones and trains, and then storming the winter palace with little resistance.
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Who were Lenin's main opposition? (len)
Lenin's two main opposition were the Liberal party and the Constitutional Democrats.
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How did Lenin deal with the constitutional democrats and the liberals? (len)
Lenin banned the liberals, and the Constitiutional Democrats, and further he arrested the leaders of the con dems also.
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How did the civil war show the opposition of Lenin?
The white and green armies both opposed either Lenin or communism. the white army was tsarists, SR's, SD's, liberals, etc. whereas the Green armies were peasant armies who were rebelling against Lenin.