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purpose for psychological cause for an action
a genetic tendency to behave in a particular way
maintain internal equilibrium
internal state generated by departures from physiological optimality
pain matrix
activated when we anticipate or sense pain, a distributed network of brain regions including the amygdala that respond to many types of pain
pain signals provide
specific information about what is happening, motivation for a specific response
positive goals that we seek to achieve
intrinsic reward
get to go on a run
extrinsic reward
will get coffee if i go on a run
anticipating and actively seeking something good is different from actually receiving something good
glucostatic hypothesis
hunger and eating are regulated by the body’s monitoring and adjustment of blood glucose levels, short term
lipostatic hypothesis
adipose tissue plays an important role in governing hunger and regulating long-term energy balance
dual-center theory
the lateral hypothalamus and ventromedical hypothalamus are involved in hunger
lateral hypothalamus
area that controls starting eating, on signal
ventromedical hypothalamus
area that controls stopping eating, off signal
adipose cells
fat cells distributed throughout the body, creating more energy for our body
environmental influences on hunger and eating
normal portions keep getting larger, cultural differences
sexual interest/drive in humans
a female mammal’s period of sexual receptivity, mediated by estrogen
human females’ sexual interest and activity
independent of her menstrual cycle
the motive to belong
loneliness predicts feeling of depression and has consequences for physical health
the motive to achieve
fear of failure and desire to succeed
performance orientation
a motivational stance that focuses on performing well and looking smart, avoidance motivation, fixed mindset
mastery orientation
a motivational stance that focuses on learning and improving, approach motivation, growth mindset
Maslow’s hierarchy of motives
needs lead to different motivations, certain needs must be met then can move to the next level of the pyramid