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Retinoic acid
Inductive signal during early brain development, derived from vitamin A
Fibroblast growth factor
Peptide growth factor that acts as an inducer during early brain development
MAP kinase activation
Leads to the altered expression of target genes and plays a key role in cell signaling pathways
Bone morphogenetic proteins
Peptide hormones that regulate neural induction and differentiation
BMPs in mesodermal cells
Involved in bone growth
BMPs in ectodermal cells
Involved in skin growth and neural development
Noggin and Chordin
Endogenous antagonists that prevent BMPs from binding to receptor proteins, interacts from the roofplate and released from the notochord
Neuroectoderm and BMP interaction
The “default” state of neuroectoderm is to become epidermis with the help of BMP binding. Noggin and Chordin prevent BMP binding, leaving the neuroectoderm to continue to develop into neural tissue instead of skin
Sonic hedgehog
Inductive signaling hormone responsible for closing the neural tube, differentiation of neurons in the spinal cord, and axon growth and synapse formation, interacts from the floorplate
Transcriptional code
Combination of transcription factors necessary to establish the identity of a specific neuron class
Immature nerve cells that differentiate into neurons
Radial glial cells
Glial cells that connect the luminal and pial surfaces of the neural tube to create a pathway for neuronal migration
Asymmetrical neural stem cell division
One daughter cell becomes a postmitotic neuroblast while the other remains a progenitor cell
Delta-Notch signaling
Delta ligands bind to Notch cell surface receptors, involved in neuronal differentiation of neural stem cells
Neurons and cortical layers
Neurons are generated first on lower cortical levels and later generations migrate to upper layers
Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
Initiates cell motility within multiple tissues
EphR/Ephrin signaling function
Repels growth cones
Protocadherin function
Gives rise to thousands of isoforms through differential splicing, plays a role in synapse identity
Growth cone motility
Guides axons in developing nervous system, driven by ATP-dependent modifications of the growth cone cytoskeleton and regulated by actin polymerization
Responsible for axon elongation and transporting new receptors, channels, signaling molecules, and vesicles
Secreted cell adhesion molecules that bind to integrins and influence peripheral neuron guidance along the basal lamina
Calcium dependent cadherins
Form homophilic interactions that bundle axons and play a role in synaptogenesis
Causes turning away from a signal
Attractants for outgrowing dendrites and a repellant for axons
Attracts axons that express DCC receptors to form a commissure across the midline, localized to the floorplate
Sli/Robo function
Silences netrin attraction after the commissural neurons cross the midline
Ventricular zone
Contains neural stem cells, beginning of neurogenesis
Intermediate zone
Located outside of the ventricular zone, where post-mitotic neurons migrate to and form CNS grey matter
Marginal zone
Located outside of the intermediate zone, contains axonal region and CNS white matter
Reelin function
Responsible for neuron detachment from radial glia
Delta-Notch mechanism
Lateral inhibition: cells with high Delta levels inhibit neighboring cells through higher Notch signaling. This inhibits the neighboring cells’ differentiation and allows the Delta-expressing cell to become a neuron
Cranial nerves
12 pairs, carries information in and out of the brain
Spinal nerves
31 pairs, carries sensory information into the spinal cord and motor commands out of the spinal cord
Autonomic nervous system components
Sympathetic (fight/flight), parasympathetic (rest/digest), enteric (gastrointensinal)
Chordate features
Gill (pharyngeal) slits, a notochord, a hollow dorsal nerve cord, and a post-anal tail
Stiffening rod, gives rise to the vertebral column
Formation of the blastocyst
Formation of germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm
Notochord formation
The migrating epiblast turns inwards at Hensen’s node and forms the notochord, elongates to form the primitive streak
Notochord germ layer
Neurulation germ layer
Embryonic stage where neural tube is formed
Neurulation formation direction
Rostral to caudal (head to tail)
Precursors of musculature, skeleton, and vertebral column/spine
Neural crest cells
Specifies the peripheral nervous system, emerges from the roofplate
Organizer region
Important for induction of the nervous system from an undifferentiated blastulae region, experiments where the organizer region of a donor embryo was implanted in a host embryo resulted in 2 nervous system formations
Transforming growth factors
Family of peptide hormones that regulate growth, cell proliferation, and differentiation
Phosphorylated from BMPs, names for producing small bodies in C. elegans
BMP pathway
BMP activates BMP receptor serine kinases —> phosphorylation of SMADs —> SMADs translocate to the nucleus and affect BMP response elements —> BMPRes regulate gene expression
FGF function
Generates MAP kinase, which regulates SMAD phosphorylation
Neural crest cell mitation
Epithelial to mesenchymal transition from the roofplate
Area of skin in which sensory nerves derive from a single spinal nerve root
AMPA receptor
Receptors open instantly when glutamate binds, allows sodium ions into the cell, short term response
NMDA receptor
Receptor binds when glutamate binds AND when magnesium blocks the channel, releases calcium ions, long term response
Strengthening connections between neurons and uses both NMDA and AMPA receptors due to increased calcium, implicated in learning
Occurs when connections between neurons are weakened, low-frequency stimulation results in small calcium signaling and removal of AMPA
Ischemic stroke causes
Occurs when blood is blocked from part of the brain and brain cells are starved of oxygen and glucose
Ischemic stroke effects
Loss of motor skills and language
Herpes Zoster
Reawakening of chickenpox virus in the dorsal root ganglia
Extensions of growing neurons that sense the environment to follow signals
Sheet-like extensions of growing neurons, important for directional migration
Concentrations of morphogens
Roofplate: high BMP, creates sensory neurons
Somite: mixed BMP and Shh, creates muscles and bones
Floorplate: high Shh, creates motor neurons
Improper development due to genetic mutations or environmental factors
Vertebral columns
Sclerotome (forms bones for the spine and ribs), dermatome (forms skin), and myotome (forms muscle)
Dorsal root ganglion
Cluster of nerve cell bodies located outside the spinal cord, important for relay of sensory information to the spinal cord
Neurexin function
Presynaptic builder for synaptogenesis
Neuroligin function
Postsynaptic organizer in synaptogenesis
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
Caused by a mutation in the CBP and EP300 genes, affects gene regulation