Information is limited to the highly visible aspects of a person
This information generates judgements about what any person belonging to given group is like (individual stereotype) and that all people belonging to group possess same characteristics (group stereotype)
Generalisations about groups lead to oversimplified and inaccurate judgements of people within a group
Stereotyping (social categorizations) affects behavior of those that hold it, and those that are labeled it.
Characteristics of stereotypes
Positive, negative or neutral
People usually pay attention to information that support stereotypes of another person, and ignore information that does not support it (confirmation bias)
long-lasting, resistant to change
On their own, they are not harmful
Generalized beliefs about groups can lead to prejudice, forming negative emotional attitude that are held towards members of a specific social group (based purely on they're part of group, not nature)
Discrimination: positive or negative behavior that is directed towards a social group and its members
Prejudice and discrimination are harmful and have potential for causing significant problems
Why do people do this?
It is the cognitive route that needs the least effort, assessing an individual on merits (individual qualities) require more cognitive effort. Doing this simplifies the complex world around us.