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Absolue Location
The exact location on a map, like an address or coordinates
Relative location
An average location, like general location
The height of the ground above or below sea level
Thematic maps
Maps that communicate information
Reference maps
Maps that convey political, physical, or road-related information
Closer together
Further apart
Map projection
Maps that distort spatial relationships in shape, area, distance and direction
The way trade and technology made the world the way it is today
Human geography
The geography branch that deals with human activity and the effect it has on the earth
Physical geography
The geography branch that deals with natural features and processes
A computer software that stores, analyzes, and displays info from multiple digital maps or data sets
Satellites that orbit the earth and communicate locational information to receivers
Remote sensing
The use of cameras or other sensors mounted onto aircraft’s or satellites which orbit the earth above the atmosphere
Field observations
The act of physically visiting a location and recording information there
Census data
Information mandated by the US constitution
Satellite navigation systems
A system of navigation that uses signals from satellite and mapping data to pinpoint locations and map courses based on the users request
Travel narratives
An account if a journey that gives info about ethnographic, bio geographic, and/or physical characteristics of a location
Policy documents
A plan designed to achieve a long term goal
Media reports
Articles published by newspapers or magazines
Personal interviews
A direct, face to face conversation between an interviewer and the respondent
Landscape analysis
A process of studying and describing a landscape generally with the goal of assessing the impact of humans on that space
Photographic analysis
Act of examining photographic images for the purpose of identifying objects and judging for their significance
Satellite imagery
Images of the earth taken from artificial satellite orbiting the the planet
The physical gap between two objects
Particular position, part, or area in space/location
Tu flow of people, goods, money, ideas, or materials between locations
Distance decay
The name of the theory that states as the distance between two places increases, the interaction between those two places decreases
Time space compression
The reduction in the time it takes to diffuse something to a distant place, as a result of improved communications and transportation system.
Th way objects are arranged and the way they interact in earths surface (houses on a street)
Using earths resources in a way they can be replenished for the future
Natural resources
Something valuable that’s found in the natural environment
Land use
The human use of land
Environmental determinism
The belief that the environment affects the personality and actions of the people living in the area
Sees the limitations from the environment, but focuses on the way it can be changed and utilized by the people