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Workforce Assessment
organizational strategy comprised of all the processes, tools, and systems to make effective decisions concerning work structure and job design, as well as the selection criteria and performance expectations for the individuals working in those jobs
Employee Life Cycle
process comprised of job recruitment, selection and hiring, performance management, training and development, and ultimately, the conclusion of employment
True or False -
Job analysis is the key to every strategy
and practice in HR
a relevant and strategic collection of tasks and responsibilities that are performed for a specific purpose and outcome
an activity requiring a specific combination of cognitive and physical performance that results in a targeted output
Scientific Management
concept developed by Frederick Taylor that
emphasized worker efficiency and productivity through job design
Management by Objectives (MBO)
a concept developed by Peter Drucker to facilitate the alignment of organizational objectives with
worker tasks, goals, and performance outcomes
a type of work role comprised of a set of specific tasks and responsibilities that facilitate the achievement of performance outcomes
acronym that stands for knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics
declarative, procedural, and factual information required to be able to perform a job
the demonstration of tasks that have been learned and practiced over time
the capacity for demonstrating certain behaviors and performing a wide range of relevant tasks
Other Characteristics
any critical personal/dispositional job requirements not covered within the knowledge, skills, and abilities
Job Family
a group of jobs that is similar in function and scope and share common knowledge, skills, and abilities
a job that is held by one individual employee
another term for employee
a type of job that may exist in different types of organizations and/or industries
O*Net Database
an online, interactive occupational database maintained by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration
Work Shift
the hours in which an employee is scheduled to work
Job Enlargement
the augmenting of a job by adding an array of tasks similar in complexity and responsibility as the existing tasks, enabling variety
Job Enrichment
the enhancing of a job by adding tasks that are greater in complexity and/or responsibility
WIIFM: Acronym that stands for…
“What’s in it for me?”