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what is mental status?
-total expression of a patient’s emotional responses, mood, cognitive functioning, & personality
what are the different types of mental status assessments?
-brief observations during general patient encounter
-brief screening tool < 5min
-comprehensive screening tool (10-20min)
-formal neuropsych eval
what are the general components of mental status?
-physical appearance
-emotional status
-speech & language
-cognitive abilities
-thoughts & perception
-insight & judgement
what are the indications for a comprehensive mental status exam?
-patient seen in ED
-patient being referred for psych consult
-patient being admitted to psych unit
-age > 40 (55 clinically)
-Hx of psych d/o, substance abuse, organic brain d/o, or physical d/o that can affect brain function
-recent deterioration of patient’s personal habits, memory, concentration, or grasp
-clinical clues of current mood d/o, psychosis, or organic brain dysfunction
-PE indicates brain dysfunction
-forensic referrals (mental competence or legal insanity are being questioned)
how is physical appearance assessed?
-thru out pt interview & assessment
-take note of demographics, body habitus, clothing, hygiene, & odor
what data points should be included for physical appearance?
-distinctive features
-posture, gait, & body habitus
-grooming, self-care, & hygiene
-physical health
what are the 3 main components of the behavior assessment?
-motor activity
-eye contact
-interpersonal style/behavior
what data points should be included in the behavior assessment of motor activity?
-facial expressions
-body movements
when describing eye contact for the behavior assessment, what are the typical categories?
what is akathisia?
-excessive motor activity
a patient’s posture can provide insight into what?
-mental health
what data points are included in the emotional status assessment?
what is mood?
-patient’s pervasive & sustained emotional state that usually shows underlying emotion of the patient
which is subjective: mood or affect?
how is mood assessed?
-direct questions = how is your mood? how have you been feeling lately?
what is affect?
-objective observation of a patient’s emotional state by noting posture, body movements, facial expressions, & tone of voice
when assessing a patient’s affect, what should you be noting?
-is it situational
why should you assess mood & affect when determining a patient’s emotional status?
-b/c they should be congruent & appropriate
how is a patient’s speech & language assessed?
-thru out encounter
when assessing a patient’s speech & language, what data points should you note?
-rate of speech
-quantity of speech
-fluency of speech
-expressive language
-receptive language
what is expressive language?
-language being spoken by the patient
what is receptive language?
-language being interpreted by the patient (ability to understand)
does a patient’s ability to listen to you speak fall into expressive or receptive language?
how can you quickly assess a patient’s speech & language?
-determine patient’s 1st language
-assess understanding
-test understanding
-assess spontaneous speech
-assess fluency & word choice
-assess word-finding ability & naming
-assess repetition
-assess severity of speech impairment
what is “blocking”?
-when you blank on a word & feel like its on the tip of your tongue
-normal in moderation
what is aphasia?
-language disorder characterized by impairments in expressive language, receptive language, or both
what are the 3 broad types of aphasia?
what are the 2 most common types of aphasia?
-Wernicke’s aphasia
-Broca’s aphasia
if you suspect your patient might have speech dysfunction, what must you rule out?
-hearing issues
what is dysphonia?
-dysfunctional voice production
what is dysarthria?
-dysfunctional articulation of words
what is Broca’s aphasia?
-difficulty reading aloud w/o difficulty with comprehension due to a lesion that affects the frontal lobe
Broca’s aphasia is caused by a lesion where?
-frontal lobe
what is the hallmark feature of Broca’s aphasia?
-slow, effortful, MEANINGFUL speech with excessive repetition
what is Wernicke’s aphasia?
-difficulty reading aloud & comprehending speech due to posterior superior temporal lobe damage
Wernicke’s aphasia is caused by dysfunction of _____
-posterior superior temporal lobe
what are the 2 hallmark features of Wernicke’s aphasia?
-fluent, rapid, NONSENSE speech
-malformed & invented words
a patient with Wernicke’s aphasia would show impairment of what skills?
-word comprehension
-naming of items
what is the most common cause of Wernicke’s aphasia?
what is the most common cause of Broca’s aphasia?
a patient with (Wernicke’s/Broca’s) aphasia is likely to have motor deficits
a patient with (Wernicke’s/Broca’s) aphasia is likely to have visual deficits
fatiguable dysphonia is associated with what condition?
-myasthenia gravis
gravelly dysphonia is associated with what conditions?
-vocal cord lesions
-inflammatory arthritis
soft dysphonia is associated with what condition?
-Parkinson’s dz
deep dysphonia is associated with what condition?
raspy dysphonia is associated with what condition?
-laryngopharyngeal reflux
what are common causes of dysphonia?
-acute & chronic laryngitis
-malignant lesions
-benign nodules/cysts of vocal cords
-neuro conditions
-systemic conditions
what neurological conditions are known for causing dysphonia?
-Parkinson’s dz
-myasthenia gravis
what systemic conditions are known for causing dysphonia?
how do you assess for dysphonia? what findings are indicative of the presence of dysphonia?
-have patient state name & address
unable to produce normal volume OR speaks in a whisper
-have patient cough
absence of typical explosive start
-have patient say “eeeeee”
unable to sustain note
if a patient with dysphonia attempts to state their name & address, what would you expect to hear?
-abnormal low speech volume OR whisper speech
if a patient with dysphonia has a normal-sounding cough, what is the most likely cough?
-local laryngeal pathology
if a patient with dysphonia has a cough w/o the expected explosive start, what is the most likely cause?
-vocal cord palsy
if a patient with dystonia can’t hold prolonged notes, what is the most likely cause?
-myasthenia gravis
the speech of a patient with dysarthria typically sounds ______
-slurred or unintelligible
what are the 7 types of dysarthria?
-unilateral UMN
how do you assess for dysarthria?
-have patient repeat difficult phrases (yellow lorry, baby hippopotamus) → note rhythm of words, slurring, & which sounds cause difficulty
what 2 phrases are used for assessing dysarthria?
-yellow lorry
-baby hippopotamus
what phrase should you have a patient with dysarthria repeat to test lingual sounds?
-yellow lorry
what phrase should you have a patient with dysarthria repeat to test labial sounds?
-baby hippopotamus
when documenting a patient’s dysarthria, how should you note the severity?
-as a percentage of how intelligible speech was
what are the components of the sensorium & cognition assessment?
-level of consciousness
-concentration & attention
-reading & writing
-abstract thinking
what is the normal state of consciousness?
-state of wakefulness, awareness, & alertness that most patients function at while being awake
what are the 5 main levels of consciousness?
how does an alert patient appear?
-responds appropriately to verbal & physical stimuli
how does a lethargic patient appear?
-severely drowsy
-aroused by moderate stimuli & then drifts back to sleep
-1 step below alert
how does an obtunded patient appear?
-lessened interest in environment
-slow responses to stimulation
-sleeps more than normal
-drowsy when not sleepy
-step below lethargic
how does a stuporous patient appear?
-only aroused by vigorous, repeated stimuli
-when left undisturbed, immediately lapses back to unresponsive state
-step below obtunded
how does a comatose patient appear?
-in a state of unarousable unresponsiveness
what are the 2 levels of consciousness between alert & lethargic?
-clouding of consciousness (1a)
-confusional state (1b)
how does a patient in a clouding of consciousness state appear?
-very mild altered mental status
-reduced wakefulness
-closer to alert than lethargic
how does a patient in a confusional state appear?
-more profound deficit
-difficulty following commands
-closer to lethargic than alert
what are the commonly used standard scales for documenting a patient’s level of consciousness?
-Grady Coma Scale
-Glasgow Coma Scale
what is a vegetative state?
-form of altered consciousness where the patient appears to be awake but doesn’t respond meaningfully to outside world
what is locked-in syndrome?
-rare catastrophic state of quadriplegia & anarthria with preserved consciousness
what is anarthria?
-speechlessness due to severe dysarthria
what are the 2 requirements of locked-in syndrome?
-retained alertness & cognitive abilities
-paralysis of limbs & oral structures
what is brain death?
-irreversible loss of all brain functions (including brainstem)
what are the 3 essential findings of brain death?
-absence of brainstem reflexes
what are the 4 components of a patient’s orientation?
what data points are used to determine if a patient is oriented to person?
-address/phone number
-marital status
what data points are used to determine if a patient is oriented to place?
what data points are used to determine if a patient is oriented to time?
-day of week
what does it mean if a patient is A&Ox1?
-oriented to person
what does it mean if a patient is A&Ox2?
-oriented to person & place
what does it mean if a patient is A&Ox3?
-oriented to person, place, & time
what does it mean if a patient is A&Ox4?
-oriented to person, place, time, & situation
what are the components of a higher cognitive functioning assessment? what does each entail?
-attention = ability to focus based on internal or external priorities
-executive functioning = ability to complete a task
-gnosia = ability to name objects & their function
-language = verbal & written
-memory = recent & past events
-orientation = ability of a patient to recognize their place in time & space
-praxis = ability to carry out intentional motor acts
-prosody = ability to recognize emotional aspects of language
-thought content & process
-visuospatial proficiency = ability to perceive & manipulate objects/shapes in space
what is concentration?
-capacity to maintain mental effort despite distraction
what are the clinical tests of attention & concentration?
-subtract 7s & 3s serially from 100
-reverse days of week or months of year
-spell simple words forwards & then backwards
-repeat digits forward & backward
-perform mental arithmetic
what are the 3 stages of memory?
-short-term memory
-long-term memory
what is amnesia? what is the difference between retrograde & anterograde amnesia?
-memory loss
-retrograde = loss of memory of past events
-anterograde = inability to form new memories
what is dysmnesia?
-distortion of memory
what is retrospective falsification?
-unconscious distortion of past memories to conform to a patient’s emotional/situational needs
what is confabulation?
-creating false memories to fill holes in a timeline, but wholeheartedly believing the false memory
what are clinical tests of immediate recall?
-repeat digits forward & backward
-repeat 3 unrelated words
-repeat 3 3-part words
what are clinical tests of recent memory?
-repeat 3 unrelated words after 1, 3, & 5min
-repeat 3 3-part words after 1, 3, & 5min
-recall events in recent past
-recount a short, simple story with as many details as possible
what is the clinical test of remote memory?
-recall parents’ names, date & place of birth, graduation dates, age & year of marriage, & occupational Hx
what components are included in the assessment of abstract thinking?
-concrete vs abstract responses