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Active system that takes in info from the senses, make it usable, organize it for storage, and retrieves (recover info from storage) it
Process of transforming into a format that can be stored in memory, first step in creating a memory
Information processing
A way our brain brain handle info like a computer
Receiving information
Taking in data from the environment like sight or sound
Processing information
Interpreting and making sense of the data
Storing information
Keeping the data in memory for future use
Retrieving Information
Accessing stored data when needed
Parallel Distributed processing (PDP)
Method to understand brain functions by creating computer stimulation
Craik and Lockhart theory
Level of processing (we remember things better when we think about their meaning, rather than just their sound or look)
Shallow processing
Focuses on basic features like look or sound of a word
Deep processing
Focuses on the meaning of the info or word
Sensory information
The storge of infor from our senses, lasting less than a second, helps us quickly process what we see, hear, touch, taste and smell
Ionic memory
Memory of what we see
Echoic memory
Memory of what we hear
Haptic memory
Memory of what we touch
Double take
When you look at something, look away, then quickly look back again
George Sperling
Grid letters (ionic memeory)
Eidetic memory (photographic memory)
Ability to remember things in details after seeing it
Tiny involuntary eye movements occurs when we fix our gaze one something
Something that sounds like an echo imitates a sound
Short Term memory (STM)
Part of memory system that holds small amount of info (lasts about 12-30 sec)
Long term memory (LTM)
When info is stored for a long time
When new visual info quickly replace what you just saw, making it hard to remember the original work
Dr. Donald E. Broadbent
Filter theory
Cocktail Party
When you focus on on conversation in a noisy place, your brain filters out the background noise, so you can hear the person you’re talking to
Dr. Anne M. Treisman
Selective attention
Pre-attentive stage
Incoming stimuli are processed based on physical characteristics that you automatically notice without conscious effort
Focused attention stage
Only important stimuli are processed and takes effort conscious
Working memory
Active memory process that process info in STM
Central Executive
Big boss of working memory controls attention, mange two other system, manage problem solving/ decision making
Visuospatial sketchpad
Deals with what you see and where things are (helps imagine things)
Phonological loop
Handle spoken and heard info
George Miller
Found that STM holds about 7 items, give or take 2, the “magical number 7, plus or minus 2” and we can remember things by grouping/chucking
Maintenance rehearsal
When you keep repeating info in your head to remember it
Rote Learning
memorization technique based don repetition
Elaborative rehearsal
A way to remember info by linking it to what you already know
Nondeclarative (implicit) LTM
Type of memory that use without conscious awareness
Declarative memory AKA explicit memory
Type of LTM that involves conscious recall of facts, events
Anterograde amnesia
A condition where a person can’t form new memories after the event that caused by head injury
Tower of Hanoi
Puzzle experiment
Semantic memory
Includes general facts/knowledge
Episodic memory
Includes personal experiences/specific events
Semantic network model
Explains how we organize knowledge in our mind
Context dependent memory
Refers to remembering things better when you’re in the same environment where you first learned them
State dependent memory
Remembering things better when you’re in the same state as you learned them first
Memory retrieval
Process of remembering info that you have stored in your brain
When you bring info back from your memory without any help/clues
When you can identify info you have seen/heard before
Serial position effect
When you remember the first and last item in a list better than the middle part
Primary effect
Is when you remember items at the beginning of the list
Recency effect
When you remember the items at the end of the list
Retrieval failure
Happens when you can’t access info stored in your brain “tip of the tongue”
Elizabeth Loftus
How memories can be changed by new info
Automatic encoding
When your brain remember things without trying
Flassbult memories
A clear and detailed memory of an event/emotional events
Hindsight bias
When you know something would happen after it already did
Misinformation effect
Is when your memory changes b/c incorrect info you hear later
False memory syndrome
When someone believes in a memory that isn’t true b/c of others suggestions
Pezdek and Hodge
Test how easily children could remember false events
Brad William “Human google”
Had syndrome called hyperthymia that let him remember almost everything in details
Interference theory
We forget things b/c our memories get mixed up
Proactive Interference
Old memories makes it hard to learn new thing
Retroactive Interference
New memories makes it hard to remember old things
Herman Ebbinghaus
Studied memory
Forgetting curve
We forget info quickly over time
Distributed effect
We can learn better with spaced out study sessions
Memory trace
The change in your brain when your from a memory
Process where changes occur in the brain (help transform STM to LTM
Henry Gustav Molaison (H.M)
The guy who had epilepsy and had his part of his brain removed including hippocampus to control his seizures
Retrograde amnesia
Losing memory from before an injury/illness
Organic amnesia
Memory loss caused by physical damage to the brain
Retrograde amnesia
Loss of memories from before the injury
Anterograde amnesia
Inability to from new memories after the injury
Infantile amnesia
The inability to remember events from early childhood before age of 3/4
Electroconvulsive theory
A treatment for server mental health condition. involves small electric currents through the brain caused by a short controlled seizure that helps rest brain chemistry and improve symptoms of mental health condition
Procedural memories
Associated with Cerebellum
Associated with prefrontal cortex/temporal lobes
Associated with frontal/temporal lobes
Changes at the receptor
Brain strength the connection between neuros, making it easier for them to communicate
Changes in dendrites
Branching part of neuros grow and from new connections
Sleep quality (N2)
Helps brain organize and save info
Alzheimer’s Disease
Brain disorder that slowly destroys memories and thinking skills/changes in behavior
Katherine Nelson
Found parents skills
Autobiographical memory
Involves remembering personal experience and events from your own life
How an individual thinks, acts, and feel throughout life
refers to the moral and ethical qualities of a person
A person’s natural way of reacting to things and interacting with others
Believed that human are influenced by unconscious thought, memories, and desire
Is the source of basic instinct and desire
responsible for dealing with reality and making decision based on logic and reason
contains our ideas and values often learned from parents and society
Unconscious mind
Part of our mind we aren’t aware of, but it affects our thoughts/actions. Holds hidden desire
Studies how unconscious/conscious forces influence behavior/emotions
Psychosexual Stage
Phase of childhood development where a child seeking energies focus on shaping personality/behavior
Oral Stage (0-1 years old)
Pleasure focus on the mouth (sucking/bitting)
Anal Stage (1-3 years old)
pleasure in learning to control their bowl and bladder movement
Phallic Stage (3-6 years old)
Children becomes aware of their bodies, especially their genitals. Start to feel attraction toward the opposite sex parents
Latency Stage (6-puberty)
sexual feelings are inactive, focus shifts to developing social/intellectual skills
Genital Stage (Puberty onward)
developing mature sexual interest/forming healthy, adult relationship
Behavioral and Social cognitive
Focus on the effect of the environment on behavior based on theories of learning