broad term covering a wide range of feelings, including emotions and moods
intense feelings directed at a specific object or person
less intense and more generalized feelings not directed at a specific object
emotional contagion
when emotions experienced by one or more individuals in a work group spreads to others
emotional labor
the process of managing our feelings so that we present situationally appropriate emotions even when they are contrary to our actual feelings
display rules
basic norms that govern which emotions should be displayed and which should be suppressed
emotional dissonance
discrepancy between emotions you display and emotions you feel
emotional labor techniques
surface acting & deep acting
surface acting
conceal true feelings and display desirable ones
deep acting
change emotions to match required emotions
learned tendency to consistently respond positively or negatively
three main elements that form our attitude:
→ cognitive appraisal
→ affective evaluations
→ behavioral intention
cognitive dissonance
stress and discomfort experienced when facing inconsistency among your beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviors
response that occurs when a person perceives a situation as threatening to his/her well-being or when his/her resources have been exceeded
environmental stimuli that place demands on individuals
two main types of stressors
challenge & hindrance
moderate levels of stressors with positive effects
high levels of stressors that have destructive and negative effects on effort and performance
“a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress has not been successfully managed”
dealing effectively with something difficult
problem-focused coping
understand the problem and seek practical ways to resolve it
emotion-focused coping
change someone’s emotional reaction, positive language, distracting techniques
well-being programs
holistic approach taken by organizations to provide support in the areas of physical and mental health