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6.4: Railroads
Lowered raw material transport cost and opened up colonial markets for manufactured goods
6.4: Cecil Rhodes
Had an unfinished railroad project for connecting colonies that used low-paid native colonial laborers.
6.4: Steamships
Steam-powered ships that revolutionized sea travel
6.4: Telegraph
Revolutionized communication and used in colonies
6.4: Cash Crops (Cause & Affect)
Crops grown for commercial value rather than personal use.
Cause: Europeans found agricultural economies in Asia/AFR.
Affect: Replaced food crops, food cost rose
6.4: Guano
Natural fertilizer used in Latin America
6.4: Export Economies
Colonies focused on exporting goods
6.4: Cotton
Warships blocked off cotton trade in USA Civil War, causing Egypt and India to mass produce cotton
6.4: Rubber
Indigenous people were forced into “slavery” for this cash crop
6.4: Palm Oil
Cash crop lubricated machinery
6.4: Ivory
Cash crop produced by elephant tusks.
6.4: Minerals - Copper, Tin, Gold
Chile made copper(wiring). Bolivia, Nigeria, Malaya, & Dutch East Indies made tin(cans). Australia, Africa made gold.
6.4: Diamonds
Cecil Rhodes found a diamond rush in South Africa
6.4: De Beers Mining Company
Cecil Rhodes made this and it had lots of resources
6.4: Apartheid
Cecil Rhodes’ racist policies as minister of the Cape Colony paved the way fo this form of racial segregation in South Africa
6.4: Consequences of Commercial Extraction
Bad climate/fertility, crop diseases spread more.
6.4: Monocultures
Lack of agricultural diversity
{6.5}: Economic Imperialism
Foreign businesses profit off natural resources beyond their borders
{6.5}: Spice Islands
Dutch EIC had monopoly trade with the Spice Islands
{6.5}: Culture System
Forced farmers to choose between growing cash crops for exports or corvee labor
{6.5}: China
Exported goods to Britain but didn’t import due to lack in interest
{6.5}: Opium
EIC forced farmers to grow opium to make up for trade imbalance; addictive illegal drug
{6.5}: Opium War
Chinese seized British opium, leading to war, showing continuity in European power
{6.5}: Treaty of Nanking
Required China to open 4 more ports to foreigners, cede Hong Kong to Britain, pay damages, allow free trade
{6.5}: Cash Crop
Africans relied on one cash crop, showing vulnerability during droughts & economic declines. Food production declined.
{6.5}: Egypt, Sudan, and Uganda
Used cotton as a cash crop
{6.5}: Kenya
Cheap labor for whites, prohibited from growing/export of cash crops
{6.5}: Gold Coast
African region; largest cocoa producer.
{6.5}: Slavery in Africa
Produced many cash crops and was banned in 1912
{6.5}: Role of the USA
Monroe Doctrine kept Latin America in USA’s sphere of influence
{6.5}: Investments in Argentina
Britain invested a lot, increasing farming
{6.5}: Pampas
Argentina’s grassy plains
{6.5}: Mining in Chile
Wealth of raw materials brought Spain dependency and tension among neighboring states
{6.5}: Rubber Industry in Brazil
Declined after rubber was grown elsewhere for lower costs. Trade organized to the advantages of companies
{6.5}: Banana Republic
Central American countries under the economic power of foreign corporations
{6.5}: Economic Imperialism in Hawaii
Overthrew the constitutional monarchy to be annexed by the USA.