The capacity of a business is the measure of how much output it can achieve in a given period of time
Capacity utilisation
The proportion of a business’ capacity that’s actually being used over a specific period of time
Capacity utilisation equation
(actual level of output / maximum possible output) x 100
Importance of capacity utitlisation
Any of the following reasons:
-useful measure of productive efficiency (as it measures whether there are idle resources)
-higher utilisation can reduce unit costs, making a business more effective
-aim to produce as close to full capacity as possible in order to minimise unit costs
-high level of capacity utilisation required if there’s a high break even output
Dangers of operating at a low capacity utilisation?
Any of the following:
-loss of new customers/inability to retain current customers
-higher unit costs (impact on competitiveness)
-unlikely to reach breakeven output
-capital is tied up in under utilised assets