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Marbury v Madison
judicial review
McCulloch V Maryland
US constitution= law of the land
Schenck V US
Speech that presents a “clear and present danger” is not protected
Brown V Board
Removed school segregation
Baker V Carr
one person, one vote in redistricting
Engel V Vitale
No school sponsored prayer
Gideon V Wainwright
right to attorney in state felony case
Tinker V Des Moines
Right to expression for students
New York Times V US
Freedom of press
Wisconsin V Yoder
Making Amish attend school past 8th grade violates free exercise
Shaw V Reno
Can’t district on race alone
US V Lopez
Commerce clause does not apply to gun possession in a school zone
McDonald V Chicago
2nd amendment to states
Citizens Untied V FEC
Political spending can be done by private companies