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interbreed; fertile; do not interbreed
according to the biological species concept, a species consists of individuals who can (interact, interbreed, not interbreed) in nature to produce (healthy, fit, fertile) offspring and (interbreed, do not interbreed, interact) with members of different species
b, c
Which of the following are problems with the biological species concept? Select all that apply.
a) it applies to asexually reproducing organisms
b) it applies only to sexually reproducing organisms
c) individuals assigned to different species may successfuly interbreed
a - mechanical isolation, b - temporal isolation, c - gametic isolation
Which of the following are prezygotic barriers to reproduction? Select all that apply.
a) Mechanical isolation
b) Temporal isolation
c) Gametic isolation
d) Hybrid breakdown
a - postzygotic barriers, b - hybrid breakdown, c - hybrid inviability, d - hybrid sterility
Which of the following mechanisms prevent gene flow after fertilization has taken place? Select all that apply.
a) Postzygotic barriers
b) Hybrid breakdown
c) Hybrid inviability
d) Hybrid sterility
e) Temporal isolation
mechanical isolation
What is the term for the mechanism of reproductive isolation that involves incompatible structural differences in the reproductive organs of similar species?
hybrid breakdown
What is the term for the mechanism of reproductive isolation that prevents offspring of hybrids from reproducing beyond a few generations?
allopatric; sympatric
(allopatric, sympatric, homeopatric) speciation occurs when one population becomes geographically isolated from the rest of the species and subsequently diverges, wheras (tripatric, sympatric, allopatric) speciation does not require geographic isolation.
a - small size
Allopatric speciation is more likely to occur if the original isolated population has which of the following characteristics?
a) Small size
b) Is far away
c) Large size
c - phylogenetic gradualism
Which of the following models states that populations slowly diverge from one another by accumulation of adaptive characteristics?
a) Punctuated equilibrium
b) Stasis
c) Phylogenetic gradualism
slight; major
(major, slight) genetic changes in regulatory genes usually case (major, slight) structural changes in an organism
a - species
Macroevolution concerns large-scale phenotypic changes in populations that typically warrant the placement of the populations in taxonomic groups at and above which of the following levels?
a) Species
b) Subspecies
c) Family
d) Genus
What is the term for the retention of juvenile characteristics in the adult?
adaptive zones; adaptive radiation
colonization of (adaptive zones; adaptive radiation) may result in (adaptive zones; adapative radiation)
a - preadaptations, b - paedomorphosis, c - allometric growth, d - adaptive radiation
Which of the following mechanisms of macroevolution may occur via changes in development? Select all that apply.
a) Preadaptations
b) Paedomorphosis
c) Allometric growth
d) Adaptive radiation
negative; facilitates evolution
extinction has a (positive, negative, neutral) effect on the diversity of species in the short term and (has a negative effect, facilitates evolution) in the very long term, over thousands to millions of years.