32 words
Attentive Public
Those who follow politics and public affairs carefully
Balancing the Ticket
Occurs when a presidential nominee chooses a vice president running mate who has different qualities in order to attract more votes for the ticket
Blanket Primary
Election to choose candidates that is open to independent, and that allows voters to choose candidates from any parties.
local party meeting
Closed Primary
Party election to choose candidates that is closed to independents . Voters may not cross party lines
Coattail Effect
the influence of a popular presidential candidate of the same party
Characteristics of populations (race,sex,income)
Direct Election
election of an official party directly by the people rather than by a intermediary group such as the electoral college
Direct Primary
Election in which the people choose the candidates for office
Front Loading
Scheduling presidental primary elections early (February or March) in the election year to gain influence in the nomination process.
Gender Gap
Differences in voting preferences between men and women, often seen in elections.
General Election
Difference in which the office holders are chosen. Contrast with the primary election, in which only the candidates are chosen
Set of beliefs about political values and the role of government
An officeholder seeking reelection
one is not registered with a political party
Independent leaners
Tend to vote for candidates of one particular party
Pure Independants
have not consistent voting pattern of a party voting
Open Primary
Election to choose candidates that is open to independents, and in which voters may choose candidates from anyone party
Party Identification
A sense of affiliation that a person had with one particular political party
Party Platform
A list of positions and programs that the party adopts at the national convention. Each position is called a plank
Political Culture
The widely shared beliefs, values and norms that citizens share about their government.
more votes that anyone else but less than half (Clinton wins 43% popular votes but not a majority 1992)
Plurality Elections
Are won by person with the most votes regardless if he/she has majority (such as those in Congress)
Political Efficacy
Capacity to understand an influence political events
Political Socialization
Process of how one acquires his/her political beliefs
Realigning (critical) election
An election in which there is a long term change in party alignment
split ticket voting
casting votes for candidates of ones own party and for candidates of opposing parties
Straight Ticket Voting
Casting votes only for candidates of ones party
Right to vote
Super delegate
A delegate to the Democratic national convention who is there by virtue of holding an office
Super Tuesday
A Tuesday in early March in which man presidential primaries particularly in the South are held
Swing State
A state that does not consistently vote either Democratic or Republican in presidential elections