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Null Hypothesis
Assumes no difference in population means.
Alternative Hypothesis
Claims a difference exists between population means.
Alpha Level
Threshold for rejecting the null hypothesis, often 0.05.
Test Statistic
Value calculated to determine significance of results.
Causal Hypothesis
Predicts one variable influences another.
Association Hypothesis
Suggests a relationship exists between variables.
Type 1 Error
Rejecting null hypothesis when it is true.
Type 2 Error
Failing to reject null hypothesis when it is false.
Critical Region
Values leading to rejection of the null hypothesis.
Critical Value
Boundary defining critical region in hypothesis testing.
Z Test
Statistical test for comparing sample and population means.
Population Mean
Average score of the entire population, e.g., 50.
Standard Deviation
Measure of variability in a set of scores, e.g., 10.
P Value
Probability of obtaining results if null hypothesis is true.
Dichotomous Thinking
Decision-making between two exclusive alternatives.
Estimation Thinking
Focuses on the magnitude of effects or differences.
Meta-analytic Thinking
Contextualizes results within broader research findings.
Nondirectional Test
Tests for any difference without a specific direction.
Directional Test
Tests for a specific increase or decrease in means.
Research Hypothesis
Testable claim about psychological constructs.
Sampling Distribution
Distribution of sample statistics under the null hypothesis.
Statistical Power Analysis
Determines likelihood of detecting an effect if it exists.
Math Achievement Test (MAT)
Assessment used to measure students' math skills.
Population Parameters
Characteristics of the population, such as mean and SD.
Null Hypothesis Significance Testing; evaluates evidence against H0.
Probability of observing data if H0 is true.
Frequentist Approach
Focuses on long-run frequency of events.
Bayesian Approach
Updates probability of H0 based on data.
Effect Size
Quantitative measure of the magnitude of a phenomenon.
Cohen's d
Standardized difference between two means.
Standard Error
Estimate of the variability of a sample statistic.
Confidence Interval (CI)
Range estimating population parameter with specified confidence.
Parametric Tests
Assumes underlying population distribution (e.g., t-tests).
Nonparametric Tests
Does not assume a specific population distribution.
Chi-Square Test
Tests relationships between categorical variables.
Goodness of Fit Test
Assesses if observed frequencies match expected frequencies.
Test of Independence
Examines association between two categorical variables.
Degrees of Freedom (df)
Number of values free to vary in calculations.
Observed Frequencies
Actual counts collected from a sample.
Expected Frequencies
Counts predicted under the null hypothesis.
Adjusted Standardized Residuals
Indicates how far observed frequencies deviate from expected.
Odds Ratio (OR)
Ratio of odds of an event occurring in two groups.
Statistically Significant
Results unlikely due to chance, typically p < 0.05.
Chi-Square Statistic
Test statistic used in chi-square tests.
Sample Size (n)
Number of observations in a study.
Null Hypothesis (H0)
Assumes no effect or difference exists.
Alternative Hypothesis (H1)
Assumes a significant effect or difference exists.
Joint Probabilities
Probability of two events occurring together.
Conditional Probabilities
Probability of an event given another event.
Chi-Square Test Assumptions
Expected frequencies > 5; data independence.
Phi Coefficient
Effect size measure for 2x2 contingency tables.
Cramer's V
Effect size measure for larger contingency tables.
Tutor with 15 students in study.
Tutor with 18 students in study.
Dependent Variable (DV)
Final grade in the course being measured.
Research Question
Which tutor is more effective in teaching?
Interval Scale
Scale where differences between values are meaningful.
Assumption that data follows a normal distribution.
Measure of asymmetry in a distribution.
Measure of tailedness in a distribution.
Shapiro-Wilks Test
Tests if data significantly differs from normal distribution.
Homogeneity of Variance
Assumption that variances are equal across groups.
Levene's Test
Tests for equal variances between groups.
Brown-Forsythe Test
Tests for equal variances when sample sizes differ.
Independent t-test
Compares means of two independent groups.
Cohen's d
Standardized effect size measure for comparing means.
Glass' Delta
Effect size using one group's standard deviation.
Confidence Interval
Range estimating the true difference between means.
Mann-Whitney U Test
Nonparametric test for comparing two independent groups.
Probability of Superiority (PS)
Chance one score is greater than another.
Rank-Biserial Correlation
Correlation between nominal and ordinal variables.
Statistical Power
Probability of correctly rejecting a false null hypothesis.
Two-Sided Test
Tests for effects in both directions.
Sample Size
Number of participants included in a study.
Effect Size in Population
Magnitude of effect size influencing power.