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hacer diligencias
to run errands
el cartero
mail carrier
el correo
mail/post office
la estampilla, el sello
echar una carta al buzĂłn
to put a letter in the mail box
el cheque de viajero
traveler’s check
la cuenta corriente
checking account
la cuenta de ahorros
savings account
llenar (un formulario
to fill out (a form)
pagar a plazos
to pay in installments
pagar en efectivo
to pay in cash
la cuadra
city block
estar perdido/a
to be lost
to be located
el oeste
straight ahead
E from Escapa
En caso de que/In case that
S from escapa
sin que/without; unless
C from escapa
con tal de que/as long as; provided that
A from escapa
a menos que/unless
P from escapa
para que/in order to
A from escapa
Aunque/even though
ESCAPA conjuctions ALWAYS trigger the SUBJUNCTIVE because
these are hypothetical/future situations. We don't know if they will actually happen yet.
M from matched
mientras que/while
A from matched
antes de que/before
T from matched
tan pronto como/as soon as
C from matched
H from matched
hasta que/until
E from matched
en cuanto/as soon as
D from matched
despues de/after
MATCHED conjunciones trigger the SUBJUNCTIVE when . . .
when you are describing a future or anticipated action
MATCHED conjunciones trigger the INDICATIVE when . . .
when you are describing past or habitual actions
Use an INFINITIVE after phrases like "antes de, después de, hasta, para and sin" (no QUE) when...
the subject of the sentence does NOT change.
El bosque(tropical)
(tropical;rain) forest
El cráter
La flor
La nube
La selva, La jungla
El valle