The Civil War

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When a state officially leaves the Union.

The southern states ________ to form their own nation called the Confederacy.

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Anaconda Plan

The Union’s plan to defeat the Confederacy.

1) Blockade the ocean (so CSA can’t trade or get supplies)

2) Blockade the Mississippi river (cut the south in 2)

2) Capture Richmond

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Ships plated with iron

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Emancipation Proclamation

On Jan 1, 1863 Lincoln declared all the slaves in the Confederates states free. He passed this using “war powers”.

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Habeas Corpus

Constitutional right that protects against unlawful and indefinate imprisonment.

Lincoln suspended the write of habeas corpus when the people were in “rebellion”. Specifically those in Maryland who were disrupting Union soldiers.

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Northern democrats who wanted to make peace with the South. They were “disloyal” to the Union.

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A draft that targets a specific group of people

Both the Union and CSA resorted to conscription when all the soldiers kept dying. This led to riots (especially in the Union) among those who couldn’t pay to get out of the draft.

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Income Tax

When a percent of somebody’s income is taxed.

Congress passed an income tax in 1863 to pay for the Civil War.

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Sherman’s March

When Will T. Sherman marched all the way from Atlanta to Savannah on a path of total war, meant to demoralize the South and damage their supplies, specifically railroads.

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13th amendment

Passed Jan 31, 1865. Amendment that outlawed slavery.

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Fort Sumter

Where the Civil War began. Confederates fired upon this fort in April 1861.

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Bull Run

First major battle of the Civil War that showed everyone how long and deadly it was going to be. Confederate win.

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Stonewall Jackson

Confederate general Thomas Jackson who stood his ground at the Battle of Bull Run. He died at the Battle of Chancellorsville.

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George McClellan

Commander of the Union army (until he got fired in 1862 for failing to pursue the Confederates after Antietam). He also ran against Lincoln in the election of 1864.

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Ulysses S. Grant

Best Union general during the Civil War who won important victories at Vicksburg and Shiloh. Became commander of the Union army in 1864

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Battle in Tennesee where the Union was surprise attacked but they still won

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Robert E. Lee

Commander of the Confederate army

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Battle in Maryland that stopped the Confederates from getting to DC. A Union victory that allowed Lincoln to announce the Emancipation Proclamation

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Trent Affair

When the Union captured Confederate diplomats aboard a British ship. This caused Britain to get upset and dispatch troops to Canada to get ready to fight. However, Lincoln apologized and peacfully fixed the whole mess because 2 wars at once was too much.

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Battle in PA that had the highest casualties of any other battle in the War. A turning point in the Civil War because it displayed that the CSA wouldn’t survive much longer and destoryed the morale of the Confederates.

Meade (Union) was fired because he failed to pursue the Confederates.

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Battle in Virginia where the Confederates won but Stonewall Jackson died.

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Important victory (led by Grant) that gave the Union control of the Mississippi River

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Gettysburg Address

Lincoln’s short speech that commemerated the Union cemetery at Gettysburg and urged people to keep fighting to preserve the Union and end slavery

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William Tecumseh Sherman

Union general that led the Atlanta Campaign and March to the Sea

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Appomattox Court House

Town in Virginia where Lee finally surrendered to Grant on April 9, 1865

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John Wilkes Booth

Murdered Lincoln at a theater

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