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Joseph Smith and Brigham Young
Leaders of the Mormons who migrated westward settling in Salt Lake City, Utah
Manifest Destiny
A notion held by Americans that the United States was destined to rule the continent, from the Atlantic the Pacific.
Oregon Trail
Led many many pioneers to the rich fertile farmland on the west coast during the 1840s
Donner Party
group of pioneers who were stranded in the Mountains after taking a short cut getting caught in winter forcing them to become cannibals on the Oregon Trail leading west
Sam Houston
Commander of the Texas army at the battle of San Jacinto; later elected president of the Republic of Texas
General Santa Anna
Mexican dictator who eliminated the Mexican Constitution and tried to crush the Texas rebellion
The Alamo
A Spanish mission converted into a fort, it was besieged by Mexican troops in 1836. The Texas garrison held out for thirteen days, but in the final battle, all of the Texans were killed by the larger Mexican force
James K. Polk
Manifest Destiny president - added Texas & Oregon - wanted the war with Mexico
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
Ended the Mexican-American War = granted the US control of Texas & the Mexican Cession (land in the Southwest)
Gadsden Purchase
American bought this from Mexico in 1853 in order to build a railroad linking Texas & California
Gold Rush
Mass migration to California following the discovery of gold in 1848
won their independence in 1821; originally had control of Texas and the Southwestern US
American farmers
were invited into Texas by Mexico to help control Native Americans and bring wealth to the young country - moved there for cheap land
the root cause of the Texas Revolution as American farmers ignored Mexican Law by bringing them
Texas = slave state
Why did the United States not annex Texas for 9 years?
Stephen F. Austin
Founded a colony for Americans in Spanish Texas becoming one of the wealthiest "Anglos" in Texas
Problems between Anglos & Mexicans
The Anglo's spoke English instead of Spanish, tended to be Protestants instead of Catholics, and brought slaves with them which was against Mexico's law