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Light is a kind of energy that can travel through space in a form of wave.
what are the colors in white light
red orange yellow green blue indigo violet
Is a kind of refraction which provided us colors of light. it is observed when white light passes through a prism
A prism is a transparent optical element with flat and polished surfaces that disperses light usually a prism has a triangular base and rectangular sides
Prisms can be made from
Transparent materials like glass, plastic, fluorite
A rainbow is caused by both the reflection and refraction of light in water droplets on the Earth's atmosphere
frequency of light wave
Refers to the number of waves that move past a certain point in one second
Generally measured in Hertz, the units of cycles per second
Wave frequency
is related to wave energy. The more energy in the wave, the higher it's frequency. The lower the frequency the less energy in the wave
When it comes to light waves ______ has the highest energy
When it comes to light waves, ______had the lowest energy
How can u measure wavelength?
Peak to peak, trough to trough, it between two consecutive corresponding points of waves
The shortest wavelength is
The longest wavelength is
Is the bending of light when it travels from one medium to another.
Optical density
Is the measurement of a component’s ability to slow the transmission of light this change in speed is manifested by the bending of the light ray
A known indicator of the optical density of a material is
The index of refraction
index of refraction of a material
Is a quantity that compares the speed of light in a material to it's speed in a vacuum
Light travels from air to the prism
The angle of incidence (0¹)
Is greater than the angle of refraction (0²)
the incoming ray is called the
Incident ray from medium 1
The outgoing ray is the
Refracted ray in medium 2
Associated angles
angle of incidence and the angle of refraction
In terms of frequency and energy of colors, blue, indigo, and violet are the ones with the
Highest frequency and energy
what color is the one with the lowest frequency and energy. It is the color that is bent the least
Red, and violet is the most bent
Is usually described as the turning back of a wave as it hits a barrier.
Is an example of a reflected sound.
Refers to the multiple reflections or echoes in a certain place
Echo sounding
Is another application of sound reflection
The speed of sound in dry air at 0°c
around 331 m/s
Is a measure of hotness or coldness of an object
All matter has molecules or atoms which are constantly moving; thus they have
Kinetic energy
phase change
When the temperature of substance changes, it's molecular structure and movement also change
Fusion or melting
Is the process that causes a solid change to it's liquid state.
Heat of fusion
The amount of heat required to produce this change
Solidification or freezing
When water boils, evaporation takes place
When water vapor releases heat, it's gas state changes to the liquid state through
is the process of transforming a substance from the solid phase directly to the gas state without passing the liquid phase and requires additional energy
is the process Of the transforming a substance from gas to solid without passing the liquid phase and requires a release of energy.
is an-energy form that transfers From a body of higher temperature to another body of lower temperature.
Internal Energy
is the total energy in a body
the three common temperature scales are
celsius, fahrenheit and kelvin
Who introduced the Celsius scale
Anders Celsius in 1741
Who introduced the fahrenheit scale
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1724
Who introduced the third temperature scale aka kelvin scale
William thompson in 1848
What is the freezing point of water and boiling point in Celsius
the freezing point of water is 0°C while it's boiling point is 100°C having 100 intervals between two reference points
What is the freezing point and boiling point of fahrenheit scale
The freezing point is 32°F and the boiling point is 212°F having 180 intervals between two reference points
What is the freezing point and boiling point of water in kelvin scale
The freezing point of water is 273K, while it's boiling point is 373K
a system that of electrical conductors and components forming a complete and closed path
conducts electricity since, it offers little or no resistance to the flow of electrical current like metals, alloys, water, it allows the flow of current
Electrical conductor
substances or materials that allows electricity to flow through it.
Ohm's Law
one of the basic and important laws of electric circuits is Ohm's Law Ohm's Law states that the voltage across a conductor is directly proportional to the current Flowing through it
Electric current (1)
is the rate of Flow of electric charges from one point to another in a circuit.
Electric current is measured in
Amperes (A)
Is what makes a current move mathematically voltage is given by, V = w/q
Electrical Resistance (R)
is the opposition to the flow of current by the conducting wire.
is the property of matter that allows current to flow.
Electrical resistance is measured
in ohm’s (o), named after Georg Simon Ohm
An electronic device that is designed to resist the flow of current
The relationship among voltage, current and resistance is summarized by
Ohm's law