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At the midepigastrium, in the transverse view,
the order of structures, from midline to right, is
portal vein, head of the pancreas, duodenum, liver, and gallbladder.
The relationship of the gallbladder and the right kidney can be stated as
the right kidney is posterior to the gallbladder.
The left and right hepatic ducts form the
The left and right hepatic ducts join to form the biliary duct or common duct.
The relationship of the portal vein, common bile duct, and hepatic artery can be stated as
the common bile duct is located lateral to the portal vein, and the hepatic artery lies medial to the portal vein.
What is known as Mickey’s sign in the transverse view of teh abdomen on the RUQ?
What makes Mickey’s face?
What Makes Mickey’s Left Ear?
What makes Mickey’s Right Ear
The portal vein, common bile duct, and hepatic artery form a portal triad, known as the "Mickey's" sign in the transverse view.
The portal vein is the face, the hepatic artery forms the left ear (medial to the portal vein), and the common bile duct forms the right ear (lateral to the portal vein).
The diameter of the common bile duct is
1 to 7 mm.
The common sections of the gallbladder are
fundus, body, and neck.
The gallbladder fossa can be identified close to what fissure?
the main lobar fissure.
The main lobar fissure is a sonographic landmark used to identify the gallbladder fossa.
If the patient is turned into a left lateral decubitus position, the gallbladder shifts
Closer to midline
is the gallbladder fixed?
No. It is not stationary The position of the gallbladder can vary considerably and changes as the patient is moved.
What artery is found slightly medial and anterior to the main portal vein?
The hepatic artery is found slightly medial and anterior to the main portal vein.
How thick is the gallbladder wall?
It is 3 mm thick
On Us, What are the landmarks that help identify the gallbladder on longtiduinal section ?
portal vein, main lobar fissure and right kidney
The gallbladder is routinely identified with ultrasound
Can you see the common hepatic duct on us?
Yes, the Common hepatic duct is easily visualized in the porta hepatis
Can you see the Common Bile Duct on us?
Yes it is easily seen
Can you see the cystic duct on ultrasound?
True or False:
The sonographer should always review available patient information.
A sonographer is responsible for acquiring patient information pertinent to the ultrasound study before the examination procedure.
True or False?
The sonographer should write technical observations of the ultrasound examination in the patient's chart.
True or False:
The sonographer should always review the ultrasound request form.
The process of reviewing available patient information begins with the sonographer reviewing the ultrasound request form.
True or False:
Test results are found in the patient's chart.
Reports from correlating modality studies are found in the patient's chart.
True or False
The ultrasound request form contains the type of examination.
What does is included on an ultrasound request form?
should include:
the patient's identification data
the clinical symptoms
the type of examination requested
and the reason for the examination.
True or False
Performing frequent hand washing is a strategy for reducing exposure to blood-borne pathogens.
True or False
Wearing gloves when handling body fluids is a strategy for reducing exposure to blood-borne pathogens.
The frequency control ensures that
tissue resolution is adequate.
Better tissue resolution of superficial structures is attained with ?
Higher frequencies
Lower frequency is used for what?
Deeper structures but image definition is lost for superficial structures
TGC control can strengthen echoes that are
returning from deep tissues
The TGC control equalizes
the differences in received echo amplitudes due to reflector depth.
When the focal zone indicator is set too deep for the organ being examined
the resolution is suboptimal.
The focal zone should be set at
the level of the area of interest.
the focal zone provides
the correct scan depth, ensuring optimal visualization of the target organ.
The posterior border of the gallbladder cannot be seen on sagittal view; it appears to be cut off. Which control is most likely to correct this?
If the posterior portion of the organ is off the screen, the depth has been improperly set.
What control places the area of interest on the screen?
The depth control
The organ should appear large enough to fill a good portion of the image, yet the surrounding anatomy should be easily visualized.
The trace function
outlines circumference measurements.
Doppler can be added to the image by which control?
The Doppler function can be activated by the color Doppler or Power Doppler controls.
Which of the following controls allows you to position the measurement cursors?
True or False
Sonographers must learn to use a wide range of technologic tools to ensure optimum imaging and to facilitate sonologist reporting.
During an ultrasound examination, it is acceptable for a sonographer to
a. show the patient any abnormal findings.
b.discuss his or her opinion of the ultrasound findings.
c. provide a diagnosis.
d. briefly point out one or more structures.
d. briefly point out one or more structures.
The best types of questions to present to a patient to obtain a thorough patient history are
open-ended questions that can provide accurate and specific details.
A practice to protect patients from infection due to germs is referred to as a(an)
aseptic technique.
In order to ensure you have the correct patient, the sonographer should
use two patient identifiers, having the patient repeat their name and date of birth while checking the identification bracelet.
In order to properly assist shorter patients on and off the exam table, the sonographer should
provide a step stool with handles
When assisting a wheelchair patient, the sonographer should
make certain that both brakes are locked and the leg- and footrests have been pushed out of the way.
The significance of evaluating ergonomics in the workplace is to
improve performance and quality, reduce injuries, and reduce absenteeism and turnover.
When ultrasound equipment was transitioned from static scanners with an articulated arm to real-time scanning with heavy cables attached to the transducers, sonographers began experiencing muscle strain in the:
A. ankle, knee, and elbow. |
B. thumb, wrist, and shoulder. |
C. knee, elbow, and shoulder. |
D. fingers, toes, and wris |
B. thumb, wrist, and shoulder.
By the mid-1990s, sonographers began to complain of muscle strain in the wrist, base of the thumb, shoulder, neck, and back.
Industry Standards for the Prevention of WRMSD injuries in sonography were first introduced by the
Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers (SDMS) in 2003
A specific type of tendonitis that is due to repeated and intense gripping of the transducer is:
A. carpal tunnel syndrome.
B. rotator cuff injury.
C. plantar fasciitis.
D. de Quervain's disease.
D. de Quervain's disease.
Inflammation on the sole of the foot is referred to as:
plantar fasciitis
Entrapment of the median nerve defines what condition?
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Extension of the shoulder and arm away from the body is referred to as
Spinal degeneration is caused from awkward and static postures, bending, and
Intervertebral disc degeneration results from awkward and static postures, bending, and twisting while scanning.
Degeneration of the intervertebral discs is not related to sonographic scanning.
Spinal degeneration is a deterioration of the intervertebral discs and is a common injury or disorder among sonographers.
True or False:
My instructors name is Elphaba Thropp.
True or False:
Each weeks assignments are due Sunday at 10 p.m. the same week they are assigned
True or False:
I can submit an assignment NO LATER than 1 week (7 days) after the due date with a 10% late submission penalty.
True or False:
Using AI in this class is strictly prohibited and if I'm caught using AI on an assignment that assignment will get a ZERO for the grade
True or False
The best way to get in touch with my instructor is via D2L messenger.
You can also email me but it may take longer to get a response than using D2L messenger.
True or False:
My instructor is actually a robot and therefore I will not find any spelling, typographical, or other types of mistake/errors in this class.
True or False
There is no extra credit offered in this class.
True or False:
Every assignment has a grace period for late submissions except the final exam, final discussion, and writing assignment.
The final exam, discussion, and writing assignment will not be accepted late.
True or False:
The writing assignment must be at least 70% original material to receive full credit.
To get an A in this class I need to make a 94 or higher
The left portal vein serves as ________________ between the medial and lateral left lobe.
an intersegmental boundary
The ____________ surface of the liver normally rests on the abdominal organs.
The right and left lobes of the liver are related to the ______________ of the diaphragm.
A. anterior surface
B. superior surface
C. posterior surface
D. undersurface
D. undersurface
The right lobe of the liver is related to the right ___________ of the ______, along the right midaxillary line from the _______________ to the __________ ribs.
The right lobe of the liver is related to the right lateral undersurface of the diaphragm, along the right midaxillary line from the seventh to the eleventh ribs.
Which is NOT related to the caudate lobe of the liver?
Splenic vein
Left portal vein
Inferior vena cava
Ligamentum venosum
Splenic Vein
The anterior boundary of the caudate lobe is marked by
The anterior boundary of the caudate lobe is marked by the posterior surface of the left portal vein
The posterior boundary of the Caudate lobe is:
The posterior boundary is the IVC
What separates the caudate lobe from the left lobe of the liver.
The ligamentum venosum separates the caudate lobe from the left lobe of the liver.
The boundaries of the bare area of the liver include
The boundaries of the bare area include the:
falciform ligament
coronary ligaments
triangular ligaments
gastrohepatic ligament
The liver occupies a major portion of the _____________ region.
right hypochondriac
right hypochondriac region
What regions does the liver occupy?
a major portion of the right hypochondrium.
Normally, it extends inferiorly into the epigastrium
and laterally into the left hypochondrium.
The liver is composed of ________ lobes.
The left hepatic vein and the left hepatic lobe are separated from the caudate lobe by the
A. intrasegmental fissure.
B. intersegmental fissure.
C. fissure for the ligamentum venosum.
D. bare area of the liver.
C. Fissure for the ligamentum venosum
The caudate lobe is separated from the left hepatic lobe
by the proximal portion of the left hepatic vein and the fissure for the ligamentum venosum.
At the midepigastrium, in the transverse view, the order of structures, from midline to right, is
portal vein, head of the pancreas, duodenum, liver, and gallbladder.
what vein is formed near the neck of the pancreas?
the portal vein, formed by:
the superior mesenteric vein and splenic vein
at the neck of the pancreas
The relationship of the gallbladder and the right kidney can be stated as
the right kidney is posterior to the gallbladder.
The left and right hepatic ducts form the
common duct.
The relationship of the portal vein, common bile duct, and hepatic artery can be stated as:
A. the common bile duct lies medial to the portal vein, and the hepatic artery is located lateral to the portal vein.
B. the portal vein lies medial to the common bile duct and the hepatic artery.
C. the portal vein lies lateral to the common bile duct and the hepatic artery.
D. the common bile duct is located lateral to the portal vein, and the hepatic artery lies medial to the portal vein.
D. the common bile duct is located lateral to the portal vein, and the hepatic artery lies medial to the portal vein.
The common sections of the gallbladder are
fundus, body, and neck.
True or False:
The gallbladder fossa can be identified close to the main lobar fissure.
The main lobar fissure is a sonographic landmark used to identify the gallbladder fossa.
True or False
The hepatic artery is found slightly medial and anterior to the main portal vein.
True or False:
The sonographer should always review available patient information.
true or false:
The sonographer should write technical observations of the ultrasound examination in the patient's chart.
Tech obs serve as a reference for the interpreting doc
Final interpretation of the ultrasound images and technical observations is always the responsibility of the interpreting physician.
True or false:
The sonographer should always review the ultrasound request form.
True or False:
The sonographer should always provide the interpretive report.
An interpretive report is a formal, legal report of the ultrasound findings by a sonologist, radiologist, or other interpreting physician. A sonographer should never provide diagnoses, because this would be unjustified and potentially legally compromising.
True or False:
Test results are found in the patient's chart.
True or False:
The ultrasound request form contains the patient's identification number.
The ultrasound request form should include
the patient's identification data
the clinical symptoms
type of examination requested
and the reason for the examination.
True or False
Sources of infection for HBV and HIV include saliva.
True or False:
Sources of infection for HBV and HIV include amniotic fluid.
HBV and HIV can be transmitted in body fluids such as
blood, saliva, semen, vaginal secretions, amniotic fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, synovial fluid, and pericardial fluid.
True or False:
Performing frequent hand washing is a strategy for reducing exposure to blood-borne pathogens.
True or False:
Wearing gloves when handling body fluids is a strategy for reducing exposure to blood-borne pathogens.
True or False:
Sagittal and coronal scanning plane images show only longitudinal sections of structures.
True or False:
Transverse scanning plane images show only axial or short axis sections of structures.