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Alacrity (noun)
readiness; eagerness; cheerfulness
Altruistic (adj)
possessing self concern for the welfare of others
Anachronism (noun)
Something that seems to be out of place historically
Assiduous (adj)
steadily attentive; diligent; busy
Bellicose (adj)
warlike; inclined to start quarrels
benign (adj)
mild; gentle; favorable
Copious (adj)
full of thought or information; exuberant in expression
Credulous (adj)
totally believable, even without extensive evidence
exacerbate (verb)
to make worse; make more severe
Fortuitous (adj)
occurring by chance; lucky
idiosyncrasy (noun)
a peculiar habit or characteristic
inane (adj)
lacking significance, meaning or point; empty; silly
gregarious (adj)
social; friendly
incorrigible (adj)
incapable of being corrected; delinquent; unmanageable
irascible (adj)
marked by a hot temper; easily provoked to anger
loquacious (adj)
excessively talkative
laconic (adj)
sparing with words; marked by briefness of speech
mollify (verb)
to soothe in temper; appease
mundane (adj)
ordinary; practical
Preamble (noun)
the introductory part of a statue, deed, or law