Language and Speech Development: Exam 1

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61 Terms

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  • Verbal or spoken means of communicating

  • Requires precise neuromuscular coordination, planning, and sequencing of oral motor movements

  • Involves other aspects involving voice quality, intonation, and rate which change the meaning of what is said

  • Contains phonemes - specific sounds/sound combos such as /s/ or /sl/; involves how we say our sounds and use our articulators effectively

  • Humans are the only beings that can produce the complexity of speech sounds/combinations; animals make sounds, but not near the complexity of human speech production

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  • Socially shared code system for representing concepts through symbols and rules of how they’re combined

  • Safe code in which we make symbols stand for something else

  • Form of social behavior maintained by verbal communication

  • Involves/consists of/requires:

    • 5 parameters: phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics

    • Involves gestures, facial expressions, and body postures to convey messages and change meaning or interactions with others as well

    • Affected by and based on biological, cognitive, psychosocial, and environmental factors

    • Requires understanding of non-verbal cues, motivation, and social-cultural rules

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  • Exchange of information and ideas, needs, and desires between 2 or more people

  • Complex; involves speech, language, hearing, memory, and planning

  • Involves and is affected by social and cultural norms and situations

  • Involves encoding, transmitting, and decoding the intended message (also requires a sender and receiver, each party must understand the message conveyed)

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Communicative competence

If a speaker successfully transmits a message, and a receiver successfully understands the message sent; the degree of success in communication measured by the appropriateness and effectiveness of the message

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Paralinguistic cues

Intonation, stress/emphasis (most complex bc it changes meaning, signals, or mood), speed/rate of communication delivery, and pause/hesitation during communication

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Non-linguistic cues

Gestures, body posture, facial expression, eye contact, head nod/body movements, and physical proximity/physical distance

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Metalinguistic cues

Help us analyze language, think about language, and judge how appropriate or correct language is when we say or hear things

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Language is a social tool

  • Without communication, language has no purpose

  • The purpose of language is to be a code of transmission between people

  • Language is how we are social with others

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Language is rule-governed

  • The way we arrange our words and sounds into forming language isn’t random

    • The rules that form language help us as users to create/form and understand the messages between one anohter

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Linguistic competence

Understanding the rules of languages

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Linguistic performance

Using the rules of language appropriately

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  • The form or structure of a sentence; this specifies word, phrase, sentence order

  • Contains a noun phrase and a verb phrase

  • Involves an arrangement of words to form an overall meaningful sentence

  • Denotes word order and overall structure of a sentence

  • Contains different types of sentences (passive, active, questions, declaratives, commands, or exclamations)

  • As children mature, they begin to use complex constructions such as compound and complex sentences

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  • The study of word structure and how words are formed out of morphemes

    • Morpheme - smallest meaningful unit of language; these are used to form words

  • Consists of free morphemes - words that can’t be broken down into smaller parts (ocean, book, color, connect) and bound morphemes - words that can’t stand alone and must be joined to a free morpheme to make sense (“ing”, plurals, possessive /s/, and past tense “ed”)

  • Can change the meaning of a word

  • Understanding these is important when performing a language and speech sample

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  • The scientific study of the sound systems and patterns used to create sounds and words of a language

    • Phoneme - smallest unit of sound, placed in slashes (/p/ for example); The English language contains 44 phonemes

  • Contains phonological rules - explain how phonemes are distributed and sequenced through a language

    • Sequencing phonology rules - explain differences in sound production/modifications when 2 phonemes occur next to each other; and discuss the act that certain sounds aren’t placed together to form a word (for example, you can end a word with “nd” but cannot begin a word with “nd”)

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  • The study of the meaning of language which is conveyed by the words, phrases, sentences, and conversations we speak during communication

  • Consists of a person’s vocabulary, antonyms, synonyms, multiple meanings of words, humor, and figurative language like metaphors, idioms, and proverbs

  • Consists of semantic categories: recurrence, rejection, causality, overextension, under-extension, world knowledge, fast mapping, and categorization

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  • The study of rules that govern the use of language in social situations

  • Being successful means that both speaker and listener understand acceptable language use

  • Involves functions of language:

    • Labeling

    • Protesting

    • Commenting

    • Knowing when to talk without being redundant

    • Keeping sentences in a logical and coherent order

    • Turn-taking

    • Staying on topic

    • Repairing communication breakdowns

    • Using a normal flow of discourse

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Subcategories of a parent language that uses similar but not identical rules

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Style shifting

A variation from formal speaking to informal speaking based on the situation

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Being able to vary language rules between 2 different languages during interactions

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Articulators consist of:

  • Lips, teeth, tongue, hard and soft palate, pharynx, larynx, lungs, and diaphragm

  • Help us produce our speech production effectively and our articulation

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Articulation is developed in sounds from ________ to most ___________.

easiest; difficult

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Substitution in articulation

Ex: “gog” for “dog”, “tar” for “car”, “tee” for “see”

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Omission in speech

  • Leaving a sound out of a word

  • Ex: “cu” for “cup”, “poon” for “spoon”, “at” for “hat”

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Baby milestones:

  • Should be cooing as early as 2 months

  • Babbling by 10 months

  • First word by 1 year/12 months

  • Putting two words together by 2 years/24 months

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Chomsky’s theory:

Says language is innate

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Skinner’s theory

Behaviorist theory (says language is learned through the environment)

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Piaget’s theory

Language development is based on developmental stages

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Vygotsky’s theory

Social learning theory (language is learned through social interactions and interaction with others)

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Outer/external ear

Consists of the auricle (pinna) and auditory canal

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Middle ear

Air-filled cavity, contains three small bones (malleus, incus, stapes), the eardrum, and the eustachian tube

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Inner ear

Contains the oval window and round window, semicircular canals, and cochlea

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Normal gestation period:

  • Typically 38-42 weeks

  • Anything below is premature, anything above is post-mature

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Birth to 3 months:

  • Startle reflex, eye blinking

  • Limb movement

  • Head turning toward/away, suck swallow breathe pattern should be established

  • Coos, gurgles, and reflexive sounds noted

  • Prefers vowel sound productions

  • Beginning to discriminate between high and low sounds

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12 months:

  • Understand up to 25 words receptively, but typically only produces the first word at this age

  • Sound imitation of common household sounds, animals, and first consistent word emerges

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18 months:

Tremendous growth in vocabulary comprehension, 100-200 words understood; first 50 words now being used

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24 months:

Understands and follows verbal directions well with critical elements, begins to understand “wh” questions, and begins placing 2 words together to form short phrases

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36 months:

Shares auditory experiences from memory, will hold a seemingly appropriate conversation with an inanimate object, using over 200 and even up to 1,000 words but understanding between 2,000-3,000 words

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Conductive hearing loss

Occurs when hearing loss occurs b/c sound is prevented due to problems through the ear canal and middle ear; may be caused by wax impaction, fluid/otitis media, or due to physical abnormalities/abnormal fusion of middle ear bones or failed development of ear canal; results in inability to hear soft sounds or even conversation

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Sensorineural hearing loss

Occurs when damage to the cochlea (inner ear) or auditory pathways that deliver information to the cochlea occurs; involves damage to the neural structures of the sensory system; may occur in one or both ears and may have different levels of hearing loss in each ear; can range from mild (not hearing soft sounds only) to total deafness

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Congenital hearing loss

Present at birth; 50-60% occurs due to this and may be genetic

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Acquired hearing loss

Develops after birth due to infection, physical damage, occurring during birth, maternal health conditions during pregnancy (environmental conditions)

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Genetic hearing loss

  • When one or both of the child’s parents have hearing loss

    • Although it should be noted that 90% of children born with hearing loss have parents with normal hearing, which is termed non-genetic

    • Non-genetic makes up the other 40-50% of pop. born with hearing loss and stem from maternal health conditions and infections during pregnancy; also considered “environmental” because the conditions stem from the child’s prenatal environment

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Idiopathic hearing loss

Hearing loss when the cause is unknown

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Common signs of hearing loss in children:

  • No response when called

  • Inconsistent response to sound

  • Delayed speech and language development

  • Unclear speech; problems with possible voice, fluency, and resonance as well

  • Misunderstanding or not following directions

  • Frequent requests for clarification (saying “huh” and “what”)

  • Sound turned up on electronic equipment (radio, TV, computer, games, etc.)

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Newborn Hearing Screening/Early Hearing Detection:

  • Performed on all newborns before hospital departure; part of the National Institutes of Health Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program; this ensures that hearing loss is identified in newborns and that follow-up medical/audiology services are provided in a timely manner

  • All newborns and infants who do not pass the initial screening are rescreened and should have confirmatory audiological and medical evaluations no later than 3 months of age

  • All infants with confirmed permanent hearing loss should receive early intervention as soon as possible, no later than 6 months of age

  • Case history interview is done with parents, as well as instrumentation like tympanometry, ABR, VRA, etc.

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Different types of amplification:

  • Primary goal being to ensure that speech is audible at a variety of loudness levels, infant/child should be provided the most appropriate and efficient hearing aid possible/customized hearing aid

    • Body aid - worn under person’s shirt

    • Behind the ear - fits behind the ear and has an internal receiver

    • In the ear - a small unit which fits within the concha of the external ear

    • In the canal - fits in the ear canal and is less visible

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Cochlear implant

  • For those who have profound hearing losses and cannot benefit from hearing aids

  • Electronic devices surgically placed in the cochlea and other parts of the ear; deliver sound directly to the acoustic nerve endings in the cochlea

  • Even if the patient is profoundly deaf, there is often a large residual population of primary cochlear neural elements and a cochlear implant can take advantage of those elements

  • Deliver electrical impulses, converted from sound, directly to the auditory nerve

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Receptive language

The understanding of language; to comprehend the message; also involves the ability to understand and comprehend spoken, written, and non-verbal speech and language skills (also involves understanding the meaning of words, concepts, questions, and figurative language)

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Language comprehension

One’s ability to understand the linguistic information in a message (what’s happening, who’s speaking, what was previously said, visual information available); involves vocabulary, grammar, content analysis, and inference making

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Red flags of language comprehension

  • Not listening or responding

  • Not following directions

  • Not repeating or imitating

  • Little speech development

  • Problems processing oral directions

  • Immature vocabulary

  • Poor reading skills as children grow

  • Poor reading comprehension

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Birth to 1 year:

  • Alert to sound

  • Quiets to smiles when you talk

  • Turns or looks toward voices or people talking

  • Recognizes loved ones and some common objects

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19-24 months:

Uses and understands 50 words, puts 2 words together

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2-3 years:

Uses 3-4 words, often says “watch me,” know their name, begins to use plurals, asking “wh-” and “how” questions, begins to use possessives (i.e. daddy’s socks)

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4-5 years:

Producing most sounds correctly, carrying on full-blown conversations, producing sentences that are longer and more complex

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  • Communicate meaning and accompany speech development and production

  • Can be manual, facial, or other bodily movements

  • Essential for speaking

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Deictic gestures

  • Showing, giving, pointing, and using ritual request gestures to communicate

  • These are repetitive, symbolic body movements used to communicate a request

  • Raising a hand to ask a question; moving an adult’s hand toward bubbles to show they want them

  • Also consists of hand waving, nodding head for yes/no, blowing kisses, and shrugging shoulders (I don’t know)

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Representational gestures

  • Hand, body, and facial movements that convey information about a person, object, location, or event

  • Iconic gestures or “baby signs” - baby sign language is a set of simple hand gestures and movements, or signs that correspond to common words you use with your body everyday

  • Moving arms in air to symbolize an airplane, pinching your fingers close together to signify that an object is small

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Emblem gestures

  • Emblematic

  • Body language, conveys a clear verbal meaning without the use of words

  • May be used in place of speech or with it

  • Examples are: “A-OK, thumbs up, peace sign, shhhh, finger over lips to “be quiet” or even just a look from someone that lets you know you’re in trouble

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Beat gestures

  • Hand movements made in time with speech and can influence how speech is perceived

  • Quick up down hand movements used w/ speech to help ifnluence how speech is heard or perceived

  • Made when the speaker emphasizes a word or phrase

  • Help with pragmatics and understanding of what’s being said

  • Children begin using beat gestures around 2 years and later help with the child being able to tell stories as well as word recall

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________ is the most common first gesture that happens.


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Gestures can also replace _______________.

language and speech in children (may be an issue as the child grows up)