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what three things can be a sign in a change of circulation
sweating, anxiety, restlessness,
when is the only time where it’s okay to skip reassessment
when life-saving interventions are preventing you from doing so
for conscious pts during reassesment remember to what ?
talk to them, get down to their level and explain what you’re doing before doing so
what is the first step in reassessment
repeat primary
what is the second step in reassessment
reassess and record vitals
what is the third step in reassessment
repeat pertinent parts of the secondary assessment
what is the fourth step in reassessment
check interventions
after providing interventions its important to ask patients what ?
if they feel any changes in symptoms (make sure you let the pt answer and try NOT to steer their answers in any direction)
what two things are you checking for in your interventions
1- ensure adequacy of oxygen and other interventions 2-ensure management of any bleeding and that its working
check to make sure that the oxygen tubing hasn’t become ___________ or _____________
kinked or disconected
what is the first step in checking the path of oxygen
check the regulator on the tank and make sure that it has sufficient oxygen
what is the second step in checking the path of oxygen
check that the flowmeter is set to proper flow
what is the third step in checking the path of oxygen
look at the tubing for any sort of kinks or interuptions
what is the fourth step in checking the path of oxygen
look at the mask/cannula make sure it’s attatched
what is the fifth step in checking the path of oxygen
make sure the attatchment is positioned correctly on the pt
when using a NRB on a pt what thing are you checking for when looking at the bag
that bag does not deflate on pt inhale
if the bag on a NRB decreases on pt inhale what do you do
increase the flow rate
what three things do you do when reassessing wounds that are not visible
1-use gloves-2-gently palpate the area-3-look for blood on your gloves
observing __________ in vitals is more important then a single set of vitals
metabolism is the conversion of what?
glucose (which becomes ATP, energy for the cell)
water levels influence the concentrations of important chemicals in the cells like __________?
what are electrolytes
substances that when dissolved in water seperate into charged particles
glucose binds with _________ to form energy/metabolism
what is aerobic metabolism
cellular process when oxygen is used to metabolize
what are the benefits of aerobic metabolism
-efficient energy amounts & little amounts of waste created
what is anaerobic metabolism
a cellular process that does not use oxygen
what is a downside to anaerobic metabolism
ineffecient with energy and creates a lot of waste
what is a waste product of anaerobic metabolism
it creates CO2 and pyruvic acid (becomes that much more ineffective because now the body has to use energy to remove carbon dioxide)
what happens when carbon dioxide levels are too high in the body
the body will increase RR
what is another bodily response when carbon dioxide levels become high within the body
acid levels in the body will increase → body becomes acidotic
whats the first thing that will happen when the body becomes acidotic
hemoglobin will become less atracted to the blood
whats the second thing that will happen when the body becomes acidotic
SpO2 levels will significantly decrease because their is not proper oxygen being delivered to the tissues
the oxygen that is needed for aerobic respiration is supplied via what system ?
the respiratory system
what system carries oxygen throughout the body
the cardiovascular system
diseases or infections of any kind can damage what part of the cell
the cell membrane
ineffective membranes can allow ___________ into the cell which can interfere with the body’s regulation of water
what two parts of the body are major factors in the body’s flight or fight system
-the medulla oblongata -the hypothalamus
feed and breed OR rest and digest refers to which system
the parasympathetic nervous system
the ______________ nervous system slows down HR and BP
the scientific name for adrenaline is
epinephrine and ___________ are both produced by the sympathetic nervous system
norepi and epi are produced by what part of the body
the adrenal glands
epi and norepi cause the bronchial tubes to __________
plasma makes up __________ percent of blood
white cells and platlets make up _________ percent of blood
RBC make up _______ percent of blood
what is hydrostatic pressure
pushes water out of the blood vessels into the cell
__________and with children is an extreme reaction (usually an indicator of hypovolemia
vasocontriction (high HR)
when blood vessels are forced into unctonrolled dilation can cause a drop in internal pressure this is known as a loss of _________
what is addison’s disease
it is a condition of adrenal insufficiency
___________ type of medication is used for managing blood pressure but also reduce epi and norepi
beta blockers
“air goes in, air goes out, and blood goes round and round” this quote is known to represent what system
the cardiopulmonary system
the path of airway starts with the
mouth and nose
the 2 part of the airway is
the 3 part of the airway is
what is the hypopharynx
the back of the throat
what is the 4 part of the airway
the larynx
what is the 5 part of the airway
what is the 6 part of the airway
mainstem bronchi
what is the 7 part of the airway
what is the 8 part of the airway
alveoli (where the gas exchange actually takes place within the lungs)
what part of the airway is the most common to be obstructed
the upper part of the airway
what four things can cause the larynx to swell
infections, choking, a child with croup, burns to the outer soft tissue
this is a common infection caused by viral infections most often seen in pediatric patients, it can be recognized by signs of a hoarse,brasky/barking cough
croup can cause the _________ to swell in pediatric pts
remember __________ may read as normal when dealing with patients with shock
blood pressure
longer ______________ is a clear indicator of vasoconstriction and compensation (in pediatric pts)
cap refill
the scientific term for ‘leaky capillaries is’
excessive permeability
what three things can cause leaky capillaries
-sepsis-altitude-certain diseases
leaky capillaries can lead to _________ loss from the bloodstream
in the lungs increased permeability can allow what?
allow plasma in the blood to cross the membrane and occupy the space in tissues in and around the aleveoli
what happens if plasma occupies the space in lung tissue
it can mess with a pts airflow
what does SVR stand for?
systemic vascular resistance
what is SVR
the pressure inside the blood vessels that the heart has to pump against t
blood vessels rely on __________ to know when to dilate
without messengers(chemoreceptors) and sympathetic response it can cause _____________ ____________pressure to drop and cause profound shock
circulatory system
what is SV
stroke volume
what is the normal amount for SV
70 mL
how much blood the heart has in it before it contracts is known as ?
how hard the heart has to pump to move blood in the body is known as?
this is the amount of pressure that the heart has to pump against to get blood in the body’s system
after load is a function of ________
there are two types of heart dysfunction they are?
mechanical and electrical
what is mechanical dysfunction of the heart
can be any sort of trauma to the chest, you may see this in severe rear end collisions where the drivers chest makes contact with the steering wheel
what is electrical dysfunction of the heart
anything that interferes with the heart’s ability to work as a muscle
what are two examples of electrical dysfunction in the heart
heart attack or heart failure (CHF)
when all functions of the cardiopulmonary system are in place this is known as?
V/Q match
what does the V in V/Q match stand for
what does the Q in V/Q match stand for
what is V/Q match
it is when the aleveoli have sufficient amounts of air and the pulmonary capillaries have a sufficient amount of blood (when the body is profusing how it should)
V/Q match is often expressed as a ___________ rather than a match because of how easy it is to be changed/influenced
what is hypovolemic shock
it is a type of shock caused by when the body has sustained a severe amount of fluid or blood loss
what are some reasons someone may become hypovolemic
food poising, some misscariage, hemorrhaging
what is disrtributive shock
when blood vessel tone is lost
what can cause distributive shock
anaphylaxis, sepsis
what can be a result of distributive shock
low pressure
what is cardiogenic shock
heart can’t pump blood the way it needs to
what are some things that can cause cardiogenic shock
trauma to the chest and an MCI (myocardial infarction)
what is a MCI
a myocardial infraction is a heart attack
what is obstructive shock
when their is something within the body that is preventing it from pumping blood in the way it should