Practices of War- Battles in the War of Attrition

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Operations on the Western Front

8 Terms


Plan XVII/17 (7-24 August 1914)

A series of offensives across regions of Alsace and Lorraine.

Aim: Reclaim territories Germans took in Franco-Prussian war (humiliated)

How: Rapid advance into German territory

Failure: Fr + Ger armies clashed early on in ‘The Battle of the Frontiers (Fr didn’t achieve rapid success)

  • French advance wasn’t uniform- allowed germans to exploit gaps in their counter

  • Turned into static trench warfare for rest of war

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The Battle of the Marne (5-12 September 1914)

Turning point where Allies halted German advance + forced them to retreat.

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Why did the Schlieffen plan fail? (August 1914)

  • Belgium resistance gave allies time to prepare troops

  • Logisitical challenges: supply lines exhausted due to rapid movement

  • Communication issues; delayed picture of events + difficulty in coordinating movement

  • Difficult terrain and weather slowed troops down

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Ypres (April 1915)

  • Multiple battles

  • Second battle of Ypres most important because:

    • First large-scale use of poison gas by Germans

    • Didn’t change stalemate

    • BUT; significantly impacted tactics and use of chemical warfare

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The Battle of Verdun (February-October 1916)

German attempt to break stalemate on the Western Front.

Aim: ‘Bleed the French white’ through heavy artillery + massive amount of resources


  • Start of battle postponed due to weather- allowed Fr to bolster their defences

  • Due to heavy artillery + over 2.5 million shells, landscape churned up

    • Many forts + hills compiled with shell damage made it very hard for troops to advance

  • Single road supplying Verdun key to French resistance (Voie Sacrée); sustained constant flow of reinforcements to defend against German attacks (Ger never manged to cut it)

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The Battle of the Somme (July-November 1916)

Allied offensive attempting to relieve pressure off French in Verdun + breakthrough the Western Front stalemate through a long week artillery bombardment

  • First use of tanks


  • Due to poor communication- planned artillery barrage bad timing- not as hoped

  • Very heavy casualties through trench warfare

  • No breakthrough, little gains

  • Lowered public morale- cost of war emphasised

  • Poor weather conditions + lack of understanding of terrain slowed troops down

  • Limited impact of new tech (tanks)- slow, ineffective

Impact: Profound impact on military strategy, Allies adapted their tactics to try improve coordination, Germans adjusted their defensive strategies.

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The Battle of Passchendaele/Third Battle of Ypres (July-November 1917)


  • Resulted in a stalemate in a stalemate

  • Heavy casualties

  • Barely any gains

  • Challenging Terrains

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  • 3 exhausted armies in a war of attrition

  • German race to knock Britain out of war, therefore crushing France before US mobilised

    • Whilst they did kill many Brits, they exhausted their 250,000 troops

    • Allies and Germans similar amount of losses but US came in

    • Hundred Days- Allies pushing Germans back, once Ger politicans achknowledge this- ARMISTICE requested + signed

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