Empiricism: How to Know Stuff The Scientific Method 2️⃣ The Art of Looking ✳️2️⃣ ⚠️ Complexity, Variability, Reactivity
What is empiricism?
The belief that accurate knowledge of the world can be acquired through observation.
How did empiricism differ from dogmatism in ancient medicine?
Dogmatists relied on theories, while empiricists relied on observations of sick people.
Why has empiricism only recently gained wide acceptance?
For most of history, people trusted authority rather than observation to answer questions about the natural world.
What is the scientific method?
A procedure for using empirical evidence to establish facts.
What are the three main steps of the scientific method?
Develop a theory.
Derive a falsifiable hypothesis.
Test the hypothesis by gathering empirical evidence.
What is a hypothesis?
A falsifiable prediction made by a theory.
Can a theory be proved right?
No, observations consistent with a theory increase confidence in it but cannot prove it conclusively.
Why do observations alone sometimes fail to resolve debates?
Human senses are limited and often inaccurate, requiring empirical methods and tools to enhance observation.
What is an empirical method?
A set of rules and techniques for observation, often involving technologies to extend the senses.
Why is human behavior harder to study than cells or stars?
Complexity: The human brain and its 100 billion neurons are difficult to explain.
Variability: No two people think, feel, or act the same under identical circumstances.
Reactivity: People change their behavior when they know they are being observed.
What are the two main types of methods used by psychologists?
Methods of observation: Discover what people do.
Methods of explanation: Discover why people do it.