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Electronic Health Record
Electronic Medical Record
Quality Control
A system of maintaining standards in manufactured products by testing a sample of the output against the specifications
Quality Improvement
The framework used to systematically improve care
Glucose Monitor
Tests concentration of glucose in the blood
TENS unit
Electrical current to stimulate the nerve for therapeutic purpose
Wall flowmeter for oxygen and O2 tubing
Used to control oxygen flow delivery
Offers assistance in standing
Healthcare Disparities
Differences between groups in health coverage, access to care and quality of care
Medication List
A list of medications prescribed to a patient
Patient allergies
Known allergies of a patient that may affect treatment
Vital Signs
Measurements of the body's basic functions
Transferring old records
The process of moving previous patient records to a new system
Teaching a new system
Training staff to use a new electronic health record system
Diagnosing patients
The process of identifying a disease or condition in a patient
Computer/Tech issues
Problems related to technology that may affect healthcare delivery
Portable EKG
A device used to monitor the electrical activity of the heart
A device used for measuring medication doses
Phillips AED
Automated External Defibrillator used in emergencies
Airway therapy vest
A device used to help clear mucus from the lungs
Hoyer Journey stand aid
A device that assists patients in standing
Health Disparity
Differences in health outcomes among different populations
Cultural Diversity
The presence of multiple cultural groups within a society
To reduce the spread of infection
A goal in public health to minimize disease transmission.
To promote exercise
Encouraging physical activity for better health.
To create social and physical environments that promote good health for all
Designing communities that support healthy lifestyles.
To reduce heart attacks
A health objective aimed at decreasing cardiovascular incidents.
Access to Healthcare services
The ability of individuals to obtain necessary medical care.
Exposure to toxic substances
Contact with harmful chemicals that can affect health.
Housing or community design
The planning of living spaces that can influence health outcomes.
Language and Literacy
Skills that affect an individual's ability to understand health information.
The path by which a pathogen leaves its host
Portal of Exit.
Portal of Entry
The route through which a pathogen enters a new host.
Mode of Transmission
The method by which a pathogen is spread from one host to another.
Infectious agent
A pathogen capable of causing disease.
Removal of PPE
The process of safely taking off personal protective equipment.
The act of putting on personal protective equipment.
Universal Precautions
A set of guidelines to prevent the transmission of bloodborne pathogens.
What is the correct order of Doffing?
Gloves, Gown, Mask, Goggles.
Which of the following is an example of a reservoir?
Soil, Water, Animals - All are correct.
Nonpathogens are harmful to the body.
What does HAI stand for?
Hospital Acquired Infection.
1 in 10 people get an infection each year while receiving medical care in the US.
A statistic highlighting the prevalence of healthcare-associated infections.
Which is an example of a susceptible host?
All are ways to break the chain of infection EXCEPT:
Choosing on the person next to.
The practice of making the environment and objects free of microorganisms
All body fluids shall be considered potentially infectious materials.
CLABSI stands for
Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection.
SSI stands for
Surgical Site Infection.
Which of the following is considered a common HAI?
Applying PPE
The process of putting on personal protective equipment.
Which of the following is the correct order of Donning?
Gown, mask, goggles, gloves.
All of the following are considered the most common PPE used EXCEPT
Prevents reinfection of the patient and the spread of infection from person to person
Medical Asepsis.