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Location and Names of the Lobes of the Pituitary gland
Anterior(Adenohypophysis) and Posterior (Neurohypophysis)
Location and shape of the Thyroid gland
Shape: Butterfly, two lobes connected by isthmus
- 4 Parathyroid glands on posterior side of thyroid
Location of adrenal glands, and name of the 2 "main layers"
Superior to each kidney
Layers: Cortex and medulla
Location of Pancreas, name of the two ends, and the duct
Inferior to stomach
Ends: Head and Tail, body in between
What is this structure shown on the slide of thyroid tissue?
Thyroid colloid
What is this slide of a parathyroid tissue showing?
Chief cells
Location of the Thymus
Above the heart
What is this structure called? (related to pituitary gland)
What is the hypophyseal portal system?
System of blood vessels in the brain that connects the hypothalamus with the anterior pituitary
What is this type of tissue of the larynx called?
Cricoid cartilage
What is this type of tissue called (larynx)?
Thyroid cartilage
What are these structures connected to the kidneys called?
Adrenal arteries
What is this structure connected other the kidneys called?
Adrenal vein
What is this adrenal structure called?
Adrenal capsule (yellow highlighted line/ outside covering of the adrenal gland)
What is this structure associated with the pancreas called?
Lobule (circular bumps on pancreas)
What's this structure (labeled 2/the tube) associated with the pancreas and stomach?
Name this WBC
What is this WBC?
Name of this WBC?
What's the name of this WBC?
What is the name of this WBC?
What's the percentage of each WBC is typically found in a blood sample out of all WBCs?
Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas
Neutrophil: 60%
Lymphocyte: 30%
Monocyte: 6%
Eosinophil: 3%
Basophil: 1%
What blood type is the universal donor/recipients?
Donor: O-
Recipients: AB+
What is the major protein found in RBC's which is responsible for transporting oxygen?
Hemoglobin: made of 4 individual polypeptides which assemble to form quaternary structure.
What does each hemoglobin protein feature? What is it responsible for?
Single heme group with a Fe2+ center
- Responsible for binding to oxygen
Know the structures (ventricles, trunks, atria, valves, etc) of the Heart
How does oxygen blood become oxygenated?
1. Enters right atrium, goes through tricuspid valve into right ventricle
2. Gets pumped past pulmonary valve into pulmonary trunk/artery
3. Leaves heart and goes to the lungs/ pulmonary circuit
4. Blood is oxygenated and CO2 is removed.
Pulmonary vs systemic circuit
Pulmonary: Includes lungs where blood becomes oxygenated, right atrium & ventricle involved
Systemic: Left side of heart delivers blood to the rest of the body, collectively known as systemic circuit
Layers of the heart
Pericardium (divided into visceral/epicardium and parietal sections), myocardium, endocardium(innermost layer)
What are the string like structures in the heart?
Chordae tendineae
What is the aortic sinuses?
Veins of the body
Many veins.
Matching games that help:
- Upper body: https://www.purposegames.com/game/name-the-veins-of-the-right-arm-torso
- Lower body model: https://www.purposegames.com/game/arteries-veins-of-the-leg-model
- Lower body: https://www.purposegames.com/game/veins-in-the-legs-game
- Head/Neck: https://www.purposegames.com/game/veins-in-the-head-and-neck-game
Arteries of body
Many arteries.
Matching games that help:
- Mostly Upper body: https://www.purposegames.com/game/major-arteries-of-the-upper-body-game
- Lower body: https://www.purposegames.com/game/major-arteries-in-legs
- Head/Neck: https://www.purposegames.com/game/arteries-of-the-head-game
Lymph Node Structure
Lymph Node