A defined territory ruled by some type of government and recognized by other states (synonymous with country)
Ex: Canada, China
A group of people defined by cultural similarity and often have goals of autonomy(self-rule)
Ex: Barcelona in Spain, the Kurds in the Middle East
Autonomous region
A place with a high degree of self government separate from parent state
Ex: Vatican City, Native American reservations
A state that has border matching that of a nation (Usually rules are created there supporting that specific nation’s needs)
Multinational state
A state comprising of multiple nations
Ex: Former Yugoslavia and technically any modern state
The breaking up of a multinational state, named after the Balkan Peninsula where former Yugoslavia broke apart
Multistate nation
A nation that extends beyond the borders of one state
Ex: Dodgers Nation, Lakers Nation
Stateless nations
Nations without a state
Ex: Kurdistan, Palestine
Control over a specific geographic area
Who has the power?
Ex: Popular sovereignty = people have the power = democracy
Territorial integrity
Protecting our state from other states
An economy based on trade (Some states made bank by this)
Taking control of another country for economic gain
Ex: American Colonies, Berlin Conference
Modern colonialism, corporations own land and profits leave country
Free market economy, supply and demand
The creation of sovereignty for former colonies (often as a result of war)
Ex: UN helps coolonies become sovereign
Elongated state
Geographically long but relatively narrow
Transportation fairly simple
Typical cultural variations (like North and South, East and West)
Difficult to defend, communicate, and govern
Ex: Chile, CA
Compact state
Distance from the geographic center of the state to any of the borders does not vary greatly
Difficult to invade
Easier cultural uniformity
Transportation fairly simple
Ex: Colorado, Wyoming, Macedonia
Fragmented state
Divided from other parts by land, other states, or water
Difficult to invade
Allows for cultural diversity
Access to varied resources
More difficult to defend
Difficult to unify culturally and politically
Ex: Hawaii, Greece, USA
Perforated state
A state that completely surrounds another state
Advantage: Able to dicatate actions of enclosed state more easily
Disavantage: Can lead to internal tension and problems in enclosed state
Ex: South Africa
Prorupt stae
Has one portion that is more elongated than the rest of the state
Advantage: Can “grab” resources like water and minerals
Disadvantage: Fairly easy to cut off by neighboring states
Ex: Afghanistan, DRC
Very small state
Advantage: Typically extremely homogenous cultural communities
Disadvantage: Easy to take over
Ex: Monaco, Singapore, Liechtenstein
Landlocked state
A state without direct access to the ocean
Reliant on neighbors for majority of international trade
Dependent on land-based agriculture
Core Periphery Model
A model that represents the development of states, with higher development being core and lower development being periphery
Core states
States that are extremely developed
Ex: USA, Japan, Australia
Semi-periphery states
States that display aspects of core and periphery states
Periphery states
States that have a low level of development