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Branch of biology concerned with the study of heredity and variation
Sub disciplines of genetics
Transmission Genetics: The study of heredity and the mechanisms by which genes are transferred from parent to child.
Molecular Genetics: The study of the structure and function of genes at the molecular level eg DNA, RNA, and proteins
Population Genetics: The study of genetic variation within and between populations. This involves the examination and modellingof changes in gene/allele frequencies in populations over time and space.
Quantitative Genetics: The study of the effects that heredity and environment have on traits that can be quantitatively meausured such as size ( color variations for different things)
Developmental Genetics: The study of the way in which genes control the growth and development of an organism throughout its lifecycle
Central dogma of modern biology
DNA —(transcription)—> RNA—(translation)—→ polypeptide/protein—→ phenotype
Phenotype: The observed physical and/or biochemical attributes of an organism as determined by both genetic makeup and environment
Gene: A sequence of nucleic acid [typically DNA] coding for a polypeptide or a functional RNA
Relationship between ds DNA and ss RNA
Gene= transcription unit plus regulatory sequences that regulate transcription [e.g. promoter (P)and terminator (t)]
look at the diagram of it
+1= Start point of transcription
sense or partner strand 5’ to 3’ Antisense or template strand 3’ to 5’
—> Primary transcript 5’ to 3’
—> downstram direction (downstream or 3’ flanking region)
←- upstream upstream or 5’ flanking region
Revised view of transcription unit
Transcription unit
Primary Transcript 5’ —E1—I—E2—-I—-E3—3’ Intron splicing
Final mRNA 5’ C—E1—E2—-E3-AAAA
E= Exon or “expressed sequence” I=intron or '“intervening sequence”
Alternate forms of the same gene
Diploid individual may have up to 2 different alleles
Population may have more than 2 alleles for a gene
Alleles are generated by the process of mutation
A permanent change in the DNA of a cell or organism
Different ways of categorizing
By cell type
Somatic cell mutation- mutation in a differentiated somatic [i.e. body] cell.
- affects individual, not passed on to future generations
Germ line mutation
- mutation in any one of cells [going back to zygote] that are progenitors of or are gamete-producing cells
-mutation may or may not affect individual but will be inherited by offspring and potentially all future generations
more serious than somatic cell mutations from an evolutionary perspective
Point Mutations
A mutation that affects one or a few nucleotides/base pairs at a single locus [location]. -by definition, affects a single gene.
-effects depend upon site of point mutation in the gene and the exact nature of the point mutation.
Point Mutations in a Promoter 1
Recall the function of a promoter?
Three general types of outcomes of promoter mutations regardless of the exact nature of the promoter. promoter strength- how many successful initiation per unit time
3 types neutral, better, poorer
[1] Neutral - essentially no effect. -mutated sequence no better and no worse “match” for “ideal promoter structure” -promoter strength not changed
-ability of RNAP to recognize and bind promoter, and to initiate transcription is not changed.
- no noticeabale effect on transcription and translation of gene
[2] Better promoter
-mutated sequence is a better match for “ideal promoter structure”
-increased promoter strength
-increased promoter recognition and binding, and/or initiation of transcription “All other things being equal” expect increase in
[1] rate of transcription
[2] Concentration (amount) of specific transcript
[3] Concentration of specific mRNA
[4] Rate of translation of specific mRNA
[5] Polypeptide concentration of specific polypeptide
NO change in amino acid sequence of polypeptide- WHY? Because the coding sequence hasn’t changed! Same polypeptide just more of it
Poorer Promoter
-mutated sequence is a poorer match for “ideal promoter structure”
-decreased promoter strength
-decreased promoter recognition and binding, and/or initiation of transcription
“All other things being equal” expect decrease in:
[1] rate of transcription
[2] concentration of specific transcript
[3] concentration of specific mRNA
[4] Rate of translation of specific mRNA
[5] Polypeptide concentration of specific polypeptide
NO change in amino acid sequence of polypeptide
Intron Mutations
Two major cases [with some variations]
[1] General Case -mutation affects an internal sequence not involved in intron splicing
-Typically intron still spliced out properly
-Expecrt no change to resulting mRNA, polypeptide sequence or amount
[2] Mutation in sequences critical to intron splicing [5’ slice site, 3’ splice site and/or branchpoint]
-possible effect- intron not spliced out
encodes for "unintended" sequence of amino acids
alters structure and function of polypeptide
-introns tend to be A/U rich
likely that a stop codon will be encountered
trigger premature termination of translation
result: truncated polypeptide with modified C-terminal aa sequence
likely non functional polypeptide
-other scenarios possible
Point Mutations in Coding Sequence
Base substitutions versus Indels
Base substitutions: base pair converted from original state to new state
Indels: Insertion or deletion of one or more bp. (changing number of bp)
Both types have similar effects in promoters and introns
Different effects when mutation in coding sequence!!
Effects of Base Substitutions in Coding Sequence
Base substitutions will have different effects ranging from having no real effect to some rather drastic effects.
-total of five scenarios/subscenarios will be covered
base substitustion types:
Transitions A->G or T->C purine or pyrimidine replaced by a base of the same class (MORE COMMON)
Transversion purine or pyrimidine replaced by a base from the other class A->C or T->G
Silent Mutation
Base substitution that results in change in the DNA coding sequence, a corresponding change in the mRNA sequence BUT NO CHANGE in the amino acid sequence of the polypeptide.
Can occur because of the degeneracy of the genetic code
The change results in the formation of the same polypeptide even though there is a mutation in DNA resulting in change in RNA, but the new codon encodes for the same amino acid
Missense Mutation
Base substitution that results in change in the DNA coding sequence, a corresponding change in the mRNA sequence WITH THE CHANGE OF ONE AMINO ACID in the polypeptide.
Why called “missense”? Because youve changed the meaning of a codon
Missense mutations can have a variety of effects. Let’s consider the two extremes!
1.Neutral Missense: Missense mutation that has little effect on polypeptide/protein structure [folding] and function
usually the amino acid that is being substituted is replaced with one of similar physio-chemical properties, e.g. one hydrophobic amino acid replaced with another hydrophobic amino acid.
Drastic Missense Mutation: Missense mutation that has a serious effect on polypeptide/protein structure [folding] and function
Usually the amino acid that is being substituted is replaced with one of different physio-chemical properties e.g.one hydrophilic amino acid replaced with a hydrophobic amino acid.
keep in mind for silent and neutral missence and drastic missence, everything on either side of the mutation is the same
Sickle Cell Anemia
-caused by point mutation [base substitution]
codon 6 in β-globin gene
GAA[Glu] changed to GTA[Val]
-Hemoglobin, heterotetramer [α-globin2 , β-globin2 ]
-person with 2 copies [homozygous] of allele with GTA can suffer from sickle cell anemia.
-under oxygen stress, hemoglobin in rbcs aggregate
form rigid rod like structures
rbcs change cell shape
from dumbbell shape in XS to rigid sickle shape
effects of sickle cell anemia
Sickled rbcs clog capillaries
-restricts blood flow downstream of blockage
- But condition called “sickle cell anemia”- WHY?
-sickled cells “turned over” [destroyed] more rapidly
body cannot generate new rbcs fast enough to replenish/replace lost rbcs
result is low rbc count or anemia
Person with one “sickle cell allele”
-generally rbcs have “normal” shape
-under extreme oxygen deprivation, cells may sickle
-person is more resistant to malaria
parasite has difficulty infecting rbc
-allele more prevalent/common in human populations where malaria is prevalent. WHY
where malaria is present [selecitve advantage]
Nonsense Mutation
Base substitution where aa-encoding codon becomes a stop codon [WHY called “nonsense”?] doesn’t code for a.a. therefore it doesn’t have a sense
No amino acid encoded AND…..none of the downstream codons are translated
Result: truncated (shortened) polypeptide [missing C-terminal a.a. sequence]. Polypeptide is usually non-functional
Gain of sense mutation
Base substitution converts stop codon into an aa-encoding codon.
This situation would require the tmRNA to finish translation (the one from that assignment)
Ribosome no longer stops at original location
translates trailer region until finds another stop codon or runs out of sequence
Result: Elongated polypeptide with C-terminal a.a. extension. Often non-functional
Indels in Coding Sequence
Insertion/deletion of one or a few bp.
Two basic scenarios
[1] Frame Shift Mutation: Insertion or deletion of bps from coding sequence in that are NOT multiples of 3.
-changes the "reading frame", the groupings ribosomes read as codons
-reading frame is initially established by the identification of the start codon [AUG]
frame shift mutation is what leads to the O blood type
Frame Shift Mutations
Frameshift Mutation:A type of genetic mutation where the insertion or deletion of nucleotides alters the reading frame of the DNA sequence, leading to a shift in the codon reading during translation. FROM AI
Indels in Multiples of 3
because the three base pairs that are involved here span between two codons you will remove an amino acid but you may also change one amino acid that is encoded (a.a substitution)
before and after the mutation stays the same
for every multiple of 3 that is added you will add an amino acid
for every multiple of 3 that is removed you will remove an amino acid
Wild-type allele
Allele that occurs most frequently in a population most frequent in a POPULATION not a species
Arbitrarily, designated as the “normal” allele [Corresponding “wild-type” phenotype is also considered the norm.]
Usually, the wild phenotype is dominant but this is NOT always the case
Naming alleles
Review convention already used.
P/p usually use capital letter for the first word of the descriptive term of the dominant allele Capital=dom lowercase=recessive sometimes first letter of mutant?
Genes/genetic loci usually identified through the identification of “mutant” phenotypes [phenotypes that are not wild-type]
and through the identification for the corresponding “mutant” allele
**When solving a problem you must always define your alleles first
Drosophila melanogaster
Wild type body colour- gray
Mutant phenotype- ebony body colour
Ebony allele is recessive
e : ebony body colour allele
e +: wild type, gray body colour allele [wild-type allele can also be +]
Wrinkled wing dominant to normal wing
Wr : wrinkled wing allele
Wr+ : wild-type wing allele
note because the e is lowercase and you have the plus sign it means it is dominant