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CRM - customer relationship management

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15 Terms


CRM - customer relationship management

  • Overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer value and satisfaction

    • Involves tech, business rules, operational processes, coop w stakeholders within org

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business pov

  • 3 interactions with customers

  1. customer acquisition

  2. customer retention

  3. customer reacquisition

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customer perceived value

customers evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a market offering relative to those of competing offers

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customer satisfaction

  • Info about customers used to create marketing programs = customer satisfaction

  • IT and database system great starting point for CRM

    • Oracle, SAP, IBM

  • Customize each system to specific customers needs

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CEM - customer experience management

  • Involves managing customer interactions to build brand equity and improve long term profit

    • Focuses on customer interactions or touch points

      • Touch point: any customer interaction with brand or company

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Cultural changes

  • Company needs to view CRM as overall company strat not as software project

    • Ex: hotel suffering from poor employee customer service skills cannot use software alone to solve issue

      • CRM requires top down long run commitment and attitude change by management

  • Tech enabler of CRM but successful CRM strat is executed by high performing employees

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Social media and CRM

  • Social media provides excellent way for companies to build and maintain relationships with customers

    • Tourism section used social media first

    • Can be biased if company provides incentives for consumers to use - have to post on social media and good things

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Customer acquisition and retention

  • CRM can find commonalities among profitable customers - can pinpoint potential customers

  • Loyalty programs

  • Pareto's Rule: 80% brand sales come from 20% of its customers

    • Heavy users should be rewarded differently than light users

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  • Use of tech needs more privacy

  • PIPEDA - Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: rules for how personal info is handled during course of business

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Database marketing

  • Essential practice for enhancing customer experience

  • Effective integration of data mining into CRM strat allow improved customer service and sales performance

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CRM and customer reaquisition

  • Realize losing customer more than losing a sale

  • First step in customer recovery is to find the customer who is in jeopardy of being lost to the company

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touch point

any situation in which a customer comes into contact with a brand or company

  • human

    • sales staff or call centre

  • interactive

    • websites, email

  • static

    • radio or newspaper ads

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data mining

process of analyzing customer patterns and insights to make better decisions

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data warehouse

central repo of data

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share of wallet

percentage of a customer’s purchases that a company has in a specific product category

  • ex: my share of wallet for Dove shampoo is 50%

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