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John Smith
indian who was adopted by a white family, desperately wants to connect with his true heritage
Marie Polatkin
indian women who attends a native american literature class taught by a white man, protests in favor of indians
Dr. Clarence Mather
man who teaches a native american literature course, believes he is a real indian even though he isn't
Jack Wilson
detective novel writer who believes he is indian, writes as if he knows about Indian culture despite being white
Aaron Rogers
brother of David who was kidnapped outside of a Casino, takes his anger out on random indians
David Rogers
kidnapped while leaving a casino, he's later found dead
Sean Ward
friend of Aaron who eventually decides that he shouldn't be helping his friends beat up random Indians
Barry Church
friend of Aaron who beats up helpless Indians with him
Reggie Polatkin
partially Indian man who also has blue eyes, beats up white people to release anger
Ty Williams
Reggie's friend who attacks white people with him
Harley Tate
Reggie's deaf friend who leaves him because he thinks Reggie is going to far with his attacks on white people
Truck Shultz
Radio host who makes the Indian Killer's story even more highly publicized, has a lot of racist ideas that he shares over the air
Justin Summers
the Indian Killer's first victim, who was scalped and buried in the backyard of a vacant house
Mark Jones
little boy who the Indian Killer captures but later returns
Edward Letterman
businessman who the Indian Killer murders after he leaves an adult video store
Robert Harris
white man who Reggie severely injures when he finds him camping on a football field
Arthur Two Leaf
college student who gets attacked by Aaron and his friends
Cornelius and Zara
homeless Indian couple that Aaron and his friends attack
Indian who leaves his reservation to go to college but becomes homeless after he runs out of money
homeless white man in a wheelchair who helps Marie with sandwhiches
Beautiful Mary
homeless Indian women who was interested in Wilson, nobody but Wilson cares when she is found dead
Aristotle Little Hawk
Wilson's fictional character from his books, he thinks John Smith looks like him
Daniel and Olivia Smith
white people who adopt John
Father Duncan
Indian/catholic preacher that John looked up to
The Killer
person or group of people responsible for the murders of white people, leave owl feathers at the scene of each crime
Paul and Paul Too
owners of a donut shop that John Smith frequently goes to
Indian women that John dances with at Big Heart's, causing reggie to attack him later
woman who tries to show John bigfoot
Reggie's father who was abusive towards him
Buck Rogers
Aaron and David's father who disliked Indians, wanted his sons to shoot in their direction to scare them off
Carlotta Lot
old woman who gives John a knife
cab driver who tries to defend himself and Wilson from John
owner of Big Heart's who sees the advantage of being in the dominant group