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1. The image best serves as evidence that many
Native American groups had developed farming
techniques that
(A) spread tobacco cultivation throughout the
(B) supported permanent villages
(C) allowed for continuous warfare
(D) differed dramatically from English
agricultural practices
2. By the early 1600s, which of the following had
most changed the circumstances of villages such
as Secotan in eastern North America?
(A) The establishment of permanent
settlements by English colonists
(B) The impact of epidemic diseases
introduced by Europeans
(C) The decline of the fur and beaver trades
D) The introduction of new foods into the
Native American diet
3. Which of the following best explains the
presence of the Spanish in the areas depicted on
the map?
(A) The emergence of competition between
European powers in the Americas
(B) The outbreak of rebellion by the Pueblo
(C) The spread of maize culture from
American Indians to the Spanish
(D) The introduction of African slavery to
Spanish Florida
4. Which of the following was a major difference
between the Spanish colonies in the Americas in
the 1500s and the English colonies in the
Americas in the early 1600s?
(A) The Spanish adopted African slavery in
their colonies, while the English relied
more on American Indian labor.
(B) The Spanish more actively sought to
convert American Indians to Christianity
than did the English.
(C) The Spanish tried to change American
Indian worldviews, while the English
generally accommodated them
(D) The Spanish rejected assimilating
American Indians into their culture, while
the English favored assimilation.
5. The migrants represented by the graph most
typically settled in which of the following
regions of the United States?
(A) The Northeast
(B) The Southeast
(C) The Southwest
(D) The West Coast
6. Which of the following was a direct effect of the
trend in immigration after 1845 shown on the
(A) An increase in sectional tensions
(B) A major economic downturn
(C) An upsurge in nativist sentiment
(D) The collapse of the second party system
7. The main trend shown in the graph was most
directly associated with which of the following
processes occurring in the United States at the
(A) The convergence of European and
American cultures
(B) The emergence of an industrialized
(C) The displacement of American Indians
from the Southeast
(D) The resurgence of evangelical
10. Which of the following contributed most to the
changes shown in the graph?
(A) Loss of territory and access to natural
(B) The introduction of new plants and animals
(C) The introduction of new diseases
(D) Warfare with Europeans