princeton review
self concep
self esteem
physical self
active self
social self
psychological self
halo effect
soical comparison theory
mary rothbart
negative effect
effortful control
walter mischel
raymond cattell
gordon allport
traits theories
julian rotter
locus of control theory
social cognitive thories
albert bandura
self efficacy
abaraham maslow
carl rogers
indivudualistic cultures
humanistic theories
alfred adler
carl jung
reaction formation
psychoanalytic theories
sigmund freud
can be defined as a person’s enduring general style of dealing with others and with the world around them
Sigmund Freud
those who followed his basic beliefs and practices typify psychoanalytic theories of personality.
means a psychological approach based on a marriage of Freudian concepts, such as the unconscious, with more modern ideas.
free association
a therapist actively listens, while the patient relaxes and reports anything that comes into his mind, no matter how absurd it might seem.
is the source of mental energy and drive.
pleasure principle
which is the desire to maximize pleasure while minimizing pain.
is the internal representation of all of society’s rules, morals, and obligations.
according to Freud, is the part of the mind that allows a person to function in the environment and to be logical.
is the process by which memories or desires that provoke too much anxiety to deal with are pushed into the unconscious
is a defense mechanism that directs anger away from the source of the anger to a less threatening person or object.
Reaction formation
is another defense mechanism by which the ego reverses the direction of a disturbing desire to make that desire safer or more socially acceptable.
making up for failures in one area through success in others
creating logical excuses for emotional or irrational behavior
reverting to childish behaviors
the refusal to acknowledge or accept unwanted beliefs or actions
the channeling or redirecting of sexual or aggressive feelings into a more socially acceptable outlet
basic anxiety
or the feeling of being alone in an unfamiliar or hostile world, is a central theme in childhood.
Carl Jung
formulated another theory of personality that was, in part, a response to Freud’s theory.
Jung believed that all of the opposing forces and desires of the mind were balanced by a force called the
personal unconscious
comprised of repressed memories
collective unconscious
of behavior and memory common to all humans and passed down from our ancient and common ancestors.
are the behaviors and memories in the collective unconscious.
Alfred Adler
like other psychoanalytic psychologists, believed that childhood is the crucial formative period.
theories of personality emphasize the uniqueness and richness of being human.
is becoming, in a creative way, the person you are capable of being.
is our mental representation of who we feel we truly are
conditions of worth
other people’s evaluations of our worth, distort our self-concept.
collectivistic and individualistic cultures
Humanistic theories also address the distinction between
Social-cognitive theories
of personality are based on the assumption that cognitive constructs are the basis for personality.
Albert Bandura
A representative example of a social-cognitive theory of personality was developed by
refers to a person’s beliefs about his or her own abilities in a given situation.
explanatory styles
ways in which people explain themselves or react in different situations.
Julian Rotter
proposed that the extent to which people believe that their successes or failures are due to their own efforts plays a major role in personality.
internal locus of control
believe that successes or failures are a direct result of their efforts
external locus of control
are more likely to attribute success or failure to luck or chance.
Trait Theories
personality provide quantitative systems for describing and comparing traits or stable predispositions to behave in a certain way.
traits such as the Big Five are thought to be universal.
Idiographic trait
are those that are unique to the individual, such as openness or curiosity.
Gordon Alport
Trait theories
traits that override a person’s whole being
the primary characteristics of the person
traits that constitute interests
Raymond Cattell
saw traits differently because he believed that 16 source traits were the basis of personality.
Walter Mischel
recognized that traits are not necessarily consistent across various situations but often vary depending upon the circumstances.
Eysenck Personality Inventory
a questionnaire designed to examine people’s personalities based on their traits.
(Personality Factor) Questionnaire
signifying the 16 traits or personality factors it measures.
refers to how we view ourselves
refers to how much we value ourselves.
The physical self
our bodies, names, and the like
The active self
how we behave
The social self
how we interact with others
The psychological self
our feelings and personalities
halo effect
which refers to the error by which we generalize a high self-evaluation from one domain to another.
is the early appearing set of individual differences in reaction and regulation that form the “nucleus” of personality.
Mary Rothbart
temperament is generally assessed on three scales: surgency (amount of positive affect and activity level), negative affect (amount of frustration and sadness), and effortful control (ability of a child to self-regulate moods and behavior).
Jerome Kagan
work on the physiology of young children showed that children classified as low in effortful control were more likely to have higher baseline heart rates, more muscle tension, and greater pupil dilation.