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E-Commerce Ubiquity
Marketplace is virtual
Transaction costs are reduced
E-Commerce Global Reach
Transactions cross cultural and national boundaries
E-Commerce Universal Standards
One set of technology standards: Internet Standards
E-Commerce Richness
Supports video, audio, and text messages
E-Commerce Interactivity
Real-time transactions and activities
E-Commerce Information Density
Greater price and cost transparency
Enables Price discrimination
E-Commerce Personalization/Customization
technology permits modification of messages, goods
E-Commerce Social Technology
Promotes user content generation and social networking
Digital Markets and Digital Goods in a Global Marketplace
Disintermediation: removing the "middle-man" in a transaction
Information asymmetry reduced
ā¦One party in a transaction has more information than another party
Menu costs, search and transaction costs reduced
ā¦Costs associated with finding products, suppliers, and costs
Dynamic pricing enabled
ā¦Pricing based on real-time demand and supply
Switching costs
ā¦Cost of changing products and/or vendors
Types of E-Commerce
Business-to-consumer (B2C) BarnesandNoble.com
Business-to-business (B2B) Granger.com
Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) eBay
E-Commerce Business Models
Business Models
ĆPortal (Bing, Google)
ĆE-tailer (Amazon)
ĆContent provider (iTunes)
ĆTransaction broker (Expedia)
ĆMarket creator (eBay)
ĆService provider (Dropbox)
Social/Community provider (Instagram
Revenue Models
Transaction fee
Affiliate (thewirecutter.com)
used to remember things about websites: your login information, what you have in your shopping cart, what language you prefer, etc.
They are created by websites and sit in your browser until they expire.
Types of Cookies
Session Cookies - Typically last only for current session
ā¦Example: Non-personalized Shopping Cart Contents
First Party Persistent - Used only by web site that created it
ā¦Example: Bank Web Site Login Info
Third Party Persistent - Tracking cookies available anytime
ā¦Examples: Ads, Social Media Widgets, Web Analytics, Malware
Social Networks and Marketing
Features of social e-commerce driving its growth
ā¦Social sign-on
ā¦Collaborative shopping
ā¦Network notification
ā¦Social search (recommendations and 'Likes')
Social media
ā¦The fastest growing media for branding and marketing
ā¦Relatively few actual purchases through social media, but leads to other channels
ā¦Bots can produce misleading, or outright false information
Business to Business - EDI Private Exchanges, Net Marketplaces, Exchanges
Computer-to-computer exchange of standard transactions such as invoices, purchase orders
Major industries have EDI standards
ā¦Define structure and information fields of electronic documents
More companies are moving toward web-enabled private networks
ā¦Allow them to link to a wider variety of firms than EDI allows
ā¦Enable sharing a wider range of information
EDI and Supply Chain
Supplieb gives Catalogue
Customer purchases orbders
Supplier advbance shipping notice
Customer return authorbization
Supplier Invoice
Customer Payment Advice
Mobile commerce (M-commerce) means purchasing and selling of goods and services over wireless handheld devices
Fastest growing form of e-commerce
ā¦Some areas growing at 50 percent or more
Main areas of growth
ā¦Mass market retailing (Amazon, eBay, etc.)
ā¦Sales of digital content (music, TV, etc.)
ā¦In-app sales to mobile devices
Threats and Challenges
ā¦Internet connectivity issues (Very remote locations)
ā¦Data Security
ā¦Development Costs
ā¦Diversity of devices (BYOD)