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Public Policy
Strategies that governments can use to "fix” environmental problems
Governments attempt to manage or change behavior
Technological fixes
Retrofitting the energy to use diverse renewable energy sources
More efficient auto engines with emission control devices that use less fuel and pollute less
Insulating houses to cut fuel bills
Genetic breeding of more productive seed hybrids
How can public policy stimulate the adoption of new technology?
Public investment
Tax policiees
Regulatory mandates
Behavioral fixes
Use public policy to provide incentives to get us to behave differently
Behavioral changes
Require incentives or penalties
Examples of behavioral fixes
Getting people to eat lower on the food chain (for ecological and health reasons)
Wear sweaters
Turn down thermostats in the winter
Install attic fans and use AC less during summer
Walk, bike, carpool, or use public transportation instead of driving
Cognitive fixes
Attempt to create awarness of problems in people’s minds
Little evidence that these strategies work in isolation from others
Cognitive fixes beliefs
If people change their mind, they will change their behavior
Rely on public education and media campaigns
What does cognitive fixes rely on?
It relies on voluntary change and is compatible with norms of personal freedom
Legal fixes
Mandate change through laws and regulations
Examples of legal fixes
Federal speed limits on interstate highways
Requirements to remove lead from gasoline
Install antipollution devices
Recycle beverage containers or household or industrial hastes
Why legal fixes mught be unpopular in some places?
They can be unpopular in a society that views government regulation negatively
Technological and Behavioral strategies
Can be pursued by regulatory or nonregulatory means