ruled by the pleasure principle where the goal is to achieve maximal gratification as quickly as possible.
Id is apparent in selfish or impulsive behaviour where immediate gratification is sought with little regard for consequences.
arises out of need to resolve conflicts between id’s demands and external restrains.
reason and good sense
eventually develops into the individual’s sense of self
spans the ages of 3-6
children become interested in their own genitalia and that of their parents and their friends.
Freud believed children identify with same-sex caregivers at this time leading to gender differences in attitude and behaviour.
He also believed young children experience intense sexual desires at this time.
lasts from ages 6-12
sexual desires are hidden away in the unconscious.
children may become fixated on them, always trying to satisfy them and resolve conflicts.
Essentially, Freud believed that the child’s passage through these stages shapes the individual’s personality for life.
Erikson accepted the basic elements of Freud’s theory but incorporate social factors like cultural influeces and contemporary issues into it.
8 age-related stages from infancy to old age, each characterized by a specific crisis the individual must resolve (only discussing first 5 stages).
basic trust vs mistrust
autonomy vs shame & doubt
initiative vs guilt
industry vs inferiority
identity vs role confusion
Ego development.
Successful experiences give child a sense of comptence and failure can lead to excessive feelings of inferiority.
Critical for achivement of a core sense of identity.
In this stage, children are caught between the past identity of a child and uncertainities of future, adolescents question who they really are and what roles to play as adults.
too vague to be testable
many specific elements are highly questionable
however, essence has been enormously influential
behaviour that is sometimes rewarded, and sometimes not
it makes it harder for behaviours to stop as the subject will believe they will eventually be rewarded and so continue to produce the behaviour
ex. giving into whiny children only sometimes
attempts to account for social development in terms of learning mechanisms
emphasizes observation and imitation
argues most human learning is inherently social in nature and based on observation of behaviour of others
lacks attention to biological influences
minimized impact of internal development (perceptual, motor, cognitive, and language)
4 stages in thinking about others
children become less egocentric and more capable of thinking of multiple perspectives as they age
environmental settings a child does not experience directly but they can affect it indirectly (ex. parental workplace policies regarding child care).
Mass media, especially electronic media, has a major influence on child development.
consists of historical changes that influence the other systems (beliefs, values, customs… that change over time).
a factor in developmental disorders like ADHD as well.
many of the claims of evolutionary psychologists are impossible to test
tend to overlook our capacity to transform our environments and ourselves
there is a lack of emphasis on biological factors in Bronfenbrenner’s model.