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Geographical Data
Data associated with a location relative to Earth
Data Reliability
Sample size and accuracy of data
Combining different data sets to compare contrast
Data encryption (from data process of data life cycle)
Data transformed into another code to prevent easy access
Reducing Data Error
Validation: only suitable data can be entered in the database Verification: check to ensure the data entered is accurate and correct
Data processed into a logical format, tells us who, what, when, where, but not HOW
Focus Group
A cluster of a few people as respondents for qualitative data collection
Qualitative research analyzing a specific event
Experimental Research
Quantitative research differentiating right and wrong statements, mainly used in natural sciences
Survey Research
Quantitative research using data to support ideas
Meteorological Data
Data related to atmospheric sciences
Example: Temperature, wind direction, wind speed
Data Processing & Usage
Transformation and utilization of raw data, processed from its raw form, includes data wrangling, data compression, and data encryption
Data Management
Organizing, storing, and retrieving data, ongoing process from the beginning the the end of the data life cycle
Data Interpretation
Making sense of data analysis (investigate from multiple different dta analysis sources)
Data Security
Protecting data from unauthorized access, containing data encryption, masking, and erasure
Data Encryption
Turning data into non-readable code, only authorized parties can access it
Symmetric key encryption: same key used for both encryption and decryption
Asymmetric key encryption: different keys used for encryption and decryption
Data compression (from data process of data life cycle)
Data transformed into a format that can be efficiently stored
Data erasure
Replacing data with binaries
Degaussers - powerful magnetic fields to remove data
Paper shredders
Fire place
Water - short circuit the system
Data erasure digitally by replacing it with 0s and 1s
Deepfakes rely on machine learning, training, and combining with computer graphics
Data dilemma
reliability of the data, trustworthiness of the data, outdated data, human error and lack of precision
DIKW Pyramid
Hierarchy representing relationships between data, information, knowledge, and wisdom
Data: 25 degrees celsius
Information: The temperature is 25, which is for mild activities
Knowledge: The temparature of 25 is for mild activities such as picnic or a walk in the park
Wisdom: Understanding taking a walk in the park during mild weather is good for people's happiness and wellbeing
Collection of facts in raw, neutral, and unorganized form
Logical description of collected facts (data), we know how to apply it to achieve our goals
Application of knowledge in action, able to make sound judgement based on experiences and knowledge
Quantitative Data
Structured data measured using numbers and values, defined in nature
Prompts the question of how many and how much, includes continuous and discrete data
Qualitative Data
Unstructured data based on properties, attributes, labels, etc.
Used as start for asking WHY questions, used for interpretations, theorizations, hypothesis, and initial understandings
Example: social security number
Discrete Data
Data that cannot be broken down into similar parts consisting of integers
Finite and has a limit
Continuous Data
Data that can be infinitely broken down into smaller parts that continuously fluctuate
Case Study
Qualitative research done by an organization
Ethnographic Research
Qualitative research based on different geographic locations
Correlational Research
Quantitative research studying the relationship between variables
Causal Comparative Research
Quantitative research comparing unrelated variables, one is dependent and one is independent
Financial Data
Data related to the financial health of a business
Example: Assets, stock price, owner's equity
Medical/Clinical Data
Health-related information related to patient care
Example: Blood sugar level, heart rate
Transport Data
Data related to transportation studies
Example: walk, cycling, air travel
Data Generation & Creation
Action that digitally generates data, every action done digitally create data, can be manually entered
Data Collection & Extraction
Process of selecting and extracting useful data, only based on Stakeholders decision to use the data
Data Storage
Safe storage of data for accessibility (database) that not everyone can see
Example: Cloud, servers, local file
Data Analysis
Turning raw data into meaningful insights (patterns, trends, forecast)
Data Visualization
Representing analyzed data visually
Data Preservation
Ensuring data is preserved and of good quality, store it on a cloud or a drive
Data Destruction
Removing outdated data permanently
Meta Data
Information about other data
description metadata: data that identifies or discover other datas
Structural metadata: data that classfies and organizes other data
Administrative metadata: Data that helps provide useful information in managing other kinds of data
Reference metadata: Describes the quality of quantitative data or statistical data to help determine the validity of the data
Statistical metadata: Information that describes the characteristics and contexts of statistical data. Help to interpret statistical data
Legal metadata: The supporting information of legal data, the underlying data related to the legal case. Metadata makes it easier to access and retrieve information relating to the legal case
Data Integrity
Ensuring authenticity, transparency, and eliminating bias. Retaining authenticity and being transparent
Includes commission, omission, and manipulation
Relational Database
Database with multiple tables showing relationships
Data Masking
Turning data into fake data to deceive unauthorized access
Example: turn data of a company into a fairy tale
Data Erasure
Permanent removal of data
Combining computer graphics and AI to create fake data
Data Ethics
Ethical and legal considerations in data collection
Data Bias
Potential bias in data sets
Data Privacy
Control and access to data
Data Dilemmas
Challenges and considerations in data usage
To prove that collected data is verified and accurate
Data wrangling (from data process of data life cycle)
Raw data cleaned and transformed into useful data
Cultural data
Data that is related to the social studies/human studies
For example: art, trend, etc
Data life cycle
The life cycle for data
From beginning to end:
Generation, collection, processing, storage, management, analysis, visualization, interpretation
Primary data
Data created originally
Secondary data
Data collected by someone else
Deleting data
Putting data in the trash bin but it is still there
Stores information or transactions digitally into a block
An encryption way of blockchain, turns data into hash
Unintentional mistakes
Ex: satire taken literally
Fabricated or manipulated
Ex. conspiracy or rumours
Deliberate publication of private information
Big data
large volume of data including
volume - huge volume of data
velocity - high volume of data at high speeds
veracity - accuracy of data
variety - different types of data