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Refers to the inability of an individual to do something in a certain way.
Intellectual Disability (ID)
Emphasizes subaverage intellectual functioning.
Early 20th Century
During this period, the focus was primarily on segregating individuals with disabilities into separate institutions.
Tourette syndrome (TS)
A type of Tic disorder that has two or more motor tics and at least one vocal tic that may not happen at the same time. This occurs for at least a year.
In sociology, what term is used when calling someone different from the normal population?
Derived from the Latin word for "weak and feeble."
Elsie Gaches
This is an institution that provides care and rehabilitation to abandoned and neglected children with special needs.
Intraindividual Differences
These are differences that compares a child's abilities and disabilities within himself.
Provisional Tic Disorder
A type of Tic Disorder that has one or more motor or vocal tics that are present for no longer than 12 months.
Collaboration Essential
Partnership among stakeholders vital for effective delivery.
Derived from the Greek word meaning "people who did not hold public office"
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
International treaty promoting inclusive education and protecting the rights of persons with disabilities, which the Philippines is a signatory to.
Developmental Approach
This in an approach wherein the context of human differences came from the differences that occur during human development.
RA 7277: Magna Carta for Disabled Persons
Focused on the rehabilitation, self-development, and integration of persons with disabilities into mainstream society.
In sensory abilities
In which category does a child deviate from if he/she encounters difficulty in detecting senses or he/she is overly sensitive to certain senses.
Persistent Motor or Vocal Tic
A type of Tic disorder that has one or more motor or vocal tics but not both, happens nearly everyday for more than a year.
A fine not less than 100,000 but not exceeding 200,000
The second violation of RA 9442 consists of...
RA 9442: Amendment to RA 7277
Makes amends to certain provisions of RA 7277 to strengthen its implementation and address gaps in disability rights and protection.
In communication abilities
In which category does a child deviate from if he/she encounters difficulty in expressing what they want to say or if they are completely nonverbal.
Problems in _____________ contribute to a student's difficulties in acquiring, remembering, and generalizing new knowledge.
This term includes both children who are gifted and children with disabilities.
Less than 70
How much IQ does one need to have to assume that he/she has intellectual disability?
Working Memory / STM
Is the ability to remember one thing while performing another task.
In mental characteristics
In which category does a child deviate from if he/she is experiencing developmental delay.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
A neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by repetitive behavior, difficulties in social interaction, and challenges with verbal and nonverbal communication.
Down Syndrome
Characterized by having an extra chromosome that changes how the baby's brain and body develop.
This term is for people who have unusual, peculiar, unique, and distinctive characteristics that make them stand out and different from a normal group.
Specific Learning Disorders
Neurodevelopmental Disorders that are typically diagnosed in early school-aged children characterized by a persistent impairment in at least one of three major areas: reading, written expression, and math.
In psychology, what term is used when someone exhibits abnormal behavior?
Sudden twitches, movements, or sounds that people do repeatedly.
What is the term used for describing children we witness as within the average range?
Trisomy 21
Another name for Down Syndrome.
Dr. Teresita G. Inciong
The person who highlighted issued with the SPED program in the Philippines and initiated collaborative efforts in addressing these concerns.
It is a more specific term that describes an individual who has a loss of physical functioning or difficulties in learning and social adjustment that significantly interferes with normal growth.
Learning Rate
The rate at which children with intellectual disabilities acquire new knowledge and skills that is well below of typically developing children.
Trials to Criterion
A frequently used method to measure learning rate that refers the number of practice, or instructional trials needed before a student can respond correctly without prompts or assistance.
When did Special Education in the Philippines flourish?
Predominantly Inattentive Presentation
A type of ADHD that is characterized by difficulties in focusing, staying on a task, and organization.
Combined Presentation
A type of ADHD that has both criteria for inattentive and hyperactive/impulse types are met.
Cultural Approach
This in an approach wherein the context of human differences came from established cultural standards.
Psychology of Exceptional Children
It is the study of human exceptionality and the study of being human.
How much is the discount provided by the RA 9442 in establishments, services, etc?
Individual Approach
This in an approach wherein the context of human differences came from self-imposed labels.
Individualized Education Plans (IEPs)
These are formalized plans developed for students with disabilities to address their unique learning needs and goals.
Refers to a decision or actions taken without thinking through the consequences.
Global Development Delay (GDD)
Individuals who experience this already have a presence of a disorder, however, it is not severe enough to fit any criteria of any other specified neurodevelopmental disorder.
Rights to Upheld
Government commitment to uphold rights if children with special educational needs.
6 months to 2 years; fine of 50K to 100K PHP
The first violation penalty of RA 9442 consists of...
Inclusive Education
Ensures accessibility and equity in special education for all.
Inclusive Learning Resource Center (ILRC)
Ensures that learners receive appropriate services, applied alongside the RA11650.
In medicine, the term for "ill" or "sick."
RA 10931: Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act
Provides free tuition and other school fees in public tertiary education institutions, benefiting with disabilities.
This is a more restrictive term that is used when explaining the consequences or impact on the individual by his or her disability.
Interindividual Differences
These are differences that tell how one child is different from another for classification.
RA 7277: Magna Carta for Disabled Persons
Provides rights and privileges for persons with disabilities, including access to education, employment, and social services
Under 5 years old
How old does a child have to be to be diagnosed with Global Development Delay?
This term refers to an individual with a general malfunction of mental, physical, or psychological process.
Predominantly Hyperactive/Impulsive Presentation
A type of ADHD characterized by excessive movement such as fidgeting, excessive, energy not sitting still, and being talkative.
RA 11650: Inclusive Education Act
An act instituting a policy of inclusion and services for learners with disability in support of inclusive education.
An annual developmental disorder that affects attention, impulse control, and hyperactivity.
Mid-20th Century
Time of proliferation of special schools and institutions catering to various disabilities, including schools for the blind, deaf, and intellectually disabled
Late 20th Century to Present
Time of emergence of inclusive education as a guiding principle
Goals of SPED PH
Equal Access & Development
Goals of SPED PH
Inclusive Integration & Support
Goals of SPED PH
Empowerment & Advocacy
Challenges of SPED PH
Challenges on instruction.
Challenges of SPED PH
Stakeholder’ s engagement
Challenges of SPED PH
Curriculum development
Challenges of SPED PH
Diverse learning environments
Challenges of SPED PH
Training and professional development
Gaps on SPED PH
Lack of discourse of assessment and reporting
Gaps on SPED PH
Limited number of studies towards curriculum development and learning environment
Gaps on SPED PH
Thin set of literature on SPED Teaching preparation
Gaps on SPED PH
Absence of evaluation studies on parental and family SPED trainings
Focus on Quality & Access to Special Education
Emphasis on ensuring quality special education amidst the rapid development of information technology.
Implementation of strategies to meet the changing demands and challenges of the time, with a focus on integration and participation.
Approaches to Enhance Participation Rate
Inclusive education as the main thrust, facilitated through the establishment of SPED Centers serving as resource centers.
Identified approaches include information dissemination, strengthening support services, parent and community involvement, and utilizing the Team Approach to Mastery (TAM)
Alternative Models for Educational Services
Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) programs to provide comprehensive rehabilitation services.
Community-Based Special Education (CBSPED) program for home-based instruction.
Outreach programs addressing the needs of out-of-school handicapped children and youth.
Vocational training programs designed to maximize potential and integration into society
Initiatives and Projects in Special Education
Capacity-building exercises for teachers and school administrators.
Production of instructional/resource materials, including braille and large print materials.
Curriculum redirections, impact studies, and development of program models for special learners.
Partnerships with government agencies, NGOs, and international organizations to support special education initiatives.
Future Concerns and Projects
Development of innovative strategies such as home-based and community based interventions.
Education and positive attitude formation for parents, families, and non-disabled persons in the education system.
Strengthening training programs, dissemination of teacher resource materials, and revision of examination procedures to support students with disabilities.
Emphasis on technology and collaboration at regional and international levels to improve access to education for all.
ID concerns deficits in intellectual functioning and ___________ functioning.
Early school-age
When is the typical diagnosis of SLDs?
6 months
What is the minimum duration of Specific Learning Disorders?
2-3 years old
At what age does ASD become more visible?
Risk for Individuals with Down Syndrome
Hearing loss
Obstructive sleep apnea, which is a condition where the person’s breathing temporarily stops while asleep
Ear infections
Eye diseases
Heart defects present at birth
Men are more likely to be affected by tic disorders than women
Before 18 years old
When should Tic Disorders begin?
Learned Helplessness
Describes an individual’s expectation of failure, regardless of his efforts, based on experiences of repeated failure
Generalization & Maintenance
Individuals with ID have trouble using their new knowledge and skills in settings or situations that differ from the context in which they first learned those skills
Usually describes only those individuals who are deficient un lack or ability. More restrictive term than Exceptional
RA 11650
It ensures access to inclusive classrooms, specialized instructions, and assistive technologies to facilitate the learning of individuals with special needs.
Idiot or Idiocy
A term used before for people with severe deficits in cognitive function.
Feebleminded & Simpleton
Terms eventually added to refer people with mild ID
Memory problems
The more severe the cognitive impairment, the greater the ____.
This characteristic describe individuals with ID to typically be slower to attend relevant features of a learning task
Individuals with ID exhibit an apparent lack of interest in learning or problem-solving tasks
Self-Care & Daily Living Skills
This is an adaptive behavior that entails basic self-care skills such as dressing, eating, hygiene. Most of them require intensive support in this area.
Behavioral Excesses & Challenging Behavior
Difficulty accepting criticism, limited self-control, bizarre and inappropriate behaviors such as aggression and self injury.
Tic Disorders are classified as Neurodevelopment Disorders