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Criteria for reviewing tribunal decision for bias
if right-minded persons would think that, in the circumstances, there was a real likelihood of bias
There must be circumstances from which a reasonable person would think
it is likely that the tribunal member favoured one side unfairly at the expense of the other
T/F: appearance of bias is enough, explain
true; don’t have to show actual bias
Second pillar of procedural fairness
What is required to displace the presumption of judicial integrity
strong evidence of a real likelihood of bias
Standard of proof to displace presumption of judicial integrity
higher than balance of probabilities but lower than beyond a reaonable doubt
Two elements of impartiality
individual impartiality: adjudicators should/must
be free from any type
not prejudge disputes
begin hearings with open mind
reserve judgment until all evidence/arguments have been heard
Institutional impartiality: process must not be designed to suggest
decision will be biased in favour of a specific party or class of party
Institutional impartiality: tribunal must be __ from any government agency that is a party to its hearings
independent from
Actual bias occurs when
decision maker does not approach decision with an open mind and allows bias to impact the process
Possible reasons for actual bias: decision maker
may stand to benefit/lose financially
may have close relationship with a party
may have strong dislike for a party
may believe in sterotypes
Adjudicator should not appear in a case where a reasonable and well-informed observer would
assume the adjudicator would probably be bias because of their outside affiliations or circumstances
Conflict of interest has (narrower or more broad) meaning than individual bias
Conflict of interest is a
specific kind of bias
Conflict of interest
adjudicator has financial interest in the outcome of a case
Indicators of possible bias
meeting with one party in the absence of the other
having closer friend/family member that may be affected by outcome
belonging to an association that has a position on the issue
accepting gifts or favors from a party or witness
Three factors that help ensure court is independent from government
security of tenure
financial security
administrative independence
Courts have control over their own judicial administration, including
assigning judges to cases
court sittings
direction over admin staff
What factors are used to assess level of tribunal independence
same as those of the court
Factors to consider in assessing agency institutional independence
closeness of relationship between government actors and agency
overlapping functions
need for decision approval by a government department
are members answerable to government
is office held at pleasure or is it fixed-term
are salaries fixed by law or at will of government
are appointments part-time or full time
to what extent does agency chair have discretion over who they can appoint to hear cases
does minister evaluate performance of the chair
what criteria is used in evaluating chair’s performance
Tribunal statute may allow government interference by providing
tribunal must follow government policy
chair must report to minister of department that appears before them
minister has the right to approve tribunal’s rules of procedure
chair must provide any information requested by the minister
budget must be approved by the minister
When should allegation of bias be raised (during or after the hearing)?
during the hearing
Failure to raise allegaiton of bias during the hearing can result in
being barred from raising it on judicial review
possible waiving of any bias
Steps to take if member decides not to step down
make a formal bias application in open court
ask member to make ruling on the application