Review of Related Literature and Studies, Methodology. BASED ON HANDOUTS
Review of Related Literature and Studies
It shows the brief descriptions, summaries, and critical evaluations of academic reference materials in printed form or in electronic source that are relevant to the problem under investigation.
It involves the critiquing and evaluating of what other authors and researchers have done in relation to the problem to be studied whether these studies affirmed or negate your study.
Related Literature
This is the part shows the information related to the topic that were cited from books, magazines, newspapers and other. This is written in paragraph form and arranged according to topic
Related Studies
This is the part that shows the published and unpublished research studies that are related to the research topic. It discusses the relevant researches conducted on a particular topic. Researches from theses and dissertations are usually used in reviewing related studies.
A website containing a writer's own experiences observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites.
Avoid citing from this
Conceptual Framework
Provides the outline of the plan on how to conduct a research. It is presented in a flow chart, map or diagram that explains the process of answering the research questions.
Theoretical Framework
Consists of theories, principles, generalizations, and research findings that support the study under investigation
Definition of Terms
Clearly defines the important words and terms used in your paper.
Conceptual Definition
The academic or universal meaning attributed to a word or group of words. These are taken from dictionary, encyclopedia, and other publications.
Operational Definition
Refers to a detailed explanation of the technical terms and measurements used during data collection. This is the definition of terms that are based on how it is used in the study, or could be termed as personalized definition.
Research Methodology
Explains the specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyze information about a topic.
Research Design
It discusses the research design (experimental or descriptive) that is used in the study. It explains the overall structure of a research investigation which follows an order to answer the research questions or solve the research problems. This part also includes research method (quantitative or qualitative) which explains the procedure used in collecting and analyzing data
Research Locale
For experimental research; shows the place or setting of the study. It is the place where the research experiment is conducted.
Materials and Equipment
For experimental research; part that displays the detailed research materials and equipment to be used in the research.
Substances and elements of which the output is made or composed of
Apparatus needed in making the research output (machinery, tools)
Research Procedure
For experimental research, explains the step-by-step process on how to do and accomplish the research output.
Schematic Diagram/Flow Chart
For experimental research; it shows the representation of the proposed product.
Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Technique
For descriptive research; this describes the target population and the sample frame in the study. This part also discusses the sample size and specifies the sampling technique that will be used in the study.
Population Size
The total number of people in the group you are interested in, or in this case, trying to reach with your survey
Sample Size
The subset of the population being studied. It represents the larger population and is used to draw inferences about the population.
Slovins Formula
Sampling Technique
The method by which the researcher selects the sample
Probability Sampling
Each sample has an equal probability of being chosen.
Simple Random Sampling
The simplest method of probability sampling. The techniques can include assigning numbers to all subjects and then using lottery method or random number generator in a computer to choose random numbers. The members whose numbers are chosen are included in the sample.
Systematic Random
Respondents are chosen at regular intervals using a sampling frame. The population are put into a list and every nth participant is systematically chosen.
Stratified Random
Used when the population has different groups (strata) and a researcher needs to ensure that those groups are fairly represented in the sample. Independent samples are drawn from each group. The size of each sample is proportional to the relative size of the group.
Cluster Random
A way to randomly select respondents from a list that is too large for simple random sampling.
Non-probability sampling
Uses non-randomized methods to draw the sample. It mostly involves judgment.
Convenience Sampling
A non-probability sampling technique where respondents are selected because of their convenient accessibility and proximity to the researchers. Researchers select respondents as per their own convenience.
Purposive Sampling
Also known as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling, is a form of non-probability sampling in which researchers rely on their own judgment when choosing members of the population to participate in their study. The respondents are selected based on the characteristics of a population and the objective of the study.
Quota Sampling
A pre-planned number of respondents in a specific study is determined. The basic idea of quota sampling is to set a target number of respondents
Snowball Sampling
Also called as chain sampling, chain-referral sampling, or referral sampling. It is a nonprobability sampling technique where respondents recruit other respondents from their acquaintances.
Research Instrument
For descriptive research; explains the specific type of measurement tool that will be used in the study, such as questionnaire, interview, or any standardized instrument which are adopted or borrowed with permission from the author or from other sources
Development and Validation of the Instrument
For descriptive research; discusses the establishment of validity and reliability of the instrument. It should have undergone to content validation, face validation and second run/ final administration.
Is the extent to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure.
A predetermined set of questions used to collect data. It is intended to provide answers to the research problems of the study. Most surveys are based on questionnaire and used through quantitative method for gathering statistical information about the attributes, attitudes, or actions of the selected respondents.
Close-ended question
A type of question that asks the respondents to choose from a distinct set of pre-defined responses
Dichotomous question
This type of question shows only two options and one is selected. It is generally answered by a “yes” or “no”.
Multiple Choice Question
This type of question shows three or more options and only one should be chosen
Rating Scale Question
This type of question is usually a 4-point or above rating scale where the respondent is required to indicate a certain extent of condition, degree of judgement, or intensity of feeling, emotion and attitude.
Open-ended questions
Type of question that ask respondents to answer in his own words and in his own way. It seeks to explore the qualitative, in-depth aspects of a particular topic or issue. It gives a participant the chance to respond in detail.
Data Gathering Procedure
For descriptive research; describes how data is collected to address the research questions or objectives.
Statistical Treatment of Data
For descriptive research; describes the specific statistical methods and tools you will use to analyze the data collected. This part ensures that the research findings are scientifically valid, reliable, and objective.
Parts of Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature and Studies
Conceptual/Theoretical Framework
Definition of Terms
Parts of Chapter 3 in EXPERIMENTAL Research
Research Design
Research Locale
Materials and Equipment
Research Procedure
Schematic Diagram/Flow Chart
Parts of Chapter 3 in DESCRIPTIVE Research
Research Design
Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Technique
Research Instrument
Development and Validation of the Instrument
Data Gathering Procedure
Statistical Treatment of Data