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a business is any organization that uses resources to meet the needs of customers by providing a product or service they demand
mixed economy
economic resources are owned and controlled by both private and public sectors. Ex/ Canada
free market economy
economic resources are owned largely by the private sector with very little state intervention. Ex/ Hong Kong, Singapore
command economy
economic resources are owned, planned and controlled by the state. Ex/ North Korea, Cuba
Public sector - crown corporation
A business owned and controlled by the government
Also know as public sector enterprise
Private sector - publicly held companies
Owned by shareholders in the private sector
Shares are sold on a public stock exchange
ADV public sector - crown corporations (3)
Managed with social objectives rather than for-profit objectives
Loss-making services still kept operating if the social benefit is great enough (healthcare)
Finance is raised mainly by the government so not subject to limitations from banks/shareholders
DISADV public sector - crown corporations (2)
Inefficiencies as the government will pay for it anyways
The government may interfere in business decisions for political reasons
Ex/ open a new branch in a certain area to gain popularity
Sole traders/proprietorships
A single owner
provides financing, full control, keeps all the profits, most common form
ADV sole traders/proprietorships (6)
Easy to set up
Owner has complete control
Keeps all profits
Sets their own working hours
Business is based on owners interests
Able to establish close personal relationships with staff/customers
DISADV sole traders/proprietorships (6)
Unlimited liability
Competition from bigger firms
Difficult to raise capital
Long hours
Owner is responsible for all aspects of management. Ex/ HR, Accounting, operations, marketing
Lack of continuity: when the owner dies, the business ends too
Two or more people with shared capital and usually shared responsibilities
Usually a partnership agreement
ADV partnership (5)
Partners specialize in different areas of business management (more knowledge)
Shared decision-making
Additional capital
Business losses shared
Greater privacy and fewer legal formalities as compared to corporations
DISADV partnership (5)
Unlimited liability for all partners (with some exceptions)
Profits are shared
Lack of continuity - the partnership will have to be reformed in the event of the death of a partner
Not possible to raise capital by selling shares
Partners share decision-making
Limited Company (Corportations)
Has a seperate identity than the owners, can be sued, does it's own taxes
Privately Held Companies
Shares are sold within the same family
ADV privately held companies (4)
Shareholders have limited liability
Separate legal identity
Continuity in the event of the death of a shareholder
Able to raise capital from sale of shares to family, friends and employees
DISADV privately held companies (4)
Legal formalities involved in establishing the business
Cannot raise capital through the sale of shares
Difficult for shareholders to sell their shares
Financial reports are audited and made public
Publicly Held Companies
Companies whose stock is traded on the major stock exchanges. Shareholders vote a board of directors who control management and decisions
ADV Publicly Held Companies (5)
Limited liability
Separate legal identity
Ease of buying and selling shares for shareholders
Access to substantial capital
DISADV Publicly Held Companies (6)
Legal formalities in formation/starting up
Costs of formation
Share prices subject to fluctuation
Legal requirements of disclosing information to shareholders and public
Risk of takeover
Directors influenced by short-term objectives of major investors
What are the two (3) for-profit social enterprises?
Social Enterprises
(3.) Microfinance institutions
Social Enterprises (2)
Businesses with mainly social objectives that reinvest profits to society (**not a charity)
Triple bottom line - economic, social, environmental
Cooperatives (co-ops)
Organizations composed of individuals or small businesses that have banded together to reap the benefits of belonging to a larger organization
The 3 Types of Cooperatives are?
Retail, agricultural, worker (employees work for the wellbeing of theier work community as they all own it)
Non-profit Social Enterprises
Any organization that has aims other than making and distributing profit and which is usually governed by a voluntary board
Non-governmental organization (NGO's)
A legally constituted body with no participation or representation of any government eg. doctors without borders