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glia have only been studied
the last 15-20 years
glia fuction
shape the NS environment by
1. modifying neuron communication by altering ion balances (shaping the ionic environment)
2. wrapping around axons providing myelination
3. monitoring synapses and re-uptake mechanisms
4. are the resident immune cells of the CNS
the resident immune cells of the CNS, that climb into the brain during embryo development
glia of the CNS
astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia
astrocytes and oligodendrocytes
PNS glia
Schwann cells
developmental glia
radial glia - that are actually stem cells that the NS forms from
oligodendrocytes structure
have many small branches that reach out into the extracellular environment
oligodendrocytes function
myelinate fibres in the CNS, explore and wrap around fibres giving the correct signals
how do oligodendrocytes make myelin?
extend cell membrane and wrap tightly around axons - 30-40 layers of a 2 layer membrane
____ of axons in the CNS are myelinated
each oligodendrocyte
myelinates many axons, and vice versa
oligodendrocytes special function
can suppress regenerating axons in the CNS, through myelin blocks, making repair and regrowth after injury impossible
this is to preserve pre-existing structures, and the lifetime of experience stored in the brain
Schwann cells
myelinate and maintain some axons and isolate them from the external environment, with a combination of oligodendrocyte and astrocyte functions
Schwann cells provide a pathway
supportive pathway for regenerating peripheral nerves
how does myelin give us an advantage?
it is very compact and allows for very fast signal transmission, giving vertebrates an advantage
astrocytes are named for
their star-like appearance - of their internal cytoskeleton
cytoskeleton of astrocytes
set of branching, radiating proteins that hold the structure of the cell
astrocytes actual shape
complex fluffy shape surrounding neurons - has infinitesimally small branches and leaflets radiating outwards, and very fine processes to fill every nook and cranny of the CNS
functions of astrocytes
metabolic support (nutrients and waste products), maintaining the blood brain barrier (everything must pass through an astrocyte prior to entering the CNS), talk to neurons, influencing their activity, receiving and sending neurotransmitters, exciting and inhibiting neurons, and neurotransmitter re-uptake/recycling
each astrocyte…
maintains its own domain in the CNS, are extremely territorial and regulates cell environment of dozens of neurons
neurons signal
rapidly from point to point
astrocytes signal by
sending waves via gap junctions which affect large volumes of tissue, in the form of calcium waves through the astrocyte network, independent of neuron activity
blood brain barrier
maintains integrity of CNS and what can get through, consists of astrocyte endfeet wrapping around capillary walls, controlling which water soluble molecules can get in/out of the brain
water soluble molecules
waste, nutrients, oxygen, CO2, drugs
fat soluble molecules
dissolve in membranes and can pass to and from the brain easily - this includes alcohol and most psychoactive drugs
the defence system of the CNS, resident immune cells that are typically quite
microglia activate
in injury and inflammation, and make inflammatory responses to injury
microglia revert to
phagocytic, mobile forms that activate, engulf, and eat intruders
microglia may have a role in
neurodegenerative diseases, in multiple sclerosis as a part of the immune response attacking myelin, in Alzheimer’s when cell death occurs, cleaning up debris
rapid and reliable signalling across long distances in the body, detecting significant events, identifying interesting information, and shaping the NS to respond to the environment to survive by organising and controlling our movement and behaviour
input zone
dendrites, soma
receive input
cell body and support centre of the cell, contains nucleus and sends signals via thte axon to axon terminals
axon hillock
conducts the automatic process of weighing up responses, the AP beginning here - it is the trigger zone and has a lot of voltage gated channels
axons are
very long and require lots of maintenance
cell cytoskeleton provides
transport and structure
cytoskeleton consists of
actin and microtubules and neurofilaments (MT and NF for transport)
conducting zone
output zone
axon boutons
action potential
a standard, self-regenerating signal which replicates across an entire cell, unchanged from start to finish, acting as a standardised membrane switch
maintaining a state…
of readiness uses lots of energy, but individuals do not, allowing neurons to sustain firing for long periods of time without loss of quality
all APs are
2 sets of states the parts of the cell jump quickly between that influences the rest of the cell, all the APs being fundamentally identical, information is conveyed by timing of APs and speed
cell membrane
made up phospholipid bilayer and specialised proteins that carry things through the membrane
at rest
dominated by potassium ions
at APs
dominated by sodium ions
cell membrane is an excellent
insulator, preventing flow of ions, and capacitator, holding the charge of the membrane
channels allow
electric current flow via ions
gating channels
types of proteins, some always open, other gated, and are selective for ion types or charge types
parts of AP
excitatory synaptic potential pushes cell over threshold, voltage gated sodium channels depolarise the membrane, voltage gated potassium channels depolarize the membrane
local current flow
occurs between active and adjacent inactive areas, causing other parts of the axon to become depolarized
major form of connectivity in the CNS
smart communication of synapses
both sides have a say in synaptic communication, conversations that may or may not change behaviours
the effect of the synapse can be modified
better than a digital computer
allows for real time processing of thousands of input, each neuron is subject to 2000-5000 influences at one time
reasons to use synapses
smart communication, allows for plasticity, better than a digital computer
components of a synapse
presynaptic terminal, synaptic cleft, postsynaptic membrane
presynaptic terminal
activity is signalled by releasing neurotransmitters to the post-synaptic cell
synaptic cleft
the space neurotransmitters must cross
post-synaptic membrane
has neurotransmitter receptors
NTs do not
enter the receiving cell - they attach to receptors on the cell membrane/dendrite and act as a lock and key, opening receptors
NTS need to be
cleared away, by being broken down by enzymes, taken up by glia, or being pumped back into the presynaptic terminal
sum of inputs
excitatory and inhibitory synapses combine their influences to determine is the cell will fire, and can combine by being close together in location or timing
actual molecules that are used to send signals
brain excitatory NT
brian inhibitory NT
GABA and some glycine, suppress depolarization
SC and PNS excitatory
glutamate for neurons, acetylcholine for muscles
SC and PNS mixed
acetychloline in ANS and PSNS, noradrenaline in SNS
SC and PNS inhibitory
mostly glycine, some GABA
vigilance, attention by exciting activity of cerebral cortex and shifting patterns of activity
very complex regulation of mood and sensory integration, with subtle regional function
reward (do we want to do this again), pleasure, movement control, affects plasticity
attentio, wakefulness, memory, cognition, biases system but does not directly direct them
the detection of things in the outside world by neurons able to capture certain kinds of energy
our sensory experience is
constructed in the brain from the decoding oftime impulses from millions of receptor cells
impulses are decoded by
which afferent fibre carries them, timing of activity regarding speed and attention
abstract interpretation
our brain is stuck in a skull and does not experience anything itself, relying on receiving signals from sensory organs scattered around the body
during development
our brain recognises and enhances order and patterning in its input, combining and interpreting those ordered signals into a rich, synthetic experience
sensory receptor
a cell able to detect a physical stimulus and create a signal through transduction, the converting the energy
a receptor responds…
to one kind of energy, and signals its presence, or some aspect of the stimulus, using APs in axons or cells
types of sensory coding
rate, population, latency
rate coding
firing rate describes intensity, frequency, or some other property
population coding
different stimuli excite different groups of receptors
latency coding
different stimuli take different time to trigger the receptor
how we listen to neural code, the most common approach to studying sensory systems by presenting artificial stimuli while recording responses
receptive fields
most receptors will only respond to a stimulus in a particular location, a receptive field - the region of space where stimuli can affect the firing of a receptor
neurons further along the communication…
communication change integrate many receptors’ activity into complex higher receptive fields or perceptual experiences with additional properties, while retaining spatial organisation and distribution
during development (RF)
the brain and spinal cord learn and make connections between parts of receptive fields, allowing the brain to make inferences and decode input easier
simple responses connect
to higher order cells which combine inputs in many complex ways, creating higher order mental processes
stimulus processing
the typical ways the NS looks for useful information - centre surround, lateral inhibition, contrast detection
centre surround
the background influences responses to a stimulus
lateral inhibition
stimuli compete with their neighbors for attention
contrast detection
NS respond most where there is an abrupt transition in properties
sensory pathways
3 major routes travelled by sensory information in the CNS - special senses, somatosensation, visceral sensation
special senses
olfaction, visio, gustation, audition, vestibular travel via cranial nerves to brainstem and midbrain
skin/deep tissue enters via spinal nerves and some cranial nerves, travelling via spinal cord circuits and ascending tracts
visceral sensation travels via
autonomic afferent nerves - vagus nerve and spinal nerves
olfaction is transmitted by
1st cranial nerve, small branches passing through piriform plate at the top of the sinus
olfactory receptors
touch air in the nasal cavity and have a large variety of receptor proteins for specific odorant molecules, and the presence of the right molecule in the air activates the protein, allowing for smell
olfactory bulb
tract in the NS, travelling from the 1st cranial nerve region to other locations