Learning**: a process by which experience produces a relatively enduring change in an organisms behavior or capabilities* 4 basic learning processes* Habituation* Classical Conditioning* Operant Conditioning* Observational Learning __Adapting to the Environment__*** Habituation: a decrease in the strength of response to a repeated stimulus***** The simplest form of learning***** By learning not to respond to uneventful familiar stimuli an organism can conserve energy and react to more important stimuli** __Classical Conditioning: Associating one Stimulus with Another__*** Classical Conditioning: in which an organism learns to associate two stimuli (e.g., a song and a pleasant event), such that one stimulus (the song) comes to elicit a response (feeling happy) that originally was elicited only by the other stimulus (the pleasant event)*** ________ and his dog* Experimented on how a dog salivates at the sight of food and tied that reaction to a tone* I always think of a Tom and Jerry episode where Tom is standing ready in the kitchen when he hears a triangle:* Unlike Tom, the dog will go through extinction and stop reacting to the tone sound overtime*** Unconditioned Stimulus (USC): a stimulus that elicits a reflexive or innate response (the UCR) without prior learning***** no learning is required for food to produce salivation***** Unconditioned Response (UCR): a reflexive or innate response that is elicited by a stimulus (the UCS) without prior learning***** In Pavlovs case salvation***** Conditioned Stimulus (CS): a stimulus that through association with a UCS, comes to elicit a conditioned response similar to the original UCR***** After several learning trials, if the tone is presented by itself, the dog salivates even though there is no food.