chapter 8: marine fish

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characteristics of all chordates

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characteristics of all chordates

notochord, dorsal hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, postanal tail

<p>notochord, dorsal hollow nerve cord, pharyngeal slits, postanal tail</p>
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examples of a jawless fish

lamprey and hagfish

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class chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish)

sharks, skates, rays, and ratfish

<p>sharks, skates, rays, and ratfish</p>
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used to take in water and ventilate the gills, out the gill slits

-open directly in water

-acts like a straw sticking out of the sand

<p>used to take in water and ventilate the gills, out the gill slits</p><p>-open directly in water</p><p>-acts like a straw sticking out of the sand</p>
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protects their skin

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modified pelvic fins on a male shark that allows for transfer of sperm to female

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osteichthyes (bony fish)

class sarcopterygii (lobed fin fished)

-ex: coelacanth

class actinioptergii

-ex: ray finned fishes

<p>class sarcopterygii (lobed fin fished)</p><p>-ex: coelacanth</p><p>class actinioptergii</p><p>-ex: ray finned fishes</p>
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agnatha (hagfish and lampreys)

-jawless fish with a muscular, circular mouth with rows of teeth in rings

-exclusively marine

-long, cylindrical body

-lack paired fins and scales seen in other fish

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feed on dead and dying fish and marine mammals

live in burrows in soft sediments

-excretes slime in response to a threat

<p>feed on dead and dying fish and marine mammals</p><p>live in burrows in soft sediments</p><p>-excretes slime in response to a threat</p>
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some spend a large portion of life in the sea, but return to freshwater to breed

-sucker like mouth for consuming blood, tissue, and body fluids

<p>some spend a large portion of life in the sea, but return to freshwater to breed</p><p>-sucker like mouth for consuming blood, tissue, and body fluids</p>
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what do both cartilaginous and bony fish have?

-highly efficient gills

-scales cover the body

-streamline (body shape to help swim through water)

-paired fins

-wide variety of jaw and feeding types

-lateral line and other sensory organs

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what are lateral lines used for

system of tactile sense organs that serve to detect vibrations and water movement

-small pores from snout to tail

-potential prey/predators can sense change in pressure

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-deep water fish

-mouth with plate like grinding teeth

-venomous spine in front dorsal fin

-no scales

<p>-deep water fish</p><p>-mouth with plate like grinding teeth</p><p>-venomous spine in front dorsal fin</p><p>-no scales</p>
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heterocercal tail

caudal fin that is longer on the top than the bottom, asymmetrical

<p>caudal fin that is longer on the top than the bottom, asymmetrical</p>
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a collective name for the sharks, skates, rays, and sawfish

-primarily marine but some travel up rivers

-heterocercal tail

-2 dorsal fins

-skeleton of cartilage

-spongy cartilage snout

-carnivorous or planktonic

-about 350 extant species

<p>a collective name for the sharks, skates, rays, and sawfish</p><p>-primarily marine but some travel up rivers</p><p>-heterocercal tail</p><p>-2 dorsal fins</p><p>-skeleton of cartilage</p><p>-spongy cartilage snout</p><p>-carnivorous or planktonic</p><p>-about 350 extant species</p>
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ram ventilators

move water over gills by swimming and ramming water into their mouths and out the gills

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buccal pumping

forcing water over gills by opening and closing mouth

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spiracle breathing

opening on head to bring water in so they don't open mouth

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placoid scales (dermal denticles)

skin teeth: hard enamel tightly together

-tips go backward

-made for drag and noise reduction

-intricate adaptation so they are a top predator

<p>skin teeth: hard enamel tightly together</p><p>-tips go backward</p><p>-made for drag and noise reduction</p><p>-intricate adaptation so they are a top predator</p>
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ampullae of lorenzini

sensory organs used to detect electrical currents when sharks are close to an object

-electroreceptors: jelly filled pores

<p>sensory organs used to detect electrical currents when sharks are close to an object</p><p>-electroreceptors: jelly filled pores</p>
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shark liver

3 lobed liver (left, right, and middle)

-no swim bladder, able to maintain buoyancy with large livers rich in oil

-the liver can comprise 25% of a shark's total body weight

-sharks like to sink when not in motion and there is no lift. aided by the "lift" provided by the position and stiffness of the pectoral fins

<p>3 lobed liver (left, right, and middle)</p><p>-no swim bladder, able to maintain buoyancy with large livers rich in oil</p><p>-the liver can comprise 25% of a shark's total body weight</p><p>-sharks like to sink when not in motion and there is no lift. aided by the "lift" provided by the position and stiffness of the pectoral fins</p>
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bottom dwelling fish (ex rays and skates) who feed on organisms on the ocean floor

-think of shark lagoon at AOP and how shallow the tanks are

-nurse sharks rest on the floor

<p>bottom dwelling fish (ex rays and skates) who feed on organisms on the ocean floor</p><p>-think of shark lagoon at AOP and how shallow the tanks are</p><p>-nurse sharks rest on the floor</p>
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near continental shelf, shallow part of ocean

ex: shortfin mako shark, great white

<p>near continental shelf, shallow part of ocean</p><p>ex: shortfin mako shark, great white</p>
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oceanic (pelagic)

open blue water where animals dwell

ex: basking shark, whale shark

<p>open blue water where animals dwell</p><p>ex: basking shark, whale shark</p>
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how many different shark species are there

over 500 species of sharks

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what is the largest shark species

whale shark

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examples of cartilaginous filter feeders

manta ray, megamouth shark, whale shark, basking shark

<p>manta ray, megamouth shark, whale shark, basking shark</p>
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sharks and people

subject to disastrous fishing

-fished for their oil, skin, and fins (shark fin soup)

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similar things about skates and rays

-entire body is dorsoventrally flattened

-spend much of their time on the bottom, partially covered in sand

-large flattened teeth for feeding on inverts

-most have fleshy long whip like tails

-mouth on ventral side of body

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-large wing like pectoral fins

-spiracles behind eyes

-fleshy tail with no spine on tail

-always lay egg cases

-feed primarily on molluscs

-found at depths greater than 4,000 meters

ex: shovelnose guitarfish, longnose skate

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-pectoral fins are expanded into wings and entire body is dorsoventrally flattened

-most like long whip like tails; spine at the base of the tail with an associated poison gland in sting rays

-manta ray: plankton feeder in mid water; gill rakers used for filtering water

ex: bat ray, round ray, manta ray

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internal fertilization

Process in which eggs are fertilized inside the female's body

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live birth

ex: blue shark, lemon shark

<p>live birth</p><p>ex: blue shark, lemon shark</p>
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egg laying

ex: zebra shark, horn shark

<p>egg laying</p><p>ex: zebra shark, horn shark</p>
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eggs hatch within the body

ex: great white, nurse shark

<p>eggs hatch within the body</p><p>ex: great white, nurse shark</p>
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cryptic coloration


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warning coloration

conspicuous coloration to warn off predators of their bad taste or poisonous nature

<p>conspicuous coloration to warn off predators of their bad taste or poisonous nature</p>
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buoyancy in fish vs sharks

swim bladder vs liver

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Nictating membrane (third eyelid)

transparent eyelid that can move across the eye to protect it underwater, especially during feeding

-position of lens changes like in a camera

<p>transparent eyelid that can move across the eye to protect it underwater, especially during feeding</p><p>-position of lens changes like in a camera</p>
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A protective flap that covers the gills of fishes

-gastropods have these as well: able to close them off to the environment like a trap door

<p>A protective flap that covers the gills of fishes</p><p>-gastropods have these as well: able to close them off to the environment like a trap door</p>
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fusiform body shape

spindle shaped, looks like a lemon

-used for fast continual swimming

-species that have this are well adapted for feeding and survival

-little flexibility except in caudal fin

<p>spindle shaped, looks like a lemon</p><p>-used for fast continual swimming</p><p>-species that have this are well adapted for feeding and survival</p><p>-little flexibility except in caudal fin</p>
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ray-finned fish

-may contain only spiny rays, only soft rays, or both

-spines are generally stiff and sharp

-rays are generally soft, flexible, segmented, and may be branched

*dominant class of vertebrates, comprising nearly 99% of the over 30,000 species of fishf

<p>ray-finned fish</p><p>-may contain only spiny rays, only soft rays, or both</p><p>-spines are generally stiff and sharp</p><p>-rays are generally soft, flexible, segmented, and may be branched</p><p>*dominant class of vertebrates, comprising nearly 99% of the over 30,000 species of fishf</p>
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lobe-finned fish

-fleshy, lobed, paired fins, connected to body by a single bone

-coelacanth has essentially not evolved from it's ancient form, and is regarded as a living fossil

<p>lobe-finned fish</p><p>-fleshy, lobed, paired fins, connected to body by a single bone</p><p>-coelacanth has essentially not evolved from it's ancient form, and is regarded as a living fossil</p>
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fish gills

-supports entire structure: gill rakers are on the forward surface of the gill arch and the gill filaments trail behind the arch

-exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place on these surfaces (increases surfaces area)

<p>-supports entire structure: gill rakers are on the forward surface of the gill arch and the gill filaments trail behind the arch</p><p>-exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place on these surfaces (increases surfaces area)</p>
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swim bladder

swim bladder used for buoyancy control

<p>swim bladder used for buoyancy control</p>
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ctenoid scales

thin flexible and overlapping scales that have tiny spines

<p>thin flexible and overlapping scales that have tiny spines</p>
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cycloid scales

thin, smaller overlapping scales with a smooth posterior edge that are found in some of the more primitive bony fishes

<p>thin, smaller overlapping scales with a smooth posterior edge that are found in some of the more primitive bony fishes</p>
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dark on top, light on bottom

<p>dark on top, light on bottom</p>
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disruptive coloration

color pattern that confuses the predator (bars or stripes)

-normally found on slower swimming fish

<p>color pattern that confuses the predator (bars or stripes)</p><p>-normally found on slower swimming fish</p>
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eye spot mimicry

circular patterns on/near caudal fin

-confuses predators who are not sure which end of the fish is the head

<p>circular patterns on/near caudal fin</p><p>-confuses predators who are not sure which end of the fish is the head</p>
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usually do not swim rapidly, exceptionally maneuverable

-compressed from side to side

-quick bursts of speed over short distances

ex: angel fish, moon fish

<p>usually do not swim rapidly, exceptionally maneuverable</p><p>-compressed from side to side</p><p>-quick bursts of speed over short distances</p><p>ex: angel fish, moon fish</p>
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flattened from top to bottom

-live on the bottom


ex: flounders, skates, rays

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elongated bodies

-live in soft sediment, sand, mud

-slither like motion (eel like shape)

ex: pipefish, sand lance

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caudal fin shapes

rounded, forked, indented, square, lunate, pointed

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homoceral (rounded)


-large amount of surface area allows sharp turns and quick starts to avoid predators

-creates drag-fish tires easily

ex: clownfish, northern puffer

<p>symmetrical</p><p>-large amount of surface area allows sharp turns and quick starts to avoid predators</p><p>-creates drag-fish tires easily</p><p>ex: clownfish, northern puffer</p>
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homoceral (truncate)

-allows short bursts of speed to escape predator or constant slow swimming

-less drag than rounded

-bottom-dwelling fish

ex: flounder, sculpin

<p>-allows short bursts of speed to escape predator or constant slow swimming</p><p>-less drag than rounded</p><p>-bottom-dwelling fish</p><p>ex: flounder, sculpin</p>
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homoceral (forked)

for constant swimming over long distances, reduces drag

-open water fish

-do not need speed to feed or for protection

ex: many schooling fish, pilot fish

<p>for constant swimming over long distances, reduces drag</p><p>-open water fish</p><p>-do not need speed to feed or for protection</p><p>ex: many schooling fish, pilot fish</p>
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homoceral (lunate)

half moon shaped

-fast moving, oceanic fish

-less drag, great acceleration, reduced manueverability

ex: tuna, swordfish

<p>half moon shaped</p><p>-fast moving, oceanic fish</p><p>-less drag, great acceleration, reduced manueverability</p><p>ex: tuna, swordfish</p>
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asymmetrical: top longer than bottom

-medium speeed

-provides lift when no air bladder

-reduced maneuverability

ex: many sharks

<p>asymmetrical: top longer than bottom</p><p>-medium speeed</p><p>-provides lift when no air bladder</p><p>-reduced maneuverability</p><p>ex: many sharks</p>
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swimming patterns

fish exhibit a "s-shaped" swimming pattern

-depending on the type of fish, different fins may be used primarily for the forward movement

<p>fish exhibit a "s-shaped" swimming pattern</p><p>-depending on the type of fish, different fins may be used primarily for the forward movement</p>
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acquiring and processing food

mouth structure reveals dietary preferences of fish

ex: parrotfish beak (fused teeth) allows for the fish to scrape algae and other organisms off of hard surfaces

-butterfly fish used its long tube like mouth to feed on corals

-barracuda uses rows of sharp teeth and a wide mouth to capture prey

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posturing is used to show their aggression

-can include raised fins, open mouth, darting

ex: triggerfish

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reproduction in fish

hermaphroditic (possess male and female reproductive organs)

-some possess these structures at the same time (simultaneous hermaphrodites)

-other species possess these structures at different times during their life (sequential hermaphrodites)

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Born a female, change to a male

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Born a male, change to a female

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