AP Euro Unit 8B Vocab

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55 Terms


Lost Generation

Term is a nickname for the writers and artists of the 1920's and 1930's who used their art to express the anger of their generation who had suffered and died during the war.

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A satirical and nonsensical art movement that began during World War I as a reaction against the horrors of the war.

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An art movement of the 1920's and 1930's that tried to reflect the unconscious thoughts of the human mind.

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A modern architecture movement that developed in Germany during the 1920's and 1930's. The style favors simple, angular design and were driven by the motto, "Form follows function."

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League of Nations

An international organization created to be a way for nations to peacefully resolve disputes and avoid future conflicts.

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Treaty of Versailles

The primary agreement that brought World War I to an end. The treaty forced defeated Germany to accept sole responsibility for starting the war, stripped Germany of 13% of its territory, limited the size of its military, and placed massive reparations on the country.

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Weimar Germany

Name for the first German republic, established at the end of World War I in 1918 and lasting until the rise of Hitler's Third Reich in 1933.

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Frei Korps

Paramilitary groups made up of angry German veterans who attacked communists and supporters of the Weimar Repubblic.

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Term for money paid by the defeated to the victors following a war.

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Economic term for the rapid, excessive rise in prices. The worst one in history was in Weimar Germany during 1923.

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Ruhr Crisis of 1923

When Germany was unable to make its reparation payments in 1923, French troops occupied the Ruhr, Germany's industrial heartland. The crisis led to a gradual easing of Allied restrictions.

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Beer Hall Putsch (1923)

November 1923 failed attempt by Hitler and the Nazi Party to overthrow the Weimar government. Hitler was arrested an imprisoned after the coup failed.

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Dawes Plan

In 1924 the US began to loan Weimar the money needed to stabilize its economy and still make its reparation payments to France and Britain. The Plan helped Weimar recover from the hyperinflation of the early 1920's.

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Kellog - Briand Pact (1928)

An idealistic international agreement that pledged nations to never wage war as a means of resolving international disputes. It was quickly ignored.

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Great Depression

A massive global economic collapse that triggered unemployment and the virtual end of international trade. It led to the rise of radical political movements, both fascist and communist, all over the world.

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Indian National Congress (INC)

The oldest political party in India. The Congress Party was formed in 1885 and became the leading organization agitating for Indian rights and eventually independence.

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Mahatma Gandhi

Famed Indian nationalist leader, he led the INC from 1920 until his assassination in 1948. He led a campaign of non-violence against British rule that resulted in independence in 1947.

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Popular Front

Term for European governing coalitions that were made up of left-wing political parties, including socialist and even communist movements.

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totalitarian state

A government that exercises total control over every aspect of its citizens' lives. The Soviet Union under Stalin is the best example.

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Old Bolsheviks

Term for the original early Bolsheviks who had fought against the tsarist government before and during the Revolution. They were close confidents of Lenin. Stalin targeted them for elimination because he viewed them as political rivals.

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Show Trials

Term for the Soviet courts that were used to publically discredit well-known Bolsheviks who Stalin viewed as threats. The accused would frequently confess to being "enemies of the people."

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Red Army

The military force that fought for the communists in the Russian Civil War and later the army of the Soviet Union.

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A system of brutal Soviet concentration camps where political dissidents were sentenced to long terms of confinement. Millions perished in these camps.

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collectivization of agriculture

The disastrous communist policy of seizing privately owned farms and forming massive, state-owned farms. Agricultural production fell dramatically following this.

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state farms

Term for large, state-owned farms formed by the collectivization of formerly privately owned farms. They proved to be huge failures and could not produce enough food to feed the nation.

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These people were Russian peasants who were wealthy enough to own their own land and to hire farmworkers. They prospered under the NEP and were destroyed by Stalin.

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Geographic term for the massive region of Russia that is east of the Ural Mountains in Asia. It is noted for its size, savage beauty, natural resources, and bitter cold.

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5-Year Plans

The term used by Soviet economic planners to describe their ambitious plans to grow every segment of the economy, especially manufacturing and agriculture. They were mostly failures.

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Benito Mussolini

The Fascist dictator of Italy from 1922 - 1945. He established an authoritarian state that focused on nationalism and one-man rule.

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A political ideology that glorifies the nation, the people, the military, and is centered on the rule of a strong dictatorial individual.

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Term for the fascist paramilitary groups that battled anti-fascists in the streets of Italy. They were mainly angry young veterans.

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March on Rome (1922)

The theatrical October 1922 event staged by Mussolini and the fascists that led to the King naming Mussolini as Prime Minister. It inspired Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch the following year.

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Invasion of Ethiopia (1935)

In 1935 Mussolini attacked the independent Kingdom of Ethiopia in an attempt to avenge an Italian defeat in that nation in 1895 and to begin to build a new Italian empire.

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National Socialism (Nazism)

A radical, racist political ideology that glorifies the nation, the race, the military, and is centered on the rule of a strong dictatorial individual. It is similar to fascism, but adds racism to its beliefs.

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Paul von Hindenburg

A retired general who served as the President of the Weimar Republic. He appointed Hitler as Chancellor in 1933 which led to the eventual rise of the Third Reich.

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Adolf Hitler

The Nazi dictator of Germany from 1933 - 1945. He established an authoritarian state that focused on nationalism, aggressive foreign policy, anti-Semitism, and one-man rule.

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Enabling Act

A law passed by the Reichstag (parliament) in 1933 that granted Hitler dictatorial powers.

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Term for the nazi paramilitary groups that battled anti-nazis in the streets of Germany. They were mainly angry young veterans.

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Mein Kampf

A book, written by Hitler while in prison for the Beer Hall Putsch, it explains the beliefs and goals of the Nazi Party.

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Remilitarization of the Rhineland (1935)

Hitler's first challenge to the terms of the Versailles Treaty, he ordered German troops to cross into the region of the Rhineland. The failure of France or Britain to oppose the action inspired Hitler's further aggressions.

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German term for the unification of Germany and Austria in 1938, another violation of the Versailles Treaty.

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One of the new nations formed at the end of World War I from territory of the old Austria-Hungary. It was the most stable and successful of the new states, but it had a large German minority.

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Czechoslovakian Crisis (1938)

A crisis that developed when Germany demanded Czechoslovakia surrender the region of the Sudetenland or risk a war.

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successor states

Term for all the new nations that were created from Russian and Austro-Hungarian territory at the end of World War I.

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A mountainous region of Czechoslovakia that was home to about 3,000,000 ethnic Germans. It was the focal point of a crisis that nearly led to war in 1938.

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Munich Pact

A controversial 1938 agreement that became the symbol of appeasement, or the policy of giving in to a dictator's demands. Hitler was given the Sudetenland.

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Neville Chamberlain

The British Prime Minister who became the face of the failed policy of appeasement. Hitler's betrayal of the Munich Pact destroyed his reputation.

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The discredited policy of giving in to the threats of Mussolini and Hitler in the 1930's in hopes of preventing another war.

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Nuremburg Laws

Anti-Semitic laws passed by the Nazi government that began the persecution of the German Jewish minority.

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This violent attack on German Jews marked an escalation in the persecution that would eventually result in the genocide.

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Spanish Civil War (1936 - 1939)

A brutal ideological civil war that pitted a leftist government against a fascist supported opposition. Germany and Italy sent extensive assistance to the fascist side. The fascists won the war.

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General Francisco Franco

A Spanish military figure who became the leader of the fascist side during the Spanish Civil War. After winning the war, he went on to rule Spain until his death in 1975.

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Republicans (aka: Loyalists)

The leftist, pro-government side in the Spanish Civil War. They were supported by the Soviet Union and anti-fascists from all over the world.

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The fascist, anti-government side in the Spanish Civil War. They were led by Franco and received extensive support from Germany and Italy.

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Nazi - Soviet Pact

A shocking diplomatic non-aggression treaty signed by Nazi Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union. It freed Hitler to attack Poland one week later, starting World War II.

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