unit 4 outcome 1b

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meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

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economic sustainability

ensuring that the average incomes in all countries are adequate to sustain a decent standard of living and continue to rise inline with inflation and living costs in the future

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economic sustainability considerations

-innovation and diversity of industries

-job creation

-economic growth


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innovation and diversity of industries: impact on H&W

physical- the economy is more secure so more money can be continue to be provided for resources such as healthcare. better healthcare means people can be treated more efficiently

mental- increased anxiety and depression levels if countries rely on one industry because there is an issue with production then income and therefore economic growth will be negatively impacted

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employment: impact on H&W

mental- regular, decent income will decrease stress levels as people can afford essentials such as food, shelter and clothes.

social- better access to education for their children will create social interactions

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physical- countries that experience fair trade have decreased poverty due to increased income so more people around the world can afford nutrition and shelter decreasing malnutrition globally

spiritual- increasing fair trade increases income for government which means more money can be spent on education, this promotes feeling of purpose in life.

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economic growth: impact on H&W

physical- sustainable incomes of a country and its people ensure that essential resources remain affordable, such as food, thus decreasing rates of malnutrition

mental- if more services are available then stress and anxiety levels will decrease when people get sick because they know they can access a doctor

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social sustainability considerations

-elimination of poverty and the provision of social protection systems

-gender equality

-access to safe and decent working conditions

-promotions of political and legal rights

-peace and security

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elimination of poverty and the provision of social protection systems: impact on H&W

physical- having access to clean water reduces the risk of infectious diseases

mental- if social protection measures are in place globally then people around the world who cannot work can still access nutritious food, thus stress levels will be significantly decreased

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gender equality: impact in H&W

physical- women will be less likely to experience injuries as a result of violence

mental- decreased stress levels, as women will be less worried about the impacts of violence and discrimination

emotional- by having more say in their lives, females may feel more satisfied with life

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access to safe and decent working conditions: impact on H&W

physical- fewer people would be forced into prostitution which reduces the risk of contracting HIV

social- children would be able to stay in school and socialise with their peers

spiritual- safe and decent work promotes a sense of belonging

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promotion of political and legal rights: impact on H&W

mental- low stress and anxiety levels

physical- decrease risk of injury because when there is a strong legal system

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peace and security: impact on H&W

mental- decreased anxiety because people are able to live in their own home and attend work regularly

physical- decreased risk of injuries such as gunshots and landmines.

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environmental sustainability considerations


-use of natural resources

-waste removal and pollution

-climate change

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biodiversity: impact on H&W

physical: a balanced ecosystems promotes food security, increasing immune system function, decreasing risk of infectious conditions such as chest infections

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use of natural resources: impact on H&W

physical: when natural resources are allowed to regenerate they are the available as a food product.

mental: the land can be used ton make an income e.g. agricultural industry and ensuring access to basic necessities

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waste removal and pollution: impact on H&W

physical: when waterways are not polluted there is a decreased risk of waterborne diseases

social: children can attend school and adults can work when diseases is controlled leading to improved social conditions

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climate change: impact on H&W

physical: if climate change is minimised weather and rainfall patterns will stabilise reducing the number of deaths and injuries from natural diseases.

mental: predictable rainfall allows crops to be grown and promote food security, decreasing stress and anxiety

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human development

-creating an environment in which people can develop to their full potential and lead, productive, creative lives according to their needs and interests

-it is about expanding peopleā€™s choices and enhancing their capabilities, having access to knowledge, health and a decent standard of living, and participating in the life of their community and decisions affecting their lives.

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human development index (HDI)

a tool developed by the UN to measure and rank countries level of social and economic development. It provides a single statistic based on three dimensions and four indicators.

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dimensions of HDI

-a long and healthy life


-a decent standard of living

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indicators of HDI

-life expectancy at birth

-mean years of schooling

-expected years of schooling

-GNI per capita

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life expectancy at birth

an indication of how long a person can expect to live; it is the number of years of life remaining to a person at birth if death rates do not change

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means years of schooling

the average number of years of education achieved by those ages 25 and over

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expected years of schooling

the number of years of education expected for a child of school entrance age

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GNI per capita

the overall income of a country after expenses owing to other countries have been paid, divided by the population of the country

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advantages of HDI

-HDI takes more than just average incomes into account, so it provides a more comprehensive representation of the level of human development experienced

-the HDI is effective for analysing progress that is made by countries over time. the 4 indicators may experience differing rates of progress, but monitoring the overall HDI is useful for analysing the overall progress

-HDI is a composite statistic which makes comparisons easier, as it provides a single statistic relating to the 3 dimensions and 4 indicators

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limitations of HDI

-human development only reflects selected aspects of human development and therefore does not capture the richness and depth of human development

-HDI is based on averages and does not provide an indication of inequalities that exist within countries

-comparisons within countries can be difficult as data is often collected on a national level and therefore the reliability of data for measuring human development remains a challenge because of the difference definitions and measures used in measuring HDI

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global trends

-climate change


-world trade and tourism

-digital technologies that enable increased knowledge sharing

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implications of climate change

-rising sea levels

-changing weather patterns

-more extreme weather events

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impact of climate change on H&W- rising sea levels

-the need to relocate people close to the sea may mean they no longer have a home removing sense of belonging

-reduced availability of fresh water, having unsafe water can lead to increased infection

-reduced food availability, lower energy levels because less access to nutritious foods.

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impact of climate change on H&W- changing weather patterns

-increasing the incidence of infectious diseases, reduces physical activity

-bringing about extremes in temperatures which can restrict likelihood of physical activity

-changing the types of crops which can be grown, less nutritious foods and therefore lower energy levels

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impact of climate change on H&W- more extreme weather events

-floods and droughts increase the risk of diarrhoeal diseases

-warmer temperatures are likely to produce ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes leading to diseases such as malaria, dengue and yellow fever

-extreme weather events can cause homelessness increasing risk of injury and violence

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impact of conflict on H&W- destruction of infrastructure such as schools and hospitals

-limited access to supplies such as food and water such as healthcare leading to injury and disease being left untreated

-no food ands water can lead to low energy levels

-water/sanitation facilities and electricity supplies can be destroyed and thousands of people are at risk of dying from diseases

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impact of conflict on H&W- war crimes

-higher rates of injury and rape and abuse especially against women

-individuals are living in fear and being concerned for the health and wellbeing of themselves and their families

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impact of conflict on H&W- mass migration

-spread of infectious diseases

-children usually drop out of school to work or beg and women may be forced into selling sex to get food

-displaced women and children are particular at risk of sexual and gender-based violence, increased levels of domestic violence, child abuse and alcohol-related violence

-refugees are forced into crowded and unsanitary living conditions in refugee camps, this can lead to outbreaks of cholera and diarrhoea

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implications of conflict

-destructions of infrastructure such as schools and hospitals

-war crimes

-mass migration

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implications of world trade and tourism

-increased economic growth and employment

-exploitation of those in low and middle income countries

-environmental degradation

-the promotion on peace, security and environmental protection

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impact of world trade and tourism on H&W- increased economic growth and employment

economic growth promotes job creation and opportunities for people to be able to escape from poverty. with an income families can afford to send their children to school creating opportunities to develop relationships that promote social H&W

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impact of world trade and tourism on H&W- exploitation of those in low and middle income countries

in order to remain competitive on the global market, some people are employed by larger companies for low pay and in dangerous working conditions. this can increase the risk of work related injuries and contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety

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impact of world trade and tourism on H&W- environmental degradation

-increased tourism can place a strain on infrastructure and resources such as clean water and sanitation, increasing the risk of disease

-infrastructure may not be able to sustain increasing number of tourists which can contribute to environment degradation and impact environmental sustainability

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impact of world trade and tourism on H&W- the promotion on peace, security and environmental protection

-tourism can promote understanding between cultures and promote peace and security

-tourism can raise funds for environmental protection which promotes biodiversity

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implications of digital technologies that enable increased knowledge sharing

-increased and more effective communication

-greater access to healthcare

-improved disaster preparedness

-privacy and safety concerns

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impact of digital technologies that enable increased knowledge sharing on H&W- increased and more effective communication

-allows people to stay socially connected which promotes social H&W

-allows governments to collect population data which increases its ability to provide services that people require to promote their H&W such as healthcare and education

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impact of digital technologies that enable increased knowledge sharing on H&W- greater access to healthcare

-eHealth allows people to access healthcare via phones and internet. this can contribute to a greater access to healthcare which can reduce the impact of diseases and injuries

-allows researchers to share innovations in healthcare which can reduce the impact of ill health globally

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impact of digital technologies that enable increased knowledge sharing on H&W- increased disaster preparedness

people have greater access to warning relating to natural and human made disasters. this can reduce the risk of injury and death and reduce the levels of stress and anxiety

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impact of digital technologies that enable increased knowledge sharing on H&W- privacy and safety concerns

-increased digital technologies allow people to share information that can be harmful to health such as collaboration with terrorist groups and the development of home-made weapons

-children are often susceptible to online safety concerns such as bullying, harassment and grooming which impacts mental H&W

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