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Rhode Island
Roger Williams + Anne Hutchinson Banishment = Providence + Portsmouth.
Thomas Hooker + John Davenport = Hartsford + New Haven. Formal Orders of Connecticut = First Constitution.
New Hampshire
last New England colony. originally part of Mass Bay.
New England Confederation
First sight of unification. Fight off natives.
Catholic + Act of Toleration to Protestant and NO Act of Toleration after Protestant Revolt.
New York
To bridge Chesapeake with New England. Taxed and No Electoral Assembly.
New Jersey
Part of NY. Quit Rent. Religious Freedom and EA. Royal Colony.
William Penn. Quakers. Charter of Liberties = Religious Tolerance and Delaware.
Self governed. Lower 3 counties of Pennsylvania.
8 Lord Proprietors. Fundemental Constitution.
South Carolina
Agriculture + Slaves = Wealthy
North Carolina
Agriculture + Mountains = Not Wealthy
Debtors Colony. Buffer between English and Spanish. James Oglethorpe. Royal Colony.
All colonies had some form of _______
Electoral Assembly
Dominion of New England
New England Mega Colony by James II to exert economic dominance. Separated by William and Mary in Glorious Revolution
Parliment > Monarch Power. Influenced American Republicanism.
King Phillip's War (Metacom's War)
Decimation of Natives because of Colonial encroachment.
Bacon's Rebellion (1676)
Poor rise up against wealthy in Jamestown. Caused racial stratification.
Increase in demand for labor led to increased slavery which led to ______ and ______
Slave codes and Resistance (Stono Rebellion).
Middle Colonies
Religious tolerance
Colonial Families
Large and Male-Dominated
Colonial Economy
NE - Farming and Logging Middle - Staple Crops South - Agriculture
Socioeconomic hierarchy of the South
Planter Elite
Colonial Arts and Science
British Architecture and European Art.
Colonial Education
NE - Taxed - Harvard
Colonial Press
Enlightenment (1600 and 1700s)
Intellectual challenge to authority.
Francis Bacon
Empiricism - Knowledge comes from senses. Novum Organum.
Isaac Newton
Principia Mathematica - Pysical and Mechanical Laws.
John Locke
tabula rasa (blank slate). Gov there to protect Natural Rights.
Thomas Hobbes
To get out of state of nature people giving rights to gov.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Social Contract
Colony Regions
New England, Chesapeake, Southern
Adam Smith
The Wealth of Nations. Mercantilism to Capitalism. Invisible Hand.
A popular Enlightenment era belief that there is a God
The Great Awakening (1730s to 1740s)
Religious revival in declining religious enthusiasm. Johnathan Edwards (Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God) and George Whitefield - All Destined to Hell.
Religious Impact of the Great Awakening
More independent religious practices and Division (Old vs. New Lights).
Political Impact of the Great Awakening
Questioning Authority and religious autonomy and agency.
Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) - 1754 to 1763
Background - Minor religious tension but mainly for territory in Ohio River Valley. Beginning - Wealthy Virginia planters encroaching on French and Native territory in ORV. Albany Congress organize resistance against the French and Natives. No help from Britain. Eventually
Albany Congress
To organize resistance against French and Indians
Albany Plan of Union
Rejected plan to unify 13 colonies. Rejected because no authority to tax.
End of Seven Years War
Treaty of Paris - Britain gets America. Lots of Debt and Natives still in ORV.
Pontiac's Rebellion
Natives vs. British. Led to Proclamation of 1763.
Proclaimation of 1763
law forbidding English colonists to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains
Post 7 Years war British Actions
End of Salutary Neglect. Virtual Representation. Lord George Grenville - Sugar Act
Stamp Act led to....
Impacted wealthy. Led to Virginia Resolves (Patrick Henry) and Stamp Act Congress (James Otis) and Sons of Liberty.
Declatory Act
Repealed the Stamp Act but still who's your Daddy?
Second Phase of Crisis - Still Need Revenue from 7 Year war debt.
Townshend Taxes and writs of Assistance.
Massachusetts Circular Letter
By James Otis and Samuel Adams saying to rebel agains Townshend Taxes.