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Step 1: Before you shop
Identify your needs
Gather Information
Be Aware of the Marketplace
Step 2: Weighing the Alternatives
Identify what is important to you
Compare prices
Comparison Shopping
Step 3: Weighing the Alternatives
Identify what is important to you
Compare prices
Comparison Shopping
Step 4: After the Purchase
Maintenance and ownership costs
Product support
Rethink and Reevaluate your Decision
Creditors evaluate your income, debts, job, and salary to determine your ability to pay additional debts.
They may ask about your sources of income.
Creditors examine your assets and liabilities to ensure you have enough capital to repay the loan.
Assets can be sold in case of income loss.
Creditors assess the properties and savings you have that can be used as collateral to secure the loan.
If you default on the loan, they can keep the pledged collateral.
Lenders review your past credit usage to see if you handled credit responsibly.
They obtain a credit report detailing your debt history.
Credit rating is a measure of your ability and willingness to make credit payments on time, with 730 being considered a good score.